- 名VLCC;ultra-large crude carrier;super-large crude carrier

The proposed 278km route , connecting theCaribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean , will carve through Lake Nicaragua , potentiallydisplacing the surrounding rainforest and threatening indigenous communities.The route will also bring the supertankers right past Ometepe 's Eden .
For long periods , very large crude carriers , the biggest commonly used oil tankers , have been earning less than $ 10000 for every day they operate , against operating costs typically above $ 20000 .
When ultra-large oil tanker horsewhip continent route the security speed discusses
Expectations that orders for between 80 and 100 VLCCs and some dry bulk carriers will follow are widespread .
The Economic Research of Investment Decision for Vlcc Economic Affordability and Its Applications to R & D Decision Making
China 's growing oil demand underpins rates for very large crude carriers , the largest commonly-used oil tankers , of about $ 60,000 a day .
Shipping is one ever-increasing major oil pollution source of marine environment , especially with large amount of crude oil transshipped at sea with VLCC nowadays .
Technical managers of the MT Hebei Spirit said in a statement on Friday the crane aboard the barge punched holes in three of the tanker 's tanks .
Such a large-scale import of crude oil needs marine transport . In order to reduce the transportation cost , it is necessary to use large tanker carriers and large-scale ports and terminal facilities to complete discharge and transfer tasks .
We started to gather in cities to meet with our fellow man again and develop our culture , rather than just to get from A to B , and there were attempts to turn this super-tanker around , Gehl says .
Mr Stopford points out that owners bet tens of millions of dollars per ship – a new VLCC still costs more than $ 100m – in the hope that markets two or three years hence will earn it an acceptable return .