
  • 网络dominating language
  1. 英语在香港一直享有强势语言的地位。

    English has been the " prestige norm " in Hongkong .

  2. 这就是强势语言影响弱势语言的典型例子。

    This is the example of influential languages affecting weak languages .

  3. 汉语成为强势语言的可能性及其实施策略

    The Possibility and Executive Strategy that Chinese Would Becoming a Kind Of Powerful Language

  4. 文化工业和现代传媒的合谋已经造成了大众文化的独白化,在文化工业的强势语言的言说下,大众的想象力已经丧失。

    The union of culture industry and modern medium caused the soliloquy of mass culture .

  5. 有的海外评论家认为,汉语正在逐步的上升为新的世界的国际强势语言。

    Some overseas critics think Chinese has become a new international dominant language all over the world .

  6. 这三个问题分别涉及到一个国家的强势语言、少数民族语言和外语的教育政策。

    The three issues are concerned with educational policies of dominant language , minority language and foreign language , respectively .

  7. 随着中国实力的强大,汉语语言也成为世界上新的强势语言。

    With the rapid development of China , Chinese language has been one of the most important language of all over the world .

  8. 在信息化社会里,通用语言、强势语言发挥着与信息技术一样的先进生产力作用。

    In an information society , general language and strong language both play the role of advanced production force as information technology does .

  9. 由于强势语言不断扩散,在外部环境上给少数民族语言造成很大的压力,使大批少数民族语言成为濒危语言。

    The constant spread of the majority languages imposed an external pressure on the minority languages , among which many are becoming endangered languages .

  10. 首先,在都安瑶族自治县,瑶语并不是当地的强势语言,一些瑶族本民族的人也已不说瑶语,瑶族母语使用范围和频率在减弱。

    There are three features : Firstly , in Du ' an county , the mother tongue of Yao people has not been widely used .

  11. 强势语言是开放代码,欢迎你使用它来表达开放的,久而久之大家使用管了它更强了;

    Strong language is open source , you are welcome to use it to express the open , over time we use the tube it is stronger ;

  12. 第二,通过媒体和商业渠道,这些双语消费者接触到包含了强势语言和弱势语言在内的双语营销刺激物。

    Second , through the media and other commercial channels , these bilingual consumers are exposed to bilingual stimuli that contain both the dominant and the non-dominant language .

  13. 分析显示,从语言模因角度对畅销书名进行的分析是可行的,畅销书名是强势语言模因作用的结果。

    Analysis reveals that it is feasible to probe into bestseller titles from the perspective of memetics and that present bestseller titles are results from functions of strong language memes .

  14. 因此,本文在实践部分着重比较研究了中美强势语言、少数民族语言和外语的教育政策,剖析了各自的语言教育政策特点,并提出了美国语言教育政策对中国语言教育政策的启示。

    So this dissertation is to probe from chapter five to chapter seven into the educational policies of dominant language , minority language and foreign language in China and US .

  15. 在全球化的经济中,一台电脑就能处理世界各地的信息,弱势语言为强势语言所取代是必然的趋势。

    In a globalized economy where a computer is all that is needed to access information all over the world , it is inevitable that weaker languages are replaced by the more dominant ones .

  16. 满足顺应标准的文化负载模因能跨过语言和文化的藩篱成为强势语言模因,以在目标语认知环境中更好地生存下来。

    The culture-loaded words which satisfy the adaptation objects mentioned above can be transmitted across language and cultural barriers to be strong language memes , hereby , to preferably survive in the target cognitive environment .

  17. 双语消费市场的基本特征是:第一,消费者在母语(强势语言)环境中长大,并在此基础上学习了另一门语言(弱势语言);

    Bilingual consumer markets include two key characteristics . First , consumers grow up with a native language ( dominant language ) and in addition learn to speak and read another language ( non-dominant language ) .

  18. 总体上而言,和、或互换并不是一种强势的语言现象。

    Generally speaking , the interchange of " he " and " huo " is not a dominant language phenomenon .

  19. 语言强势模因分为两类:形式强势模因和内容强势模因;翻译的最终目的是创造强势语言模因,既可以是形式强势模因也可以是内容强势模因。

    It is pointed out that since strong language memes can be divided into two types : strong memes in form and strong memes in content , the ultimate purpose of translation is to create strong language memes , either strong memes in form or strong memes in content .