
  • 网络hyperrealism;SuperRealism;Hyperrealist;super realism
  1. 也有人认为超级写实主义创建了一个虚假的现实,是一个令人信服的幻想,是基于现实的一个模拟。

    Also some people think that the Hyperrealism creates a false reality , which is a compelling vision and a simulation based on the reality .

  2. 超级写实主义是20世纪60年代初起源于美国的一种特殊的写实艺术类型。

    Hyperrealism , which was first originated in the 1960s , is a particular type of Realism .

  3. 超级写实主义油画的技术特征

    The Technique Characteristics of Super Realistic Oil Paintings

  4. 和充满激情的表现主观感受的画派不同,超级写实主义油画的作画过程,是十分理性的。

    It is different from the passionate expressionistic schools , the painting process of super realism painters are very rational .

  5. 摘要如果说抽象表现主义绘画是现代艺术最后的辉煌,那么,波普艺术和超级写实主义绘画则预示着当代艺术的转型。

    If the last glory of modem art is the abstract expressionist painting , then , pop art and surrealist painting anticipates the transformation of contemporary art .

  6. 从技法角度而言,超级写实主义油画的技法,是将近代油画的直接画法和古典油画的透明画法结合起来的混合技法。

    From the technique angle , the technique of super realism oil painting is the mixed techniques of the modern direct painting technique and the classical transparent painting technique .

  7. 时至今日,超级写实主义作为抽象艺术的反动,已传历了三代,其代表人物最早的有查克·克洛斯、理查德·埃斯蒂斯和奥德利·弗拉克等人。

    Now , the Hyperrealism as a reactionaries of the Abstract Art has been handed down for three generations , having representative just as Chuck Close , Richard Estes and Audrey Flack .

  8. 以上几位艺术家都是成功的将超级写实主义与传统艺术风格相结合,在那些没有风格的超级写实主义艺术中形成了自己独特的风格。

    Above a few artists are successful will be super realism and traditional art style unifies , in the absence of a style of super realism art has formed its own unique style .