
  • 网络Rootote;Once a Cop;Project S;SUPER PLANNING;MMORPG Project
  1. 超级电网计划原因之一是为了自我防御,因为俄罗斯又可能用能源要挟欧洲。

    The defensive reason for the plan is Russia 's inclination to use energy as a lever .

  2. 特斯拉在上海的超级工厂计划招聘近1000人,涉及岗位包括喷漆、装备、后勤工作和安全工作等。

    Tesla is offering nearly 1000 jobs in painting , assembly , logistics , and security at its Gigafactory in Shanghai .

  3. 然而,如果中国草拟了一份详细的超级大国计划,那么其中缺失的一项重要内容是中国希望为世界做什么。

    But had China drafted a detailed superpower project , the one big missing piece was what it wanted for the world .

  4. 美国三大银行提出的、得到美国财政部支持的750亿美元超级基金计划于周五取消,原因是其它银行无意提供资金支持。

    The US Treasury-backed $ 75bn superfund planned by the top three US banks was scrapped on Friday after lack of interest from other banks in providing financial support .

  5. 发起超级基金计划的美国3家银行日前已修改提议,此举应该可以让它们在未来10天内开始签约其它银行。这只拟议中的超级基金规模为750亿美元,目的是收购不良抵押贷款资产。

    The three US banks behind the planned $ 75bn superfund for distressed mortgage assets have revised the proposal in a move that should allow them to start signing up other banks within the next 10 days .

  6. 日本的超级钢材料计划

    The Super Steel Plan of Japan

  7. 在每个欧洲城市里,都有兴建超级清真寺的计划。这些计划将矮化这些区域中的任何教堂。

    And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region .

  8. 中国超级稻育种计划的提出,不仅是杂交水稻技术内部自身发展的需要,也是中国社会的稻作发展需要。

    The presentation of Chinese super rice breeding plan is not only the requirements of the hybrid rice technology , but also the needs of Chinese society .

  9. 超级养老金澳洲养老金计划,全盘皆赢家

    In Australia 's superannuation scheme , everyone 's a winner

  10. 介绍了国家超级稻示范推广计划及其在广东的实施情况,分析了广东省超级稻的发展前景及有待解决的问题。

    The demonstration and extension plan of national super rice and its practice in Guangdong has been introduced . The prospect and problems about super rice in Guangdong has also been analyzed .

  11. 一批超级杂交稻组合和苗头组合的育成和应用标志着我国超级稻育种计划取得了突破性进展。

    A combination of super hybrid rice combinations and symptom of breeding and application of super rice breeding program marks made breakthrough progress .