
Methods of Manufacturing Cutting Tools with Superhard Materials and Their Effects after Use
New Progress of Superhard Cutting Tool Material
With the development of super-hard cutting tool materials and high performance machine tools recently , HSM ( high speed machining ) technology has already been widely applied in many industries .
The cutting data of ultrahard cutting tools ( diamond and CBN ) for machining different workpiece materials , including some difficult-to-cut materials , aluminium alloy and copper alloy in this paper .
The development of super-hard cutting tool materials and high performance machine tools bring the application of HSM ( high speed machining ) . As a branch of HSM technology , hard milling is attracting considerable worldwide interest from die and mold industries .
Superhard knife tool materials is a promising tool one , it has many advantages , such as excellent cutting performance , long serving life and good machining quality , and has become an important knife tool materials which every country makes great efforts to develop .
CVD diamond is an ideal choice for cutting tools .
Using electroplating superabrasive tools , the process of " Drilling replaced by grinding " can notably improve the processing quality and efficiency of carbon fiber reinforced composites .