
chāo mǎi
  • overbuy
  1. 也许市场走势只反映了超买之后的回调。

    Perhaps the market moves were simply a pull-back from overstretched levels .

  2. 价格在均线之上&超买的状态。

    Prices are hovering above the EMA-an overvalued level .

  3. 但分析师警告称,布伦特原油可能已处于超买。

    But analysts cautioned that Brent could be overbought .

  4. 短期技术指标已经严重超买。

    The short-term technical indicator is extremely overbought .

  5. 不仅这一位置是难以克服的阻力位,而且市场在近期上涨后已处于超买局面。

    Not only that it is a tough resistance to overcome , the market is now overbought following recent advance .

  6. 不过经过近期上涨之后,市场目前已经超买,而这往往是一轮短期回调的前兆。

    The market however , is now overbought following recent advance – a situation that often precursor to a short-term correction .

  7. 然而,亚洲股市场已经超买,一旦有全球市场普遍表现不佳,则较易受到拖累。

    However , Asian markets are overbought and are likely to suffer if there is a general pull back in global markets .

  8. 股市终于展开了期待已久的超买回调,因此我们预计未来几天标普500指数至少将测试945点。

    So we should expect at least a test of the945 level on the S & P500 index over the next couple of days .

  9. 周三的价格走势证实了我们昨天提出的“短期超买”的看法。

    Wednesday trading action had confirmed the validity of the short-term " overbought " scenario that we 've point out in the previous Market Outlook .

  10. 第二,预期收入受体制影响,具有随机变量特征,因而房地产存在超买和超贷可能;

    Second , expected income is a random variable which affected by institutional evolution , and hence , over demand and over loan are possible .

  11. 尽管超买并不一定意味着大跌在即,但却让指数有遭遇大面积获利回吐之虞。

    While overbought condition does not necessarily means that a sharp decline is imminent , it leaves the index vulnerable to an extensive profit taking .

  12. 这就增加了市场消化掉超买状态后突破创出牛市新高的可能性。

    This increases the probability that the index will break to new bull market high as soon as the market works off the overbought condition .

  13. 上海市场的金融类股也纷纷上扬。不过,由于投资者依然担心上海股市处于超买状态,上证综合指数下跌0.8%,收于3853.02点。

    Financial stocks also rallied in Shanghai , although the composite index eased 0.8 per cent to 3, 853.02 amid persistent concerns that the market was looking overbought .

  14. 不过市场在近期上涨后以超买,因此市场在新的上涨行情开始之前进行回调整理是不足为怪的。

    However , the market is now overbought after recent advance . So , it should not be surprising to see some pullback consolidations prior to the new upswing .

  15. 指数在极端超买情况下成功守住上周大部分涨幅,这一事实表明其内部动能强劲。

    The fact that the index had managed to hold on to most of last week 's massive gain in the face of such extreme overbought condition , indicating an internal strength .

  16. 不过,在经过2009年的大涨之后,市场目前已经极端超买,同时逼近关键上方阻力,因此我们对市场近期走势应该保持警惕。

    Although after the big run that we 've had in2009 and the market is now extremely overbought as it 's approaching key overhead resistance , we are cautious on the markets in the near-term .

  17. 吉利根认为,投资者的最佳选择是长期持有一个相对稳定的投资组合,在他们认为投资组合超买的时候减仓,在感觉超卖的时候增仓。

    Gilligan believes the best option for investors is to hold a relatively stable portfolio for the long term , trim their positions when they believe they are overvalued and increase their positions when they look oversold .

  18. 布卢姆补充称,美国最近发布的宏观经济数据不如预期;美国政府可能不愿让美元进一步升值,因为这会对企业利润、出口等各个领域造成影响,而且市场持仓情况表明美元已经超买。

    Mr Bloom adds that recent macro data in the US fall short of expectations ; that the US government is likely to resist further appreciation because of its impact on everything from corporate earnings to exports , and that market positioning suggests the dollar is overbought .