
  • 网络Heraclitus;Heracleitus;Heraclitus of Ephesus
  1. 赫拉克利特挖掘了思维中“逻各斯”的认知能力;

    Heraclitus reveals the cognitive capacity of Logos in thinking .

  2. 政治哲学的雏形:赫拉克利特思想管窥

    The Rudiments of Philosophy of Politics : Analysis of the Idea of Heraclitus

  3. 他们告诉我,赫拉克利特,他们说你已经死去。

    They told me , Heraclitus , they told me you were dead .

  4. 赫拉克利特政治哲学刍议

    On the Philosophy of Politics of Heraclitus

  5. 赫拉克利特朴素辩证法思想述评

    Simple Talking about the Dialectics of Herakleitos

  6. 我们或许应强调语言连接的标识诠释时,赫拉克利特的思想。

    We should probably emphasize the linguistic connections of logos when interpreting Heraclitus 's thought .

  7. 〕古希腊早期明确而深刻地探讨了和谐思想的哲学家当首推毕达哥拉斯和赫拉克利特。

    Early ancient Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Herakleitos made the first thorough study of " harmony " .

  8. 因此,赫拉克利特找到了一种作为生命基础的统一的物质,那就是火。

    Thus in fire Heraclitus found a unifying substance in nature that serves as a basis for life .

  9. 亚历山大、盖耶斯和庞培与第欧根尼、赫拉克利特、苏格拉底比较起来是什么人呢?

    Alexander and Gaius and Pompeius , what are they in comparison with Diogenes and Heraclitus and Socrates ?

  10. 赫拉克利特是古希腊时期的一位重要的哲学家,政治哲学是其哲学的重要组成部分。

    Heraclitus was a important philosopher of ancient Greece times philosophy of politics was important ingredient of his philosopher .

  11. 其次在自然哲学时期的正义思想中主要探讨了毕达哥拉斯和赫拉克利特的正义思想。

    And the part of the justice ideology in natural philosophic period mainly discusses the ideology of Pythagoras and heracleitus .

  12. 我们认为,赫拉克利特所阐述的万物的变化有两种形式,一种是“战争”式的,另一种是“河流”式的。

    We think , the transformation of everything which Heraclitus claimed has two forms : one is warlike and another river-like .

  13. 赫拉克利特继承并发展了毕达哥拉斯的和谐思想,他提出的和谐产生于斗争的思想深刻地表达了辩证法的精髓,因而是一种辩证的和谐观。

    Herakleitos developed pythagoras ′ s harmonious theory , and raised that harmony resulted from conflict which expressed essence of dialectic .

  14. 我会在很多观点上指出联系,这些联系也针对赫拉克利特。

    I 'll point out these connections at various points , these connections to Heraclitus at various points as we go .

  15. 在哲学史上,赫拉克利特的体系约相当于这个阶阶的逻辑理念。

    In the history of philosophy , this stage of the logical idea finds its analogue in the system of Heraclitus .

  16. 尼采将一元论与很多相关观点,联系,等下检验赫拉克利特,从希腊悲剧时代的哲学看。

    Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we 'll examine with Heraclitus , so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks .

  17. 这种学说在古希腊哲学发展史上,并不是作为爱利亚学派思想先驱而存在的一种过渡性理论,而是在赫拉克利特之前、继毕达哥拉斯之后又一新兴的思想体系。

    In the development of the ancient Greek philosophy history , Not that this theory is a transition thought as Elea school , but that is a rising thought system after Pythagoras and before Herakleitos .

  18. 本文将西方游戏说的演变历程可分为四个阶段:古希腊的游戏说,思想的主题是世界,代表人物为赫拉克利特、柏拉图。

    This article Evolution of Western games that can be divided into four phases : the ancient Greek games , said , thought the theme of the world , and representatives as Heraclitus , Plato .

  19. 如怀特海所言,真相是变动的,就像赫拉克利特很久以前说的那样,尼采持类似观点,我们也是。

    All reality is process as Whitehead was moved to observe by his study of20th century physics and as Heraclitus remarked long ago Nietzsche 's beings are be comings as Richardson says and so are ours .