
mín yòng háng kōng
  • civil aviation;commercial aviation
民用航空[mín yòng háng kōng]
  1. 《民用航空安全保卫条例》修订草案规定,国内所有民航从业人员都必须接受安全背景调查。

    According to the draft of the revised Regulation on Safety and Security of Civil Aviation , all of the country 's civil aviation personnel must undergo background security investigations1 .

  2. 我国还将继续载人月球探测等研制工作,重点加快推动北斗导航等国家重大科技工程在民用航空等领域应用落地。

    China will continue to research manned lunar exploration , and will foster the application of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System ( BDS ) and other major projects in civil aviation and other fields .

  3. 民用航空正遭受冲击,不是因为人们长久以来的对速度、浪漫主义和魅力的渴望,而是应对气候变化已迫在眉睫。

    Civilian aviation is being disrupted , not by the age-old desires for speed , romanticism and glamour , but by the pressing need to respond to a changing climate .

  4. Air(初三适用)国际航空运输及管理规则&兼述我国民用航空法

    International Air Transportation and Its Management Regulations & Overview of the China Civil Aviation Law As Well

  5. 中国加入WTO对民用航空运输产业发展产生了深远的影响。

    China 's entering into WTO has made profound effect on the development of Civil Aviation of China .

  6. 基于反向传播(BP)神经网络,建立了民用航空航段安全风险评估模型。

    This research built a flight phase safety risk assessment model basing on Back Propagation ( BP ) neural network .

  7. RFID技术在民用航空工业的应用

    RFID Technology in Civil Aviation Industry

  8. 为了确保飞行器的飞行安全,使GPS真正成为民用航空导航可用的单一导航系统,需要解决的关键问题是其完好性的问题。

    Integrity performance is the key to assure the stringent safety requirements of flight , and to take GPS as the sole-means of civil aviation navigation .

  9. 最后,民用航空局cab对民航包括航线,运费和津贴有管辖权。

    Finally , the Civil Aeronautics Board cab has jurisdiction over civil aviation , including routes , rates , and subsidies .

  10. 从股权结构上看,中航信与各大航空公司与中国民用航空局(CivilAviationAdministrationofChina,简称“民航局”)是利益共同体。

    Ownership structure from the point of view , in a letter with all the major airlines and aircraft CAAC ( Civil Aviation Administration of China , referred to as " CAA ") is the community of interests .

  11. 基于Acrobat插件技术的链接式民用航空规章

    Linking Civil Aviation Regulations Based on Acrobat Plug-in Module

  12. 据美国联邦航空管理局的发言人劳拉•布朗(LauraBrown)称,国会限制美国联邦航空管理局在国际民用航空组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganization)的建议之外,对机上电池供电设备进行更多限制。

    Congress has limited the FAA 's ability to place restrictions on battery-powered devices on airplanes beyond the recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization , according to Laura Brown , an FAA spokeswoman .

  13. X航空是典型的国有民用航空运输企业,目前正处在整个公司战略转型和二次创业的关键时期,同时却又面临着诸多困难和问题。

    The X Air is a typical state-owned civil aviation enterprise , although it is in a crucial period of strategic transformation and second undertaking , the whole enterprise faced with many difficulties and problems .

  14. 以可靠性为中心的维修(reliabilitycenteredmaintenance,RCM)己经为国际民用航空界所广泛采用,其原因是可靠性工作在提高飞行安全和降低维修费用等方面发挥着非常重要的作用。

    Reliability Centered Maintenance ( RCM ) has been popular in international civil aviation , the reason is that reliability could play an important role to enhance flight safety and reduce maintenance cost .

  15. 不过中国民用航空总局表示,通告非官方所发。北京警方和CCTV后来均从社交平台上撤下了那则通告。

    Yet according to CAAC the notice was ' not official , ' and indeed , both the Beijing police and CCTV later took it down .

  16. 这一总结基于民用航空公约《芝加哥公约》(ChicagoConvention)的标准,此前13个国家的船只和飞机对这架波音777客机进行了大规模搜寻。

    The conclusion , based on criteria set out in the Chicago Convention on aviation , comes after a huge search by vessels and aircraft from 13 countries for the Boeing-777 airliner .

  17. 今年春天,马来西亚交通部(TransportMinistry)发布了关于马航370航班的初步报告,报告中唯一的建议是:希望联合国下属的国际民用航空组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganization)评估引进实时追踪标准的安全益处。

    In the spring , the Malaysia Transport Ministry issued a preliminary report on Flight 370 with a single recommendation : that the United Nations " International Civil Aviation Organization examine the safety benefits of introducing a standard for real-time tracking .

  18. 这是联合国机构、国际民用航空组织(ICAO)的文件。

    This is a document of the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ), a United Nations agency .

  19. 欧盟还表示,如果各方通过联合国(un)下属的国际民用航空组织(icao)达成一项类似的国际协议,那么欧盟将会放弃自己的计划。

    The bloc has also said it would scrap the plan if there were a comparable international agreement through the United Nations civil aviation body , known as ICAO .

  20. 它们遵循国际民用航空组织(ICAO)发布的计算机可读护照的标准。

    They follow standards for machine-readable passports that have been issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) .

  21. 随着民用航空工业的发展,飞机数目的持续增加,当前的SSR系统存在不少制约发展的因素,为克服这些限制,人们提出了S模式。

    With the development of international civil air industry and the increasing of the number of airplanes , there are many factors which restrict the development of SSR . To overcome the restriction , Mode S SSR was put forward .

  22. 研究表明该成本分析法在航空公司具有较好的适用性,同时,研究表明ATA成本分析法在民用航空领域是一种国际通用的成本分析方法。

    The researches indicate this cost analytic method which has great serviceability in airline . At the same time , we prove that the ATA cost analytic method is a international cost analytic method in the field of airline .

  23. 其质量体系是根据中国民用航空条例CCAR-145《民用航空器维修单位合格审定规定》的要求建立起来的,其目的是为了保证部件维修后的持续适航性。

    Its quality system is established in accordance with CCAR-145 : Certification of Maintenance Organization for Civil Aircrafts , which guarantees the airworthiness of the repaired parts .

  24. 中国民用航空局(CAAC)昨日在一份声明中表示,由于例行性军事演习,包机和私人飞机飞行计划申请全部暂停,同时要求商业航空公司减少华东多数大型机场的起降航班。

    All unscheduled or private aircraft flights have been suspended and commercial airlines have been ordered to cut the number of routes in and out of most big airports in eastern China because of routine military exercises , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said in a statement yesterday .

  25. 卫星导航新进展及对民用航空的影响

    New Development of Satellite Navigation and Its Effect on Civil Aviation

  26. 开发水陆两栖飞机发展民用航空运输

    Amphibian Exploration & a Way to Development of Civilian Air Transportation

  27. 民用航空空中交通管制自动化移交-AIDC技术的应用

    Civil aviation air traffic control automation of transfer supply of technology-AIDC

  28. 安全-保障国际民用航空免受非法行动干扰

    Security - Safeguarding International Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference

  29. 民用航空发动机状态监视和故障诊断系统研究

    A condition monitoring and fault diagnosis system for civil Aeroengines

  30. 民用航空标准体系表简介

    Brief Introduction of the Civil Aviation 's Standard System Table