
  1. 其次,认定合同中租赁房屋的意思表示不真实。

    The second , to determine the rental housing mean is not true .

  2. 基于追求实体正义的考虑,我国应当设立对意思表示不真实的诉讼行为的救济制度。

    Based on considerations of substantive justice , China should establish a remedy system for judicial acts of untrue declaration of will .

  3. 笔者认为,因投保人不如实告知订立的保险合同是意思表示不真实的合同,属于可以撤销的合同,而非可以解除之保险合同。保险人因此只享有保险合同的撤销权。

    Insurer can only revoke the insurance contract when the insured makes misrepresentations instead of finding clues of misrepresentation in order to terminate the contract .

  4. 主要有主体不合法,内容不合法,形式不合法,签订程序不合法,意思表示不真实,违反社会公共利益,违反集体合同等。

    They are irregular main bodies , illegimate content , illegimate form , illegimate formality , untrue intent , infringe public morality , disobey collective contract .

  5. 民事诉讼的当事人由于种种原因,在实施诉讼行为时会因意思表示不真实而受不利判决。

    In civil litigation , a party who , for various reasons , has make an untrue declaration of will , may suffer from a judgment against him .

  6. 根据民事诉讼行为成立及生效理论,将当事人诉讼行为瑕疵分为四种形态:诉讼行为主体有瑕疵;行为内容不合法;行为形式上不合法;意思表示不真实。

    According to the establishment and commencement of civil behavior theory , parties to legal action will be divided into four patterns defect : there is the defect of main body legal action ; acts of unlawful content ; form of unlawful acts ; intention misrepresentation .

  7. 合同撤销权,是指合同已经成立,但因当事人意思表示不真实,从而赋予一方当事人向人民法院或仲裁机构申请撤销,使合同溯及自始归于无效的权利。

    Contract cancellation right is entitled to either of the parties to petition the People 's Court or an arbitration institution for canceling the concluded contract , because a party 's intention is not expressed genuinely , which makes the contract invalid from the time of its formation .