
  • 网络squid
  1. 虚拟仪器在射频超导量子干涉仪控制电路中的应用

    RF SQUID virtual instrument controlling system

  2. 超导量子干涉仪计算机自动控制系统

    RF SQUID Computer Automatic Controlling System

  3. 利用X射线衍射(XRD)和超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)研究了不同溅射时间对薄膜的结构及磁性性能的影响。

    The structural and magnetic properties of the films were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and superconducting quantum interference device ( SQUID ) .

  4. 通过使用超导量子干涉仪SQUID进行变温分析,在所分析范围内M-T曲线存在拐点,但其所对应的铁磁性转变温度低于室温。

    The ferromagnetic transition temperature was analyzed through M-T curve with SQUID .

  5. 方法:通过50年的临床实践并应用超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)等进行检测及科学分析。

    Methods The authors clinical practice of50 years were summarized , and examined and analyzed by using SQUID and other tests .

  6. 我们建立了一套基于高温超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)的可靠的、经济型的单通道心磁图(MCG)系统,该系统在一个简易的磁屏蔽室(MSR)中运行。

    We have constructed a reliable and economical single-channel magnetocardiogram ( MCG ) system based on high-T_c SQUIDs operated in a simply magnetically shielded room ( MSR ) .

  7. 提出了一个利用两个超导量子干涉仪与腔的共振相互作用来实现D-J算法的简单的方案。

    Ascheme for implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is proposed by using two superconducting quantum interference devices interact with a cavity resonantly .

  8. 通过超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)分析,在Mn+注入剂量为5.0×1015cm-2、并经850℃退火30s的GaN膜中发现了铁磁性,表明离子注入方法是进行GaN掺杂改性的有效手段。

    The ferromagnetism with hysteresis loop of the Mn ~ + implanted GaN films is revealed by the use of superconducting quantum interference device ( SQUID ) . It suggests that ion implantation is an effective method for GaN doping .

  9. 分析了用超导量子干涉仪直接测量磁场的可行性及其优越性;

    Feasibility and merits are analyzed for directly measuring magnetic field with SQUID .

  10. 基于嵌入式系统的射频超导量子干涉仪控制系统

    RF SQUID automatic controlling system based on Embedded Systems

  11. 超导量子干涉仪及其在超导陀螺中的应用

    SQUID and it 's Application in Superconducting Gyroscope

  12. 超导量子干涉仪发展和应用现状

    Superconducting quantum interference devices : applications and perspectives

  13. 采用超导量子干涉仪测量了薄膜的超导转变温度曲线和磁化曲线。

    Magnetic moment versus temperature curves and magnetic hysteresis loops were measured by Quantum-Design SQUID XL ( 7 T ) .

  14. 常规脉冲管制冷机中由磁性或金属材料所产生的电磁干扰和感应涡流,是将微型脉冲管制冷机应用到高灵敏度高温超导量子干涉仪冷却上的最大障碍。

    The biggest obstacles for cooling highly sensitive high-Tc SQUID by a miniature PCT was the electromagnetic interference and the induced eddy currents from the magnetic or metallic materials in a PTC system .

  15. 本文分别推导了量子干涉仪的经典动力学方程及其量子化的量子动力学方程;并利用有限差分法求解了静磁场偏置和交变磁场偏置的超导量子干涉仪量子动力学方程的数值解。

    Then , the finite difference method is employed to get numerical solution of quantum dynamic equations of superconducting quantum interference device at the static magnetic field bias and offset alternating magnetic field respectively .

  16. 最后利用拉曼光谱仪和超导量子干涉仪研究了这两种产物的光学、磁性性质,此外还对得到的氧化镍多孔材料进行了比表面测试。

    At last , Raman spectroscopy and Superconducting Quantum Interference Device ( SQUID ) were used to study the optical and magnetic properties of these two products , additionally , surface area of the meso-porous NiO were also measured .

  17. 约瑟夫森结是超导电子学的关键元件,是超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)和其它许多超导器件的基础。

    Josephson junctions are the key elements of superconducting electronics and the bases of SQUID and other superconducting components .

  18. 而约瑟夫森结是超导电子学的关键元件,是超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)和其它超导器件的基础,所以研究约瑟夫森结的性质对超导的发展及其应用有相当重要的意义。

    Josephson junctions are the key elements of superconducting electronics and the bases of SQUID and other superconducting components , so it is very important to research the characteristics of Josephson junctions .

  19. 本文主要分析了超导心磁图仪系统的基本原理及其核心部件超导量子干涉仪。

    In this paper , an analysis of the basic principles of superconducting magnetocardiography system was presented , as well as its core component of SQUID .

  20. 超导量子比特是工作在特定条件而可以近似看作二能级体系超导量子干涉仪。

    It is the superconducting quantum interference device as two-level system approximately operating in a particular state .