
yì si biǎo shì
  • declaration of wishes/desires
  1. Jet字面意思表示巨大的喷气载客飞机,它已经被广泛的用于表示马上要离开(犹如一架喷气式飞机)!

    Jet , which is literally a huge passenger aircraft , has been made into a goodbye that means that you are leaving promptly ( like a jet )!

  2. roll字面意思表示带轮子的东西(如车,滑板),它表示移动,所以当你说Igottaroll,就表示你要离开了。

    While roll literally is used for things with wheels ( car , skateboard ), it means to make movement , so when you say I gotta roll , it means that you need to move .

  3. 所谓tolosetheplot可以指变得很生气或愤怒到了缺乏逻辑了,或者用于贬义可能有些过时了的意思表示某人没有理智、表现极为荒谬。

    To lose the plot can mean either to become angry and / or exasperated to a fault , or in a derogatory if slightly outdated sense to mean someone who has become irrational and / or acting ridiculously .

  4. 电子商务合同意思表示若干法律问题研究

    A Study on the Digital Intent Declaration in Electronic Business Contracts

  5. 意思表示错误效力三题

    Three Lssues of the Validity of Error in Declaration of Will

  6. 意思表示瑕疵合同的效力

    Validity of a Contract Which Has Flaw of Meaning of Mind

  7. 论撤销权的行使&对意思表示错误之救济

    Exercise of Right of Rescission & Redressment for Misimpression of Meaning

  8. 第一章是关于电子意思表示问题。

    Chapter one deals with issues of electronic declaration of will .

  9. 其次,在确立将意思表示和直接拘束力作为分类标准的基础之上,作者对行政事实行为进行了分类,并将行政事实行为分成了三类;

    Secondly the author divides the administration fact behavior into three types ;

  10. 意思表示的主观要素研究

    A Study on the Subjective Elements in Declaration of Will

  11. 请求仲裁的意思表示;

    The expression of the parties'wish to submit to arbitration ;

  12. 权利人的单方意思表示就足以产生变动权利的结果。

    Right-owners ' unilateral meaning express is enough to generate right-changing result .

  13. 合同是当事人之间通过意思表示所达成的具有约束力的协议。

    The contract expresses a promissory agreement reached through meaning between parties .

  14. 意思表示是法律行为的本质要素,没有意思表示就没有法律行为。

    There 're no legal acts without expression of intention .

  15. 第二节是同意的意思表示。

    Section two deals with expression of will of consent .

  16. 论网络环境下的意思表示瑕疵

    Concerning the defects of meaning expression in the network environment

  17. 自认中的意思表示

    The expression of will on one 's own admission

  18. 意思表示理论比较法二论

    Two Theories on the Comparative Methods of Meaning Expression

  19. 错误是影响合同当事人意思表示真实性的核心要素,也是判定合同效力的重要条件。

    Errors in contracts are concerned with the truth and validity of contracts .

  20. 论意思表示错误对法律行为效力的影响

    A Discussion on the Mistake of Intention 's Affect on Legal Act Effect

  21. 沉默属于默示意思表示的一种形式。

    The silence ought to be a method of silent declaration of intention .

  22. 第二,意思表示解释在私法适用中处于何种地位?

    Secondly , what is its role during the application of civil law ?

  23. 其次,认定合同中租赁房屋的意思表示不真实。

    The second , to determine the rental housing mean is not true .

  24. 国际货物买卖合同的形式是当事人意思表示一致的体现。

    On Legal Issues of Rejection of Goods in International Sale of Goods ;

  25. 电子合同中意思表示问题研究

    Study on Declaration of Will in the Electronic Contract

  26. 网络交易意思表示真实性问题研究汇率是以一国货币表示的另一国货币的价格。

    Exchange rate is simply the price of one currency in terms of another .

  27. 预约是双方当事人为将来订立一定合同的意思表示的协议。

    Pre-contract is an agreement that both parties are to reach in the future .

  28. 因此合同识别的核心也就是意思表示的识别。

    Therefore , the core of contract recognition is identifying the declaration of intention .

  29. 而法学家认为,格式合同的出现不仅是对传统合同缔结理论的颠覆,更是对意思表示自由、合同自由理念的颠覆。

    But it was regards to against the traditional contract theory by law researchers .

  30. 试论行政契约中行政主体的意思表示

    Administrative Subjects ' Intention Expressing in Administrative Contract