
mín zú tuán jié
  • national unity
  1. 他把自己标榜成民族团结与和睦的捍卫者。

    He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony .

  2. 当前影响民族团结和社会稳定的因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Currently Affecting National Unity and Social stability

  3. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  4. 我们希望阿富汗塔利班同阿富汗各党派、各民族团结起来,建立符合阿富汗自身国情、广泛包容的政治架构,为阿富汗实现持久和平奠定基础。

    We hope the Afghan Taliban can form solidarity groups in Afghanistan , and build a broad-based and inclusive political structure suited to the national realities , so as to lay the foundation for achieving enduring peace in the country .

  5. 在前任总理、亿万富翁萨阿德·哈里里(SaadHariri)领导的民族团结政府解体后,米卡提于今年1月被提名为总理,并开始着手组建新一届政府。

    Mikati was selected to form a new cabinet in January , after the government of his predecessor Saad Hariri , also a billionaire , collapsed .

  6. 民族团结关乎着社会稳定与国家兴衰。

    Ethnic unity education concerns social stability and country promote decline .

  7. 民族团结与和谐社会建设&一种社会学的解读

    National Unity and Harmonious Social Construction & An Understanding with sociology

  8. 维护民族团结,促进祖国统一;

    Safeguarding the national unity , promoting the unity of the nation ;

  9. 《当代世界经济与政治》课的民族团结教育思考

    A National Unity Education Thinking about " Contemporary Economies and Politics "

  10. 必须扎实有效地做好加强民族团结、构建和谐社会的各项工作。

    And effectively streng the n national unity and construct a harmonious society .

  11. 批评与自我批评是加强民族团结的有力武器

    Criticism and Self-criticism Is a Strong Weapon for the Strengthening of National Unity

  12. 进行民族团结和社会稳定的教育;加强革命传统的教育;

    Strengthening the education of national unity , social stability and revolutionary tradition ;

  13. 它包含了人们国家认同意识、民族团结意识。

    It contains consciousness of one national identity and consciousness of national unity .

  14. 广西当代民族团结进步历史考察及现代意义

    Historical Investigation and Modern Significance of Ethnic Solidarity and Progress of Contemporary Guangxi

  15. SiriwanTorpradit说,她希望看到民族团结的回归。

    Siriwan Torpradit says she wants to see a return of national unity .

  16. 柬埔寨救国民族团结阵线

    National United Front of National Salvation of Cambodia

  17. 我们必须坚定地维护民族团结。

    We must firmly uphold the national unity .

  18. 对和田经济发展、社会稳定和民族团结起着无法替代的作用。

    It is important for Hotan economic development , society stability and people comity .

  19. 津巴布韦“争取民主变革运动”领导人茨万吉拉伊拒绝非洲联盟提出的建立民族团结政府的呼吁。

    Zimbabwe Opposition Rejects Unity Government , Mbeki Mediation

  20. 保山市青少年民族团结教育现状调查报告

    A Survey of National Unity Education Among Juniors

  21. 奖给为促进民族团结友好尽到最大努力或做出最大贡献的人

    Who shall have done the most or the best work for brotherhood between nations

  22. 维护民族团结促进共同发展是构建和谐社会的重要内容

    Safeguarding National Unity and Promoting Common Development are Important Parts in Constructing Harmonious HeiLongjiang Province

  23. 菲律宾民族团结委员会

    Commission on National Integration of the Philippines

  24. 悠久的中华文化,成为维系民族团结和国家统一的牢固纽带。

    The age-old Chinese culture becomes a strong bond for ethnic harmony and national unity .

  25. 在操作上应着力于政治教育、法制教育与民族团结教育。

    This practice need to focus on political education , jural education and national solidarity education .

  26. 起义民族团结领导小组;

    Unified leadership of the intifada ;

  27. 今日之中国,政治稳定,经济发展,民族团结,社会进步。

    Today 's China features political stability , economic development , national unity and social progress .

  28. 民族团结与和解政府

    Government of National Unity and Reconciliation

  29. 坚决反对分裂祖国和破坏民族团结的行为。

    We will resolutely oppose any activity aimed at splitting the motherland or undermining ethnic solidarity .

  30. 基于文化认同的涵化是探讨民族团结教育深化的重要视角;

    Cultural identification is a significant perspective fo the promotion of the education for ehinic Unity .