
mín bàn
  • civilian-run;run by the local people
民办 [mín bàn]
  • [run by the local people] 民间开办(对国营或官办而言)

  • 民办学校

民办[mín bàn]
  1. 高等教育民办的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of the Higher Education Run by the Local People

  2. 论民办学校的范畴和性质

    On the Category and Character of Schools Run by the Local People

  3. 你对民办教育持什么观点?

    Where do you stand on private education ?

  4. 数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。

    China has 186700 private schools as of 2020 , accounting .

  5. 此外,针对民办学校和教育培训机构责任人,还可采取依法罚没违法所得、责令停止招生,以及吊销从业许可证等问责方式。

    In addition to those punishments , private schools and tutoring institutions can be fined , ordered to stop student enrollment8 , and have their operating permits and business licenses9 revoked10 .

  6. WTO视野下民办中学品牌教育及其策划

    The Brand Education of Nongovernmental Middle School & Its Planning Under WTO

  7. ISO9000族质量管理体系在民办中小学校的运用探索

    Research on the Application of ISO9000 Quality Management System Standards in Private School

  8. 利用SWOT分析工具,进行战略定位,提出民办普通高等学校如何打造核心竞争力的战略制定及选择。

    And with SWOT analysis tool , it also presents the strategic establishment and selection of how Chinese non-governmental colleges and universities create their core competency in the higher education market .

  9. 主要包括优化的目标、设计程序、绩效考核方法的选择,考核周期和考核频率的确定、绩效考核指标体系的设计等;第四章提出了XX民办高校教师绩效考核体系的实施保证。

    It mainly includes the optimizing optimum objective , design program , the choice of performance appraisal methods , the confirmation of examination cycle and assessment frequency , the design of performance evaluation indicator system , etc. ; The fourth chapter proposes implementation guarantee of teachers ' performance assessment system .

  10. 解放思想转变观念积极发展民办高等教育

    Liberate Thought , Change Idea , Actively Develop Civilian-run Higher Education

  11. 民办高校发展与政府资助研究

    On the Development of Private University and Research in Government Aids

  12. 民办二级学院后勤社会化的实践与思考

    Thoughts and Practice of Logistics Socialization of the Privately-run Second-class College

  13. 民办高校解决了中国高等教育与社会市场需求相脱节的问题。

    It solves the problem between higher education and society needs .

  14. `民办高职院校是高等教育的重要组成部分。

    Private vocational colleges are an important part in higher education .

  15. 民办高校发展困境及其对策

    The Developing Plight of Non-governmental Higher Education Institution and Its Countermeasures

  16. 民办设计研究所的探索

    A Probe of Collective Research-design Institute , Echeng , Hubei Province

  17. 民办学校经营的竞争力困境及对策研究

    Private Schools Run by the Competitiveness of the Plight and Countermeasures

  18. 民办高校人文教育理念的构建与实施

    The Construction and Implementation of Humanistic Education Concept in Private Colleges

  19. 民办高职院校应当树立科学发展观

    Setting up the idea of scientific development in private high education

  20. 陕西民办高等教育发展与规范研究

    Study on the Development & Standardization of Civilian-run Higher Education in Shaanxi

  21. 规范民办中小学管理工作若干问题讨论

    On some issues of standardizing management work for nongovernment schools

  22. 节约型社会背景下的民办高校节约型校园建设

    On the Economical Construction of Private Universities in Economical Society

  23. 因此,对民办院校师资建设战略进行研究是很有意义的。

    So it is meaningful to study the strategy of constructing teachers'team .

  24. 中国民办学校发展轨迹

    The Path of Development of the Nongovernmental Schools in China

  25. 客观公正地看待民办高等教育质量

    Objectively and Fairly Looking on the Education Quality of Civilian-run Higher Education

  26. 民办高校的实践教学与实验室建设探讨

    The Practice Instruction and the Laboratory Construction in Non-Governmental Colleges and Universities

  27. 结论:民办高校大学新生心理问题检出率较高,应予关注。

    Conclusion : students ' mental problems of civil college were obvious .

  28. 民办高等教育发展若干重要问题的探讨

    Investigation of Some Important Questions about the Development of Civilian-run Higher Education

  29. 民办高校经营与管理新探

    New Investigation in the Management and Administration of Civilian-run Colleges and Universities

  30. 民办高校教师职业过劳的成因与对策分析

    Reasons and Solutions to the Job Burnout of Teachers in Non-Governmental Colleges