
fù shuì
  • taxes;duty
赋税 [fù shuì]
  • (1) [taxes]∶田赋及各种捐税的总称

  • 赋税之繁重者,酌今昔而减之。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • (2) [duty]∶依照法律或习俗征收的款项,尤指应付给政府的费用

赋税[fù shuì]
  1. 乌拉差(一种包括徭役、赋税、地(畜)租在内的含义十分广泛的差税总称)

    corvee labor - a broad term covering not only corvee , but taxes and levies , and rents for land and livestock

  2. 但要想行之有效,就需要有更高的赋税。

    But to be effective , action would entail higher taxes .

  3. 赋税是按收入划分等级的。

    Tax is banded according to income .

  4. 众议院议长约翰·博纳表示,共和党和总统无法就削减开支和增加赋税达成一致意见,因此他正在努力完善B计划。

    House Speaker John Boehner says he is working on Plan B if a deal can 't be reached with the President to avoid automatic spending cuts and tax hikes .

  5. 而且旨在降低不公平和贫困的赋税优惠体系是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)成员国中最差的。

    And the tax-benefit system is the worst in the OECD at reducing inequality and poverty .

  6. 在资本主义国家里赋税沉重地压在劳动人民头上。

    Taxation bears hard on the laboring people in capitalist countries .

  7. 瑞典的赋税优惠体系将其贫困率减少了80%。

    Sweden 's tax-benefit system cuts its poverty rate by80 % .

  8. 这意味着所有美国人包括最富有的美国人赋税都会被减少。

    That means all Americans-including the wealthiest americans-get a tax cut .

  9. 少收赋税,就是给了人民实惠;

    When you impose light taxes , you give to them .

  10. 镇上也可以得到一些赋税收入

    And the town gets a little bit of tax revenue .

  11. 荀子财政赋税思想及其借鉴

    Xun Zi Finance and Tax Thought and Its Use for Reference

  12. 古罗马赋税名目考略

    A Verification of the Names of Tax in Ancient Rome

  13. 理想的赋税体系能够兼顾效率和公平。

    The ideal tax system strikes a balance between efficiency and equity .

  14. 有些人把自己的孩子当成赋税上缴。

    Men have had their own children taken to satisfy their debt .

  15. 对外来的茶叶不应再赋税。

    No more taxes on foreign tea should be paid .

  16. 我能征收赋税发动战争吗?

    Can I levy a tax or declare a war ?

  17. 中国皇权社会赋税制度的法理逻辑及其制度结果&从王税官课成为赋税制度基本形态谈起

    The Legal Theoretical Logic and Results of Taxation in Chinese Monarchical Society

  18. 体育赋税征收的归宿及税收减免的经济分析

    End-result of Sports Tax Revenue and an Economic Analysis of Tax Deration

  19. 论清代定额化赋税制度的建立

    On the Establishment of Ration Taxation System in Qing Dynasty

  20. 论述南朝赋税的征收方式。

    Elaborates collection way which the Southern Dynasty pays taxes .

  21. 如果伦敦取得奥运会举办权,赋税将进一步上升。

    Taxes will go up if London gets the games .

  22. 此制度的所需资金来源于全国保险税和赋税。

    This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation .

  23. 恩格斯曾把赋税比作政府的乳娘。

    Engels once compared taxes to the wet nurse of the government .

  24. 论清代赋税征收工具及其变迁

    Changes in the Instrument of Taxation in the Qing Dynasty

  25. 伪满洲国赋税制度述评

    Commentary about the Tax System of Puppet Manchuria Regime

  26. 唐后期山东地区赋税总量评估

    Gross tax evaluation of the " Shandong " area in late Tang Dynasty

  27. 佩林还说,奥巴马会提高美国人和小企业主的赋税。

    She said Obama would raise taxes on Americans and small business owners .

  28. 对征收新加的赋税人人都抱怨。

    Everyone grumbled at the imposition of new taxes .

  29. 国王把沉重的赋税加在老百姓头上。

    The king laid heavy taxes on the people .

  30. 政府通过降低赋税来扶持小型企业。

    The government supports small businesses by decreasing taxes .