
  • 网络biological computing;Biocomputing;BioComputation
  1. 生物计算是计算机科学在生命科学中形成的一个研究领域,通过用计算机科学的知识和相关的算法对生物学领域内的数据进行加工、存储、检索与分析。

    Biocomputing or bioinformatics is a new research field that uses knowledge and algorithms of computer science to process and analysis data of biology data from bio-applications .

  2. 超级刀片计算机上任务并行生物计算程序的效率优化

    Strategies for efficiently improving the performance of task-parallel biocomputing programs on super blade computer

  3. DNA序列处理是生物计算非常重要的内容,但序列问题的规模往往很大因而很难直接求解。

    The processing of DNA sequences is a very important aspect in Computational Biology .

  4. 生物计算越来越受到人们的关注,尤其是DNA计算。

    Biological computing receives more and more attention , especially the DNA computing mode .

  5. 论文根据当前研究复杂生物计算问题的需要,提出了一种基于Internet的分布式计算系统的解决方案。

    The paper introduces an Internet-based distributed computation system to meet the demand of complex problems in biological computation .

  6. DNA分子生物计算所消耗的能量只有一台电子计算机完成同样计算所消耗的能量的十亿分之一;

    The energy consumed by DNA molecular biology computing is billionth of that consumed by one conventional computer .

  7. DNA计算机原理、进展及难点(Ⅰ):生物计算系统及其在图论中的应用

    DNA Computer Principle , Advances and Difficulties ( I ): Biological Computing System and Its Applications to Graph Theory

  8. 在过去几年里,一些富有卓见的研究人员已经衔接了生物计算和实际的DNA计算之间的间隙。

    Over the past few years , some insightful researchers have bridged the gap between the biological computing theory and actual DNA-based computation .

  9. 本文探讨了生物计算中最受关注的DNA计算中的一些算法及编码问题。

    In this paper , some problems on algorithm and coding are studied within DNA computing , which is the most popular subfield of biomolecular computing .

  10. DNA固定化在核酸化学、生物计算、基因芯片制作等方面有着不可替代的重要作用。

    The immobilization of DNA on support has substantial applications in numerous cases , such as in the chemistry of nucleic acid , DNA computing and gene chip , etc.

  11. 利用当前网格计算和服务最新技术WEBService,设计并实现了基于网格计算环境的蛋白质折叠模拟的分布式计算模型,在生物计算领域有着重要的应用价值。

    To deal with the exigent demand of biology computing , basing on the representative application of protein pucker simulation , this paper uses the new technology of Web Service , designs and realizes the distributing computation model .

  12. TT-DCP可以用来求解生物计算中的多序列比对、motif查找等问题。

    TT-DCP can be used to solve computational biology problems like multiple sequence alignment , motif finding , etc.

  13. 分子生物计算是当今世界科学前沿的研究热点。

    Bio-molecular computation is a hot research field in international scientific frontier .

  14. 生物计算,是近些年来新兴出现,又是一个异军突起的新型交叉学科。

    Biological computing is an interdisciplinary subject which is newly developed and flourished in recent years .

  15. 膜计算是生物计算的分支,是从生物活细胞的功能和结构中抽象出来的计算模型。

    Membrane computing , inspired from the architecture and the functioning of biological cells , is a branch of biology computing .

  16. 在第二章中,提出了把参数算法应用于生物计算,以减少生物计算的空间复杂度的思想。

    The idea to use parameterized algorithm to deduce the space complexity of DNA computing is given in the second chapter .

  17. 网格工作流系统通过组合网格计算结点上的资源为生物计算等领域的复杂计算任务提供了支持。

    Grid workflow system aims at orchestrating resources on the grid sites to support complex application in fields such as biology information .

  18. 由于分子生物计算领域研究者的兴趣已从验证性的算法阶段开始走向实际应用,所以研究通用分子生物计算机是一件重要且有趣的事。

    As the interest in molecular computation has already advanced from validating algorithms to practical applications , developing concepts and general-purpose bio-molecular computers are important and interesting .

  19. 考虑在一种新的生物计算装置(即脉冲神经膜系统)上处理任意两个自然数的乘积问题。

    In this paper , the authors consider the problem of performing multiplication of two arbitrary natural numbers on a new class of bio-inspired computing devices & spiking neural P systems .

  20. 近年来,结合特定理论的图像分割技术研究随着新的智能计算、进化计算、生物计算等方法的不断提出而变得愈来愈成为图像分割技术研究的热点。

    In recent years , with putting forward new methods of intelligence calculation , evolving calculation , creature calculation , algorithms of image segmentation combining the particular theories are becoming research hotspot .

  21. 串匹配算法是计算机科学领域中一个重要的基础研究领域。在文本处理、数据压缩、搜索引擎、生物计算,以及网络安全等大量的应用中,都需要进行串匹配。

    String matching is an important basic research field in computer science and it occurs naturally as part of text processing , data compression , search engine , computational biology and network security .

  22. DNA计算和膜计算是生物分子计算最具代表性的两个分支。

    DNA computing and membrane computing are two of the most representative branches of biomolecular computing .

  23. 由于生物DNA计算的局限性,遗传算法可以作为DNA计算进行复杂优化问题求解的桥梁。

    Therefore , GA can be utilized as a bridge for DNA computing to solve complex optimization problems .

  24. 结果表明,以密度计算的H′值比以生物量计算的H′值更能反映污染状况;

    The results showed that the density H ′ value more clearly reflect polluting situation than the biomass H ′ value .

  25. 通过常量、静态和动态三类视图构成的Web视图模型解决了生物信息计算与数据资源共享的统一概念抽象。

    Through the constant , static and dynamic view component of the Web view model , uniform conceptive abstraction of bioinformatics computing and data resource share is solved .

  26. 本课题将免疫系统和生态系统的一些相关原理和机理,尤其是其突现行为,应用到Internet网络中,提出了一种新颖的生物网络计算模型,设计了该计算模型的总体框架。

    In the thesis , we apply the correlated theories and mechanisms , especially emergent behaviors , to the Internet , and bring forward a novel bio-network computing model , and design the model 's whole architecture .

  27. MS-302生物信息计算分析系统测定清洁级Wistar大鼠生理学指标的应用

    MS-302 Analytical System is Used to Determine Physiological Norm on Clean Wistar Rats

  28. TP-Miner:基于生物启发计算的警用流动人口分析系统

    TP-Miner : Transient Population Analysis System Based on Bio-inspired Computation

  29. 建立生物网格计算环境,可以有效解决当前生物计算面临的问题。

    Establishing biological Grid environment can solve those problems of biological computing .

  30. 生物启发计算是在生物界自然现象或过程中获得灵感启示下,研究开发的智能计算模型。

    Bio-inspired Computing is the intelligence-computing model enlightened by natural intelligence and biological processes .