
qiáng zhèn
  • Strong earthquake;strong shock
强震[qiáng zhèn]
  1. GPS时间序列与强震预测研究

    The study of the relation between the GPS time series and the strong shock

  2. 渭河断陷盆地的强震背景

    Background of the strong shock in the Weihe graben basin

  3. 强震观测数据库建设与Internet服务

    Construction of strong motion database and Internet service

  4. 中期强震预报的TIP方法原理及其应用

    Principle of tip method and its application to medium-long term prediction of earthquakes

  5. 每个小区历史上都发生过MS≥7.0的强震。

    There all were strong quakes with M S ≥ 7.0 historically in each small area .

  6. 本世纪云南强震(Ms≥6.0)的气象特征研究

    Study on meteorological features to strong earthquakes ( m ≥ 6.0 ) occurred in Yunnan in this century

  7. 序列的a、b值接近西南强震,P值则略偏低。

    The results show that the a value and b value are close to the southwest China strong seismic sequence and P value is a little small .

  8. 基于CH方法的新疆强震前显著地震特征研究

    Characteristic study on the significant earthquake before strong earthquake based on CH method in Xinjiang

  9. 在对7次7级左右强震进行震例研究表明,震前Cr值出现明显高值异常。

    The results of seven earthquake cases with magnitude about 7 show that the Cr value is unusually high before the earthquakes .

  10. 表明CN算法可作为强震中期预测的手段之一。

    Thus , it is thought that CN algorithm used as one of medium term prediction mean of strong earthquake .

  11. 利用GPS、连续倾斜和地震活动性资料分析了伽师地区构造活动的特点和伽师强震群的动力背景。

    On the basis of the data of GPS , continuous tilt and seismic activity we researched the tectonic characteristics in southern Tianshan mountain area and dynamic background of 1997 Jiashi earthquakes .

  12. 在强震群活动中定量计算并扣除前面强震序列的影响是正确估算后续强震序列频度衰减系数h值的关键。

    For a strong earthquake swarm , the key to the accurate estimation of the frequency attenuation coefficient h value of ensuing strong earthquake sequence lies in the quantitative calculation and subtraction of foreshock sequence effect .

  13. 结果还表明,华北地块现今强震活动主要受NW走向断裂的控制。

    It shows that recent strong earthquakes are mostly controlled by active faults with NW strike in the North China block region .

  14. 基于PEER数据库中的强震数据,充分分析了以往用于表征近断层地震动潜在破坏势参数随相对断层距的变化,并以其中适合划分近断层区域的破坏势参数划分了近断层区域。

    Depending on the PEER strong ground motion database , the variation of damage potential parameters with NRD is analyzed , and then the near-fault region is defined according to some appropriate parameters .

  15. 结合震例研究强震前水平位移场在NS向和EW向的时间和空间的分布特征。

    The authors studied the temporal and spatial distribution of the horizontal displacement fields in EW component and NS component before strong earthquakes by analyzing strong earthquake examples .

  16. 结果表明,在云南地区MS≥6强震前断层形变群体异常显著,尤其是成组强震前,群体异常信息较为丰富。

    The result shows that in the Yunnan region , the swarm fault deformation anomaly is very obvious before M_S ≥ 6.0 strong earthquakes , especially before the grouped strong earthquakes , the anomaly information is more abundant .

  17. 本文利用远震P波及SH波和区域地震P(nl)波波形反演方法,测定了华北9次强震的断层面解、震源深度及地震矩。

    The source parameters of 9 strong events in the North China region have been determined with a joint moment tensor inversion of teleseismic and regional distance body waves ( P , SH , Pnl ) .

  18. 本文在Kanamori等人研究工作的基础上,发展了一套强震观测数据的实时处理技术,分析了递归滤波器设计参数q与所对应的低频截止频率fc以及相位校正的定量关系。

    Based on the research of Kanamori etc. , the relation between the design parameters of recursive filter and its corresponding Low frequency cut-off frequency is obtained and quantitative phase adjustment is analyzed .

  19. 本文用CN算法研究了我国近期大陆东部和西部南北带及邻近区域共23次强震前的TIP,即强震发生概率增长时间。

    Time of increasing probability ( TIP ) of occurrence prior recent 23 strong earthquakes of eastern part , and N-S earthquake zone and its adjacent area of Chinese mainland is studied using CN algorithm .

  20. 简单介绍了GPRS强震无线数据传输系统的研发背景,对GPRS业务做了一定的阐述,着重介绍了强震无线数据传输系统的网络结构、功能特点和系统组成。

    The background of developing the strong motion wireless data transmission system based on GPRS was introduced briefly in this paper . The network structure , function , characteristics , composition were also introduced in detail .

  21. 用改进的M8算法研究了1979年以来我国华北、西南及邻近地区共16次强震前的TIP,即强震发生概率增长时间。

    This paper presents a positive research of TIP before 16 strong earthquakes occurred in North China and Southwest China and their adjacent area since 1979 by using the improved M8 algorithm .

  22. 强震地电阻率异常范围大多在300km以内,趋势异常的时间在12个月以内发震的概率最高,为86.5%;

    That range of a strong event is mostly within 300 km , and that possibility within 12 months is 86.5 % ;

  23. 信号震与强震的距离不超过200km,多数在100km之内;

    The distance between the signal shock and the strong earthquakes is no larger than 200 km and most of them are within 100km ;

  24. 应用地震视应变异常区预测强震发生地区的R值为0.458,预测强震发生地区的经验概率为0.625,具有比较好的预测效果。

    The R value of the application of the abnormal region of seismic apparent strain to predicting the area of strong earthquake occurrence is 0.458 , and the empirical possibility of forecasting the region of macroseism occurrence is 0.625 , and so the forecasting effect is comparatively well .

  25. 2002年12月17日玉门ML4.5地震的强震仪多条记录资料分析

    Analysis on records of strong motion accelerograph in Yumen m_l4.5 earthquake on dec.17,2002

  26. 华北第三地震期强震(M7)累计地震应变能较第四期约大一个数量级。

    The magnitude of cumulative seismic strain energy for the strong earthquake in the third seismic period is about an order larger than that in the fourth period .

  27. 在此基础上提出两阶段土地利用适宜性评价方法、以50a超越概率为基础的强震地面断裂适宜性评价分级和相应的工程建设适宜性。

    The results give a two-stage analytical assessment method for land use , suitable SGSR levels based on 50 year probabilities , and suggestions for engineering construction methods .

  28. 系统研究了多种地震活动性方法后认为,1970年以来华北地区发生的Ms≥5.8中强震前,约83%具有3级或4级地震异常条带、孕震空区及信号震出现。

    After studying different kinds of earthquake activities systematically , we have found that about 83 % of the anomalous seismic bands , seismogenic gaps and signal earthquakes with magnitudes 3 or 4 appeared at the same time before moderately strong earthquakes ( ML36 ) since 1970 in North China .

  29. 在这些强震中距离台站250km范围以内发生的地震有7例,正确预报的有4例,占57%。

    In 7 strong earthquakes that occurred in a range within 250 km from the borehole strain stations , 4 were accurately predicted , which make up 57 percent of 7 events .

  30. 根据固体类流态与地震绝对分形的一致性,利用Cu-Zn-Al合金类流态振荡的时间序列预测新疆、四川等地区的地震活动,发现在一年尺度强震的预报上具有较好的效果。

    Because fractal of quasi-fluid and earthquake are coherence , the earthquake motion of Xinjiang and Sichuan were forecasted by taking advantage of time series of quasi-fluid region , finding that the predict effect was better time span of one year .