
mín gē
  • folk song;ballad
民歌 [mín gē]
  • [ballad;folk song] 起源于或流传于一个国家或地区的老百姓中间并成为他们独特文化一部分的歌曲

民歌[mín gē]
  1. 这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。

    The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song .

  2. 这首优美的歌曲是以一首古老的民歌为基础的。

    This beautiful song is based on an old folk song .

  3. 这个文娱节目由民歌乐队演出。

    The entertainment was provided by a folk band .

  4. 他把传统民歌改编成钢琴曲。

    He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano .

  5. 民歌是他的另一个始终不渝的爱好。

    The folk-song world was another of his abiding interests .

  6. 流行音乐从民歌演变而来。

    Popular music evolved from folk songs

  7. 这场演出气氛紧张,观众中有人朝着迪伦大叫“犹大”,指责他抛弃了他的民歌根基。

    It was a pulsating session in which a member of the audience shouted ' Judas ' at Dylan for deserting his folk roots .

  8. 这些诗有民歌风味。

    These poems have the distinctive flavour of a ballad .

  9. 这首诗有民歌风味。

    This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad .

  10. 我们在组织一次民歌演唱晚会。

    We are getting up an evening of folk singing .

  11. 那个小姑娘记得好多民歌。

    The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart .

  12. 她开始用钢琴演奏那首民歌。

    She struck up a folk melody on the piano .

  13. 目的探讨民歌VCD形式在贵州少数民族地区进行儿童计划免疫IEC策略传播方式。

    OBJECTIVE To explore the ethical song 's VCD spreading mode of children planning immunization ethical ( IEC ) strategies in minority region , Guizhou Province .

  14. 民歌WaltzingMatilda被誉为澳大利亚民族之歌,在澳大利亚可谓家喻户晓。

    " Waltzing Matilda " is reputed as a national song of Australia , known to all in that country .

  15. 知道中文流行歌的歌词,也(者)KTV唱过。歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。

    You know the lyrics to Mando-pop songs and / or have sung them in KTV . The singer led off with a popular ballad .

  16. 葡萄牙民歌法朵(fado又译为命运歌)与布鲁斯、弗拉门戈有着相同的乡土气息,需要与时俱进。

    Fado , the Portuguese folk music with the same raw essence as blues and flamenco , moves with the times .

  17. 传统的挪威歌曲(kvad)、民歌和短曲、即兴歌曲(stev)是三类最大的民族音乐。

    Traditional Norwegian songs ( kvad ), ballads and short , often improvised songs ( stev ) are three of the biggest types of folk music .

  18. 初探浙江畲族民歌的旋法特征

    The Characteristics of Tune-method in the She Nationality Song in Zhejiang

  19. 今流传下来的清代民歌集不下三十种。

    This survived folk set for thirty kinds of qing dynasty .

  20. 20世纪的汉族民歌研究(四)

    Research On the Han National Folk Songs in 20th Century (ⅳ)

  21. 这支民歌在这个地区非常流行。

    The folk song has a good run in this area .

  22. 湖南靖县多声部民歌音乐研究

    On the Ballad Music with Multi-voice Part of Hunan Jing County

  23. 南宁国际民歌节的成功、遗憾与创新论中国传统民歌文化在当代的传承、发展、繁荣

    Nanning International Folk Song Art Festival : Success , Regret and Innovation

  24. 试析蒙古族长调民歌的意境美

    On the Beauty of Artistic Conception of the Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

  25. 蒙古长调民歌源远流长,拥有独特的风格和特点。

    Tone folk song has a long history and a unique style .

  26. 第一章,古代维吾尔族民歌的发展概况。

    The first chapter introduce the ancient Uygur folk sessions .

  27. 扬州民歌与吴歌比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Folk Songs in Yangzhou and the Wu Songs

  28. 在这些作曲家们的创作中不可或缺的主要因素就是民歌。

    A major factor in these composers writing is the folk song .

  29. 《诗经》十五国风是十五个地方的民歌。

    The fifteenth Feng is local ballad of fifteen places .

  30. 贵州彝族民歌的转调手法

    Modulation Methods in Folk Songs of the Yi Nationality in Guizhou Province