
  1. 蛋白质组学为研究眼部细胞生命活动规律和眼科疾病病变机制提供了一个新的研究平台。

    Proteomics provides a new way to study ocular cell behaviors and the mechanism of ocular disease .

  2. 生理学特性是植物在各种环境条件下的生命活动规律和机理性表现。

    Physiologic characteristics are the responses of living law and mechanism of plant in a variety of environmental conditions .

  3. 本方法定位准确、直观醒目,为研究体表信息及机体生命活动规律提供了与逐点直接测量方法相互补充的有益的新手段。

    Therefore , this study provides a new approach for research body surface information and the activity state of organism , in addition to direct point-to-point measurement .

  4. 从软件工程的角度出发,将电力系统中实现重合闸的数据抽象成具有生命活动规律的实体&时序状态。

    Proceeding from software engineering , the data for realizing reclosing software in power system is abstracted into time sequence status , something with life activity governing laws .

  5. 生物机能信号的采集是医学研究和了解生物体的生命活动规律及其发生机理、分析和研究生物体状况的重要前提。

    Measuring bio-function signal is one of the important premises of medical research , making out the life active law of living body and its origination mechanism , it also can help us analysis and study the living body 's status .

  6. 微生物的生存利益与人类的经济利益,也就是微生物的生命活动规律和人的主观意志,既是对立的,又是统一的;

    The benefit of survival for microorganisms and the economical benefits to mankind , that is to say , the regulations with regard to the life activities of microorganisms and the subjective volition of the mankind , are both opposite and united ;

  7. 深入研究单个细胞内外离子活动不仅有助于了解细胞生命活动规律,也有助于揭示疾病的发病机理并促进新药的开发与筛选。

    Deep study of the intracellular and extracellular ion activities of single cell will be helpful for understanding the mechanisms underlying cellular life functions as well as exploring the pathogenesis of disease and facilitating the discovery or filtration of the new drugs .

  8. 虽然CpG岛甲基化的分析方法发展较为迅速,但因目前缺乏有效的高通量甲基化分析方法,以致严重阻碍了这些生命活动调控规律的研究。

    Although the methods for analysis CpG islands methylation developed rapidly in the last several years , the research on theories about development regulated through methylation were hold back by the fact of that there were no effectively high through-put methylation analysis methods .

  9. 蛋白质组技术是在细胞内整体蛋白质水平上进行研究,从蛋白质整体活动的角度来研究生命活动的规律。

    Proteomics is a new research field that focuses on a whole set of proteins in a cell or a tissue of an organism .

  10. 对蛋白质之间通过相互作用来完成的生命活动的规律进行系统地分析和全面的理解成为当前最热的研究问题之一。

    It is one of the most important problems to systematically analyze and comprehensively understand how the proteins accomplish the life activities by the interaction between each other .

  11. 研究蛋白质的折叠机理对完成生物信息传递的整个过程,进而揭示生命活动的规律具有重要意义。近年来,智能计算在蛋白质折叠问题的建模、预测和优化中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Due to the critical positions of its studies in the process of transmitting bio-information and the living organisms discovered , the intelligent computation has been playing more and more important role in modeling , prediction and optimization for protein folding systems .

  12. 20世纪以来,现代生物学已从分子水平逐步揭示了生命活动的规律,生物科学是自然科学中发展最为迅速的学科之一,生物科学的发展对医学的发展起着巨大的推动作用。

    Modern biology has already gradually revealed the laws of life movement on the basis of molecule 's level since 20th century . The bioscience is one of the natural sciences , which develop fastest and its development plays a great role in medical development .

  13. 随着营养基因组学、营养蛋白质组学和化学遗传学的不断发展和进步,小分子营养物质在揭示生命基本活动规律和调节细胞功能方面的作用,日益受到人们的重视。

    The role of low molecular compounds of nutrition in revealment of basic life rules and regulation of cellular function is getting more and more recognized , following the advancement of the nutritional genomics , nutritional proteomics and chemical genetics and their application in the research of cellular function .

  14. 时间生物学是一门研究生物节律,即生命活动的周期规律及其产生机制与应用的一门新兴交叉性生命学科。

    Chronobiology is an emerging subject , which studies the temporal rhythm of biologic organisms and its mechanisms .

  15. 因此,作为研究生命活动内容和规律的生物学来说,在教学中对学生进行生命教育可以说具有得天独厚的优势。

    Therefore , for biology , which does research about content and discipline of life activity , it is advantaged in passing down life education to students .

  16. 生物学是研究生命现象和生命活动规律的一门科学,用模型来描述生命现象,有助于学生从总体上去认识生命的原貌,把握生命的本质特征。

    Biology is the study of the phenomena of life and life activity patterns of a science , which uses a model to describe the phenomena of life to help students understand the original life in general and to grasp the essence of life features .

  17. 蛋白质组学以蛋白质组为研究对象,从整体蛋白质水平上更加深入、更加贴近生命本质的层次上去探索生命活动的规律以及重要的生理和病理等现象。

    The research of protein cluster , taking the protein cluster as object , studies life activity law and important physical and pathological phenomena from the level of protein which is more close to the nature of life .