
  • 网络herzog
  1. 她也许曾经可怜过赫索格的书呆子气。

    She might have pitied herzog 's stupid eggheadedness .

  2. 索尔·贝娄在《赫索格》中对知识分子形象的文化构建

    Saul Bellow 's Cultural Construction of the Intellectual Portrait in Herzog

  3. 马德琳无意要使她和赫索格家的人疏远。

    Madeleine was not trying to estrange her from the Herzogs .

  4. 他是赫索格家比较坚强的一个。

    He was one of the more stable bread of herzogs .

  5. 第二次离婚给赫索格的打击实在太大。

    The strain of the second divorce was too much for Herzog .

  6. 赫索格因逃避所引发的自我理想构建及自恨心理。

    Herzog 's ideal constructions of self and of reality .

  7. 索尔·贝娄的《赫索格》中主人公自我身份的丧失与寻回

    Loss and Recovery of Self-identity in Saul Bellow 's Herzog

  8. 第一章从流亡身份的角度对赫索格展开批评。

    Chapter 1 criticizes Herzog from the perspective of the exile identity .

  9. 赫索格感到一种深切而晕眩的渴望又开始了。

    Herzog felt a deep , dizzy eagerness to begin .

  10. 人物形象与作者主观精神的外化&从摩西·赫索格透视贝娄对社会与人生的探索

    Character Image and Externalization of Author 's Subjective Spirits

  11. 从矛盾走向协调&赫索格精神历程的存在主义意蕴

    From Contradiction to Coordinated & Herzog 's Existentialism Implication

  12. 赫索格是两个原型人物摩西和参孙的结合体。

    Herzog is the combination of two archetypal characters , Moses and Samson .

  13. 论索尔·贝娄《赫索格》主人公身上的萨特存在主义倾向

    On the Trend of Existentialism of the Protagonist in Saul Bellow 's Herzog

  14. 说到鸟,赫索格的那几亩田庄,似乎已经成了鸟的乐园。

    As for birds , herzog 's acres seemed to have become a sanctuary .

  15. 赫索格以他那特有的出其不意抛开了这一话题。

    Herzog abandoned this theme with characteristic abruptness .

  16. 赫索格一家,自有其独特的家庭问题。

    The Herzogs had their characteristic family problems .

  17. 赫索格敏锐的感官能够分辨出来。

    Herzog 's sharp senses detected the difference .

  18. 赫索格心里思忖,她哪来精力溺爱孩子。

    Herzog was thinking , how she found the strength to spoil her children .

  19. 《赫索格》的叙事技巧分析

    The Analysis of Narrative Technique in Herzog

  20. 《赫索格》的叙事策略研究

    The Analysis of Narrative Strategies in Herzog

  21. 寻找存在的真谛:对索尔·贝娄代表作《赫索格》的存在主义解析

    Seeking the Truth of Existence : An Existential Analysis of Saul Bellow 's Masterpiece Herzog

  22. 第二部分着重分析了赫索格与方鸿渐形象的相异性。

    The second part analyzes the image of Herzog and Fang with the opposite sex .

  23. 赫索格&美国知识分子的影像

    Herzog & The Reflection of American Intellectuals

  24. 《赫索格》中的精神受难与道德困境

    Spiritual Suffering and Moral Dilemma in Herzog

  25. 存在困境中的终极性关怀&散论《赫索格》的现代哲学意蕴

    Ultimate Care Under the Dilemma of Existence

  26. 赫索格严肃的脸上露出了笑容。

    Herzog 's somber face brightened .

  27. 这使赫索格相当尴尬。

    It made Herzog uneasy .

  28. 面对这位身材修长、皮肤白皙、咄咄逼人的人物,赫索格只得点点头。

    Seeing this slender , blond , and violent figure before him , Herzog had only nodded .

  29. 现代知识分子探寻自我的历程&对索尔·贝娄代表作《赫索格》的主题思想的分析

    Modern Intellectuals ' Quest for Identity : An Analysis of the Theme in Saul Bellow 's Herzog

  30. 另外,赫索格的朋友及妻子构建的无形的精神病院从另一个角度阐释了他的疯癫。

    Besides , the invisible asylum established by his wife and friends unveils his insanity from another aspect .