
  1. 第五章对国外超市进场费竞争法规制的现状进行了介绍和分析;第六章介绍了我国的相关立法经验和司法实践以及相关立法情况;

    Fifth , exterior lawmaking experience and judicial legislation , and interior performance of relevant laws are presented .

  2. 连锁超市收取进场费的合理性探讨

    Rational Research on Slotting Fee of Supermarket

  3. 超市向供应商收取进场费源于美国,1995年由家乐福带入中国。

    It was from U.S.A. that the supermarket collects the slotting fee from its supplier , and it was brought into China by Carrefour in 1995 .