
Ni-Cr-Co-W-Mo-B powder as a brazing filler was prepared by gas atomization , and its microstructure and melting characteristics were determined by XRD and DSC . The micro-structure and composition analyses across the bonded interlayer were performed by SEM .
Comments on Nd-Fe-B powder preparation techniques such as disk / ball milling , mechanical alloying , melt spinning , ultrasonic gas atomization , strip casting and HDDR ( Hydrogenation-Disproportionation-Desorption-Recombination ) were made .
Atomization study self - fusible powder by ultrasonic gas atomization used for spraying
In this paper the ultrasonic gas atomization equipment is presented , the feature and kinds of the powder are introduced too .
By ultrasonic gas atomization , two new highly alloyed aluminum steels were developed , which obtained a very fine microstructure , and hence possessed a super - plasticity at a certain temperature and certain strain rate .