
  • 网络lateritic red soil;latosolic red soil;latosolic red earths
  1. 腐植酸共聚物对赤红壤中活性铝的影响

    Effect of Humic Acid Copolymers on Aluminum Activity in Lateritic Red Soil

  2. 赤红壤旱地钾素的生物耗竭

    The bio-exhausting experiment of Potassium in the Upland field of Lateritic Red Soil

  3. 赤红壤表土育苗施石灰后施P、Zn、B对巨桉苗生长的影响

    Effect of Lime , P , Zn and B Nutrients on Growth of Eucalyptus grandis Seedlings on Latored Surface Soil

  4. 结果表明,在pH值<4.5条件下,去除氧化铁可使土壤对Al的吸附量有所增加,这种变化在赤红壤中尤为明显;

    Results show that under the condition of pH < 4.5 , removal of Fe oxide soil could increase the amount of aluminum adsorption by the soils .

  5. 基于DEM的广东省赤红壤全磷与地形因子相关分析

    Correlation Analysis on Soil Total Phosphorus Contents and Terrain Indices of Lateritic Red Soil in Guangdong Province Based on DEM

  6. 本试验利用~(32)P示踪法研究赤红壤上两种有机物料与过磷酸钙混合施用对磷有效性的影响。

    The pot experiments were conducted to study the availability of phosphorus from ~ ( 32 ) P-labelled superphosphate , hog manure , bagasse and their mixtures to stylosanthes guianensis CV . graham on latored soil .

  7. 赤红壤中添加DCD在同一培养时间均能显著降低土壤较高的铵态氮含量,提高硝态氮含量。

    The results indicated that adding DCD significantly increased ammonium content and decreased nitrate nitrogen content at the same time .

  8. 采用静态箱法研究了控释肥料和常规肥料处理对赤红壤稻田CH4排放的影响。

    Study on the effect of four kinds of fertilizers on CH_ 4 emission from paddy field was carried out in lateritic paddy soil by using close chamber method .

  9. 利用模拟淋溶实验测定了中国几种土壤(砖红壤、赤红壤、红壤、黄棕壤和紫色土)的风化速率,并研究了土壤pH值和降水量对土壤风化速率的影响。

    Through simulated leaching experiment , weathering rates of several soils ( including latosol , lateritic red earth , red earth , yellow brown soil and purplish soil ) in China , as well as the effects of soil pH value and precipitation rate on soils weathering , were studied .

  10. 旱地赤红壤钾素的Q/I特性

    Q / I Characteristics of Potassium in Upland Latosolic Red Soil

  11. 赤红壤贮水量变化过程的聚类分析研究

    Cluster Analysis of Process of Change in Water-holding Content of latored Soils

  12. 丘陵赤红壤降雨入渗产流模型及其变化特征

    Mathematical Model and Dynamic Characteristic of Rainfall-infiltration-runoff of Latored Soils in Hills

  13. 赤红壤不同轮作形式的效益研究

    Study on Benefits of Different Crop Rotation Patterns in Latored Soil Utilization

  14. 华南赤红壤物理性状的研究

    Study on the physical properties of lateritic red earth in South China

  15. 赤红壤开垦利用后生态环境的变化

    Change in the ecological environment of reclaimed lateritic red earth

  16. 广西赤红壤区的资源优势、问题与科工农贸综合开发

    Advantage , problem and integrated development of laterite red loam in Guangxi

  17. 赤红壤水土流失区发展持续农业的存在问题及对策

    Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Developing Sustainable Agriculture in Latored Soil Erosion Regions

  18. 赤红壤上作物根际的磷素化学动态及生物有效性

    Chemical Dynamic and Bioavailability of Phosphorus of Crop 's Rhizosphere in Crimson soil

  19. 不同阔叶树种的生长及其对赤红壤肥力的影响

    Growth of different broad-leaved trees and its effects on latosolic red soil fertility

  20. 秆粪肥在赤红壤中的矿化研究

    Study on humification and mineralization of different kinds of stalk-dung fertilizers in latored soil

  21. 赤红壤旱耕熟化过程腐殖质性质的变化

    Variations in Properties of Humus in Lateritic Red Earth during Dry Farming Mellowing Process

  22. 赤红壤在不同农作制中养分平衡的研究

    A study of nutrient balance in different cropping systems on a lateritic red soil

  23. 高聚物对土壤结构改良的研究Ⅲ.聚丙烯酰胺对赤红壤的改良研究

    Studies on Polymeric Soil Structure Amendments ⅲ . Amelioration to Lateritic Red Soil by Polyacrylamide

  24. 腐植酸接枝共聚物对赤红壤改良的研究

    Study of Amelioration to Lateritic Red Soil by Copolymer of Humic Acids Grafted Vinyl Monomer

  25. 南安侵蚀丘陵赤红壤立体种植经营模式研究

    Study on the model of multiple storey planting and management in eroded hill of Nanan

  26. 水土流失对赤红壤微生物主要生理功能类群的影响

    Effects of Soil and Water Loss on Lateritic Red Soil Major Microbial Physiological Function Groups

  27. 赤红壤丘陵区坡地果园集流槽和覆盖试验研究初报

    Preliminary Study on the Catch-pit and Cover in Hilly Orchard Management in the Latosolic Red Soil Region

  28. 赤红壤施用中、微量元素肥料对甘蔗产量与糖分的效应

    Effect of medium and micro elements fertilizers on the yield and sugar of sugarcane in latored soils

  29. 异养硝化好氧颗粒污泥培养条件研究造纸污泥堆肥与赤红壤模拟培养中活性铝释放特性

    Research on active aluminum release behavior by simulating experiment with paper mill sludge compost and red soil

  30. 模拟酸雨对鹤山赤红壤风化过程的影响

    The Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Weathering Process of Lateritic Red Soil in Heshan , Guangdong Province