
shēnɡ wù dà fēn zǐ
  • biomacromolecule;biological macromolecules
  1. RNA是一类重要的生物大分子,在生物体生长发育的各个阶段均发挥重要功能。

    RNA is a kind of very important biomacromolecule that plays huge roles in the organisms .

  2. 小分子与生物大分子间非共价相互作用分析方法研究进展

    Progress in Analytical Methodologies in Non-covalent Interactions Between Small-molecule and Biomacromolecule

  3. 重离子致生物大分子DNA损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of DNA Radiation Damage Induced by Heavy Ions

  4. 国产洋红霉素对生物大分子DNA的影响

    Effects of home-made carminomycin on bio - macromolecule DNA

  5. DNA和蛋白质是生物体中重要的生物大分子。

    DNA and proteins are key biological moleculars .

  6. 最早用于研究生物大分子高分辨结构的是X射线晶体学。

    X-ray crystallography was the first method for structural determination of macromolecular complexes .

  7. RNA诱导沉默复合体中的生物大分子及其装配

    Components and Assembly of RNA - induced Silencing Complex

  8. 简单总结了频率上转换技术在色氨酸、蛋白质和DNA等生物大分子动力学研究方面的应用。

    The applications and achievements of the frequency upconversion in dynamic studies of tryptophan , proteins and DNAs are simply summarized .

  9. 阿克拉霉素B作用机制的研究&Ⅰ.阿克拉霉素B对小鼠白血病L(1210)细胞生物大分子含量及合成代谢的影响

    Effects of Aclacinomycin B on Biological Macromolecular Contents and Synthesis of L_ ( 1210 ) Cells

  10. Internet能够为我们提供大量的有关生物大分子序列、结构和功能的数据、软件、工具、文章及相关的资源。

    Internet can provide a large amount of data , software , tools , papers and related resources about sequence , structure and function of biomacromolecules to us .

  11. 生物大分子功能的研究:&酵母甘露聚糖对8.2Gy~(60)Coγ-射线辐照小鼠的辐射防护作用

    Studies of Functions of Biological Macromolecules : Radioprotective Effect of Yeast Mannan on Irradiated Mice with 8.2 Gy 60 Co γ ray

  12. 经过适当的粗粒化和符号化,生物大分子(DNA、RNA、蛋白质等)也可表示成一维符号序列的形式。

    Through appropriate coarse graining and symbolization , biological macromolecules ( DNA , RNA , protein ) can be represented as one dimensional symbol sequences .

  13. 本文主要从生物大分子成像和生物分子间相互作用力测定两个方面介绍AFM在生物医学领域中应用的新进展。

    This article reviewed the application of AFM imaging and force measurement in biology and medicine .

  14. 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleicacid,DNA)是一类重要的生物大分子,是遗传信息的携带者和传递者。

    Deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) is a class of important bio-macromolecule , and it is the carrier and transmitter of genetic information .

  15. 药物中间体生产的GMP管理喹诺酮药物与生物大分子的相互作用

    GMP for Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Intermediates in Chemical Works Study of the Interaction between Quinolones and Bio-macromolecules

  16. GO巨大的比表面积以及表面上大量的含氧基团,对含有芳香结构的化合物和DNA等生物大分子显示出很好的吸附和负载效果。

    With a huge specific surface area and also a large quantity of oxygen groups , GO shows good adsorption and loading effects of compounds with aromatic structures , DNA and other biological macromolecules .

  17. 分子动力学方法(MD)是一种广泛应用于各种不同体系模拟的方法,它可以适用于从生物大分子到金属等多种不同的体系中。

    Molecular Dynamics method is a widely used modelling tool for simulating different systems from metals to biomacromolecules .

  18. 随着分子生物学的发展,利用生物大分子数据,尤其是DNA序列分析,对研究和揭示菌物的系统发育具有重要的意义。

    With the newest developments in molecule biology , using data of big biology molecule especially DNA sequence analysis , play an important role in investigating and revealing the phylogenesis of fungus .

  19. 相关谱技术在生物大分子检测上的应用目前应用广泛的两种相关谱技术包括:光子散射相关谱技术(photonscatteringcorrelationspectroscopy,PSCS)和荧光相关谱技术(fluorescencecorrelationspectroscopy,FCS)。

    Application of Correlation Spectroscopy Technique in Measurement of Biomacromolecule Photon scattering correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy are two major types of correlation spectroscopy .

  20. 在学习和记忆过程中,伴随有脑内RNA蛋白和多糖等多种生物大分子的合成增多,其间必然涉及多种基因的表达。

    During the process of learning and memory , the increased synthesis of RNA proteins and polysaccharides in the brain concerns the expression of multiple genes .

  21. XeCl准分子激光辐照生物大分子对其结构影响初步研究&Ⅰ308nm紫外激光辐照小牛胸腺DNA的电镜观察与分析

    Study of the Effect of XeCl Excimer Laser Radiation on Biomacromolecule Structure BTG DNA

  22. 随着高分辨核磁共振(NMR)仪和多维NMR技术的快速发展,近年来高场NMR仪已成为测定生物大分子在溶液中的三维结构的最强有力的手段。

    The rapid development of high resolution NMR spectrometers and multi_dimensional technology make it possible to determine 3D solution structures of proteins or nucleic acids .

  23. 表面质膜共振(SPR)技术是一种监测生物大分子之间特异结合反应的物理方法。

    Surface plasmon resonance technique is a physical method to measure the special binding affinities of biological macromolecules .

  24. 研究结果显示,pH调控可有效增强PLL/HA和PLL/DNA多层膜的指数增长行为,能够实现生物大分子多层膜的快速构建。

    The data indicate that pH controlled assembly can enhance the exponential growth behavior of PLL / HA and PLL / DNA multilayers , and realize the rapid fabrication of biomacromolecule multilayers .

  25. c-myc反义RNA对NIH/3T3、人胃癌细胞生长及生物大分子合成的影响

    Effects of c myc antisense RNA on cell growth and biological macromolecule biosynthesis of nih / 3t3 cells and human gastric cancer cell lines

  26. AMS研究无铅汽油添加剂MTBE及TBA与体内生物大分子的化学作用

    Chemical Reaction of Lead-free Gasoline Additives MTBE and TBA with Biological Macromolecules in Vivo Studied by AMS

  27. 分子马达是广泛存在于细胞内部的具有马达功能的酶蛋白生物大分子。生命活动中的许多过程都是基于分子马达的运动,如肌肉的收缩,细胞的有丝分裂,DNA的复制。

    Molecular motors are one kind of enzyme proteins which exist in cells and play an important role in the process of muscle contraction , intracellular transport , DNA duplication , mitosis and so on .

  28. 量子点可作为荧光标记修饰在蛋白质、DNA、RNA等生物大分子上,从而实现分子的诊断、检测等分析具有重要的意义。

    Quantum dots can be used as fluorescent modification in protein , DNA , RNA and other biological macromolecules , thus to achieve molecular diagnostic testing , analysis is of great significance .

  29. 目的:以牛血清白蛋白(BSA)为模型药,探讨乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA)用于包裹生物大分子药物的可行性。

    Objective : To prepare PLGA microspheres for the delivery of biopharmaceutical macromolecular drugs and use BSA as the model drug .

  30. 另外,共振瑞利散射法还可以用于测定两亲生物大分子&血红蛋白(hemoglobin,其结构类似于表面活性剂)的第一临界胶束浓度值。

    Furthermore , RRS method can also be used to determine the FCMC of an amphiphilic macromolecule , hemoglobin , whose structure resembles a surfactant .