首页 / 词典 / good


shǎng shí
  • recognize the worth of;appreciate;win recognition from sb;esteem;think highly of;appreciate the worth of;recognition
赏识 [shǎng shí]
  • [esteem;think highly of;appreciate the worth of] 看中人的才能或了解作品的价值而予以赞赏

  • 这屠维岳也是已故老太爷赏识的人才。-- 茅盾《子夜》

赏识[shǎng shí]
  1. 这就挤走了那些不守成规、能够赏识印第安纳州加里(Gary)的杰克逊一家所拥有那等才华的人。

    That crowds out the freewheeling sorts with the ability to appreciate talents such as those possessed by the Jackson family of Gary , Indiana .

  2. EclipseRCP开发人员还赏识组成RCP的组件质量高、维护积极并且是开放源代码。

    Eclipse RCP developers also appreciate that the components that form RCP are of high quality , are actively maintained , and are open source .

  3. 她觉得无论同事还是上司都不赏识她。

    She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors .

  4. 他的才干在那家公司未受到充分赏识。

    His talents are not fully appreciated in that company .

  5. 我知道我的工作得到赏识后感到很高兴。

    It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated .

  6. 他以前的工作未让他感到受赏识和重视。

    He was in a job where he felt unappreciated and undervalued .

  7. 这个歌唱家在上学的时候就受到赏识了。

    The singer was discovered while still at school .

  8. 他的诗迟迟得不到赏识。

    His poetry was slow in achieving recognition .

  9. 他怨世人不能赏识他的才华。

    He railed at the world for its neglect of his genius .

  10. 有些艺术家死后才得到世人赏识。

    Some artists did not gain recognition until after death .

  11. 老将军很赏识这位年轻干练的指挥员。

    The old general appreciates the young capable and experienced commander very much .

  12. Meatinaseat(座位上的一团肉)指不被赏识的员工或者仅被商家当做收入来源的顾客;

    Meat in a seat refers to a customer or employee who is unappreciated or viewed only as a source of revenue ;

  13. 你若真那么被赏识,为何没得奥斯卡奖?

    If you 're so adored where 's your Academy Award ?

  14. 肯尼迪十分赏识他,在所有大使中对他评价很高。

    Kennedy , greatly admiring , rated him very high among his ambassadors .

  15. 那人又问:“那您怎么一次都得不到赏识呢?”

    The man asked again : " Then how is it that you have never won recognition ? "

  16. 他回答说:“我几次都得不到赏识。现在年纪大了,再也没有机会了,因此哭泣。”

    He replied : " Several times I have failed to win recognition . Now I am old and no longer have any opportunity . That is why I am weeping . "

  17. 一位私人金融机构的高管来找我做心理治疗,他向我透露,他需要被视为完美,以赢得CEO的赏识,这会抵御他童年时代曾受到排斥的恐惧。

    A senior executive in a private financial institution who came to me for psychotherapy revealed that his need to be seen as perfect in order to attain his CEO 's admiration defended him against fears of rejection he had suffered since childhood .

  18. 我认为董事会将十分赏识我们是如何善用国安局拨款的,Seibert校长,在这里我们有一个微机控制的等离子体…

    Kripke : I think the board will really appreciate how well we 're using that NSA grant , President Seibert . Right here we have a microcontrolled plasma ...

  19. 他的主要工作发表题为Tentamen试图提供一个严谨的基础几何,它是弗雷格和康托的作品的赏识易制毒化学。

    His major published work entitled the Tentamen is an attempt to provide a rigorous foundation to geometry ; it was an unappreciated precursor of the works of Frege and Cantor .

  20. Dauphinais说:“接下来,我会去找上司问明原因。”展开一段合理的对话来弄明白要提高你的工作需要什么样的技巧和经验,从而得到更多的赏识和薪酬。

    Next , says Dauphinais , " I would go to my boss and ask the reasons why . " Open a rational dialogue to understand what skills or experience you 'll need to improve your performance -- and earn more recognition and financial rewards .

  21. 安迪当然是这个月里最得老板赏识的人。

    Andy is certainly flavour of the month with the boss .

  22. 做为一名局外人,他一向十分赏识这位丽莉·巴特。

    As a spectator , he had always enjoyed Lily Bart .

  23. 我们大部分的人对被人赏识的欲望实在太强了。

    Most of us have too big an appetite for appreciation .

  24. 我是唯一赏识你的人。

    I 'm the only one that knows what you are .

  25. 我坚信老板会赏识你的才能的。

    I am sure that the boss will appreciate your talents .

  26. 赞美可以用来表达我们对某人的赏识。

    Compliments can be used to show our appreciation to someone .

  27. 工作得不到赏识难道不影响你的情绪吗?

    Doesn 't it bother you that your work is unappreciated ?

  28. 我非常赏识你可以有道德上的强硬路线。

    I would really appreciate you taking a moral hard line .

  29. 赏识学生;增强自信;提升自我。

    Appreciate a student ; Strengthen self-confidence ; Promote ego .

  30. 不要让我受到错误思想的影响,计算机科学家们都很赏识优雅的代码。

    Don 't get me wrong ; computer scientists appreciate elegant code .