
mín zú ɡuān xi
  • Ethnic relations;relation between nationalities
  1. 本文主要论述了风俗习惯与民族关系的互动影响。

    The thesis discusses the interactive influence about the customs and habits and the national relationship mainly .

  2. 在新时期,西部地区构建社会主义和谐民族关系的其他障碍性因素主要有:发展水平、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、民族心理、国际因素。

    In the new time , the other barrier factors of the western area construction harmonious socialistic ethnic relations in our country mainly have : the level of development , religious belief , customs , national psychology , international factors .

  3. 关于实施以德治国与弘扬民族精神关系问题的研究

    Research on Relationship between Running the Country with Morality and Ethos

  4. 正确处理西部民族经济关系

    Properly Dealing with the Relationships in Nationalities Economy in the West

  5. 包装设计的时代特征和民族性关系的思考

    Reflection on Relationship between Epoch Characteristics and National Quality of Packaging Design

  6. 青海花儿曲令风格与多民族文化关系浅议

    The Relation between the Style of Huar Tune in Qinghai and Multinational Culture

  7. 汉字与汉民族文化关系密切。

    Chinese characters and Chinese cultures are closely related .

  8. 近现代壮族与周边民族的关系

    On the Relationship between Zhuang Nationality and the Neighbouring Nationalities in Modern Times

  9. 我们的目标是改善警方与少数民族的关系。

    Our aim is to improve relations between police and the ethnic minorities .

  10. 处理少数民族之间关系的政策

    The Policy in Handling the Relations between Ethnic Groups

  11. 广西融水苗族与广西侗族的关系近于与其他少数民族的关系。

    There was little difference between Guangxi Rongshui Miao national minorities and the Guangxi Dong .

  12. 对各民族相互关系的认识;

    The cognition to interrelationship between nations ;

  13. 从文化适应的角度看东南亚华人与当地民族的关系

    Relationship between Ethnic Chinese and Local Race in Southeast Asia from the Perspectives of Acculturation

  14. 美国政府一直对中国处理新疆民族紧张关系的做法持批评态度。

    The US administration has been critical of Chinese handling of ethnic tensions in Xinjiang .

  15. 五代十国政权与西南少数民族的关系周人天神信仰源自西北说补证

    The Relations between Regimes of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and Minority Nationalities in the Southwest

  16. 从图腾文化痕迹看中韩古代民族之关系

    Relation between the Chinese people and the Korean people in perspective of the vestiges of Totem

  17. 美国德裔人与当地民族的关系初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Relations between the American Ethnic German and the Local Ethnic Groups

  18. 他们对体育的热诚与澳大利亚的民族性关系紧密。

    The intense enthusiasm for sports is in close relationship with the national identity of Australia .

  19. 族际通婚是最直接的反映民族之间关系的重要指标之一。

    Cross-national marriage is one of the important indexes at the most direct reflecting nation relationships .

  20. 所以汉族和少数民族的关系一定要搞好。

    It is thus imperative to foster good relation between the Han people and the minority nationalities .

  21. 民族共生关系分析模型及评价指标体系研究

    A Study of Analysis Model and Evaluation Index System for the Symbiotic Relations among Various Ethnic Groups

  22. 东南亚华人青年如何看待华人与当地民族的关系

    The Relationship between Ethnic Chinese and Local Nationalities : Views from Young Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia

  23. 围绕利益的独得和共享,民族政治关系呈现出冲突与整合两种基本模式。

    Conflict pattern and integration pattern of ethnic political relation were brought about sharing interest or monopolizing interest .

  24. 满蒙文化关系是我国民族文化关系中的一个重要内容。

    The relationship between Manchu culture and Mongolian culture is an important part in Chinese cultural relationship of nationalities .

  25. 宗教与民族历来关系密切,没有脱离民族的宗教,也没有不信仰宗教的民族。

    Religions and nationalities have the close ties . There are not either religions without nationalities or nationalities without religions .

  26. 华夷关系的博弈论分析&以与草原民族的关系为例

    An Analysis of Hua-yi Relationship Based on the Game Theory & A Case Study of the Relationship with the Nomad Nationalities

  27. 第主部分重点论述了新疆古代宗教文化与民族演变关系产生的特殊背景。

    Section three emphasizes the special background of the production of religious culture and national evolution in ancient times of Xinjiang .

  28. 广东汉族与其他省份的汉族不同,与少数民族的关系特别密切。

    The Han ethnic group in Guangdong is different from the Hans in other provinces and has specially close relations to ethnic minorities .

  29. 常州学派的思想反映了儒学一旦要解决国家或地方性难题时,会自觉依靠本身没有意识到的民族社会关系。

    The history of ideas in Ch'ang-chou mirrored the social configurations that Confucians there unconsciously presupposed as they grappled with local and national political issues .

  30. 18世纪末-19世纪中叶吧城华人与当地民族的关系&以吧城华人公馆《公案簿》档案为中心的个案分析

    Case Studies on Ethnic Relationship between Chinese and Native People in Batavia during the End of the 18th Century To the Middle of the 19th Century