
  • 网络Birding;bird watching;bird-watching;birdwatching
  1. 不如鼓励他去从事赏鸟活动或者打高尔夫球?

    How about encouraging him to take up bird watching or golf ?

  2. 这些望远镜是远距离观赏,赏鸟,观星,甚至完美。

    These binoculars are perfect for long-distance viewing , bird watching , or even stargazing .

  3. 我通常和我父母在山上赏鸟。

    I usually watch birds in the mountains with my parents .

  4. 赏鸟需要的是富余的时间,还有金钱。

    You need free time to watch birds , and money .

  5. 每天早晨他都要去公园赏鸟。

    Every morning he walked in his garden and watched them .

  6. 问题26.作者说了关于赏鸟的什么内容?

    Question 26 . what does the speaker say about bird-watching ?

  7. 她自从搬到伦敦,就热衷于赏鸟。

    She has gone in for bird-watching since she moved to London .

  8. 赏鸟人士在鸟类栖息的自然环境中观察它们。

    Bird watchers study birds in their natural surroundings .

  9. 我家附近就有几个相当好的赏鸟地点。

    There are a few good places to watch from quite near home .

  10. 赏鸟究竟是什么玩意儿?

    What 's bird-watching all about anyway ?

  11. 我们可以在春天的时候去赏鸟。

    We can go bird-watching in spring .

  12. 露比正设法说动她的朋友东尼陪她一起去赏鸟。

    Ruby is trying to get her friend , Tony , to go bird-watching with her .

  13. 或者,他们会参加某些团体,例如喜欢远足和喜欢赏鸟的团体。

    Or , they may join groups for people who like to take long walks or watch birds .

  14. 鸡场和孵化厂的业主及其工人必须严防与进口的装饰性玩赏鸟接触。

    Poultry farm and hatchery owners and workers should be especially cautious about contact with imported ornamental pet birds .

  15. 观鸟俱乐部还去过红树林,荔枝公园以及皇岗公园赏鸟。

    The Bird Watching Club has also been to Mangrove Park , Lichee Park and Huanggang Park to watch birds .

  16. 鸟儿飞过的时候你曾观察过麽?想更了解他们麽?那么尝试赏鸟吧。

    Have you ever watched wild birds fly past and wanted to learn more about them ? Then try birdwatching .

  17. 每一位赏鸟者对于自己、其他赏鸟者以及最重要的,对于鸟类具备有道德的责任。

    Every birdwatcher has a moral reasonability to themselves , to other birdwatchers and , most important , to the birds .

  18. 因为多样的地理环境和丰富的资源,垦丁国家公园变成宝岛著名的赏鸟地点之一。

    Because of its diversified geography and rich natural resources , Kenting natural park has become one of the island 's major bird-watching places .

  19. 为什么我要干所有的重活,而你又能小睡,又能免费“赏鸟”

    Well , why should I have to do all the heavy lifting while you just get to nap and see free model penis ?

  20. 如果你想知道赏鸟是怎麽一回事,或是有哪几种候鸟会过境台湾的话,就到关渡自然公园走一趟吧!

    If you are interested in learning about bird-watching or the species of migratory birds that stop by Taiwan , give Guandu Nature Park a visit .

  21. 并没有任何管理的单位可以将这项准则强加于赏鸟者的身上,但是赏鸟者本身可以遵守并且藉此激励其他人也同样如此。

    There is no governing authority to impose the Code to birdwatcher , But Birdwatcher themselves can help by abiding by it and encourage other to do so .

  22. 世界上大半地区会很像南北韩停战区,那里已有半世纪不见人烟,如今已成韩国赏鸟专家的圣地。

    Much of the world would come to resemble * Well , the Korean demilitarized zone , where no one has set foot for more than half a century , now a mecca for Korean bird watchers .

  23. 作为管理者,人们认为他是一个强硬的老板,有时候还粗暴无礼,严于律己也严以待人他通常每天工作13个小时(不过也会努力留出一些时间看书、跑步、赏鸟)。

    As a manager he is seen as a tough boss , at times abrasive , who demanded the highest standards of himself and others - he commonly works 13-hour days ( although he does manage some time off for reading , running and bird watching ) .