- bonded goods;goods in bond

Research on Financial Logistics Business Mode of Bonded Goods
If , upon approval , the bonded goods are not to be shipped out of China ;
Long – term Storage : Merchandise is allowed for stocking in FTPA without the time limit .
The paper estimated the scale of Wuhan comprehensive bonded zone using the forecasting bonded cargo quantity .
Bonded goods : Taxable goods held in a government-licensed warehouse pending payment of customs duties and other taxes due .
Transit goods shall be treated as bonded goods , and shall be exempted from duty if they are to be re-exported ;
The bonded goods must be re-transported out of the territory , or be re-transported after being processed out of the territory .
Where the entry goods for maintenance or the exit goods for processing , except those administered under the item of bonded goods , are concerned ;
" The operation of the storage , processing and assembling and consignment sales of Bonded goods shall Be approved By and registered with the Customs . "
As part of bonded goods shall be " bonded goods " method declaration , the customs office issues and the corresponding regulatory approaches and other trade goods means differ .
It also makes clear the definition of the bonded goods and bonded processing regulation , compares the change of processing regulation mode and the characteristics of new supervision mode in detail .
In cases where taxpayers undergo merger , division or regrouping of assets during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision , they shall report to the customs .
To sell bonded goods imported under special permission and other goods under the customs supervision and control or foreign means of transport already within the territory without permission by the customs and payment of the customs duty .
The term " bonded goods " means goods which have entered the territory with formalities of duty payment being exempted upon Customs approval and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored , processed or assembled in the territory .
In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation , disband , go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision , they shall report to the customs before liquidation .
Undertake the customs declaration , inspection declaration , distribution and other business for the goods of public bonded warehouse .
If the final products produced in the Zhuhai Park area are sold at home , the relevant provisions on the sale of goods of the bonded zones in domestic market shall be followed for the sale .
Goods intended to be sold in the non-bonded areas shall not be transported into the bonded area .
The goods of preemptive free tax zone , goods of free tax zone gives a division , be equivalent to an entrance , course of study of area foreign enterprise should declare an entrance first , handling export next !
However , it may not purchase goods manufactured by enterprises in the non-bonded area ; nor may it act as an agent for enterprises in the non-bonded area to import goods .
Traditional four-stage forecasting method is revised in this paper : trip generation forecasting is based on storage disposal capability of the zone ; traffic distribution forecasting is based on load and unload flow of freight in the zone and storage capacity of each traffic zone ;