
  • 网络equatorial axis
  1. 花粉粒极轴长19.17~39.23μm,赤道轴长12.84~20.87μm,为中等偏小型花粉;

    The polar axis of the pollen grams is 19.17 ~ 39.23m , and the equatorial axis 12.84 ~ 20.87m , which belong to middling near small .

  2. 用极坐标法描述四合体花粉的新方法可以表现其饱满度,比较传统上用极轴、赤道轴的长短表现花粉平面大小的方法,更加准确而直观。

    The shapes and forms of tetrahedral tetrads grains may be described with a new method of polar coordinate that is more exact and more direct than with traditional measurement method of polar axis ( P ) and equatorial axis ( E ) .

  3. 长赤道轴大于45μm,属于大的花粉。

    Pollen grains are large with the longest axis more than 45 μ m.

  4. 而花粉的形状大小、极轴长和赤道轴长、外壁纹饰中的网脊粗细、网孔大小、孔频等随材料不同而异。

    But the shape and size of pollen , length of P and E , width of net lines , size of net aperture , net porosity among different materials were different .

  5. 两者花粉粒极面观、赤道面观及表面纹饰相似,而极轴长与赤道轴长之比(P/E)差异显著。

    The polar views , equatorial views and exine ornaments of pollen grains were similar between 86-3 and ' Red Sun ', while the length ratios of polar axis and equatorial axis ( P / E ) were distinctively different .