
  • 网络State of Vietnam
  1. Uber还面临着国际竞争。在欧洲、泰国和越南等国,该公司正在和监管机构作战,胜负事关大笔金额。

    Uber also faces competition on international fronts . It is fighting expensive regulatory battles in Europe , Thailand and Vietnam , among other countries .

  2. TPP协议将会为12个缔约国的绝大多数民众,带来广泛的经济利益,包括澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、墨西哥和越南等国。

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement would bring broad economic benefits for a vast majority of citizens in the 12 countries that would be signatories to the deal - including Australia , Singapore , Malaysia , Mexico and Vietnam , among others .

  3. 中国东部的工厂业主已经盯上了在越南等国进行生产的成本更低的选择。

    Factory owners in east China are already eyeing cheaper options for production in Vietnam and elsewhere .

  4. 在欧洲、泰国和越南等国,该公司正在和监管机构作战,胜负事关大笔金额。

    It is fighting expensive regulatory battles in Europe , Thailand and Vietnam , among other countries .

  5. 该署资助实施了很多重点项目,其中之一支持在秘鲁、塞内加尔、坦桑尼亚和越南等国推广用肥皂洗手。

    One of its flagship programs supports projects promoting handwashing with soap in Peru , Senegal , Tanzania , and Vietnam .

  6. 结果表明,中国大米与印度、巴基斯坦、泰国和越南4国相比,不具有国际竞争力优势。

    The result shows that Chinese rice does not have the international competitive advantage , compared with India , Pakistan , Thailand and Vietnam .

  7. 但在其它业务方面,包括复印机甚至数码相机在内,佳能似乎在慢慢将生产转移到中国和越南等国。

    But in other parts of its business , including copiers and even digital cameras , Canon seems slowly to be edging production to countries such as China and Vietnam .

  8. 动物权利组织估计,在亚洲的中国和越南等国,每年有3000万条狗被宰杀食用,其中大部分是盗窃而来的狗或流浪犬。

    Animal rights groups estimate that 30 million dogs , mostly stolen or feral , are killed each year for their meat in Asia , in countries such as China and Vietnam .

  9. 产品除国内拥有客户数千家外,部分产品出口美国、意大利、荷兰、法国、沙特、阿联酋、伊朗、利比亚、越南等国及香港。

    Besides domestic customers , with thousands of products are exported to USA , Italy , Netherlands , France , Saudi Arabia , the united Arab emirates , Iran and Libya , Vietnam etc countries and Hong Kong .

  10. 过去,投资者主要将新兴市场视作廉价的生产基地,但在当今这种严酷的经济环境中,人口约8500万的越南等国,正逐渐被视为潜在的消费市场。

    In the past , investors have viewed emerging markets mostly as low-cost production bases , but in today 's tough economic environment countries such as Vietnam which has a population of about 85m are coming to be seen as potential consumer markets , writes Tim Johnston .

  11. 洛根教授曾建议越南向联合国教科文组织提名顺化为文化景观(CulturalLandscape),这将使受保护的范围延伸至整个城市。

    Professor Logan has suggested that Vietnam try to nominate Hue for Unesco designation as a Cultural Landscape that would make a whole stretch of the city a protected site .

  12. 最近在日本、韩国、泰国、越南和我国的部分地区先后暴发禽流感疫情,世卫组织认为引发亚洲等国禽流感疫情是H5N1甲型流感病毒,它对人类的威胁非常凶险。

    Recently the poultry flu pestilence broke out earlier or later in Japan , Korea , Thailand , Viet Nam and some areas of China . The WTO views it is H5N1 type A flu virus that causes the pestilence in Asia , it is dangerous to the human beings .

  13. 越南是我国的近邻。

    Vietnam is the close neighbor of China .

  14. 越南与我国山水相连,同属社会主义国家,有着共同的发展目标。

    China , Vietnam belongs to a socialist country , has the common development goals .

  15. 越南社会主义共和国

    The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

  16. 越南是我国的重要邻国,中越两国山水相依,交往历史悠久,又拥有相同的政治体制。

    Vietnam is an important neighbor of China . They have a long history of contact and have the same political system .

  17. 虽然中国近期在野生动物犯罪方面加强了拘捕与诉讼工作,但那些在越南等中转国抓获的野生动物走私者几乎总能逃脱惩罚。

    While China recently increased its arrests and prosecutions for wildlife crimes , those caught trafficking wildlife in Vietnam or other transit countries almost always escape punishment .

  18. 越南社会主义共和国(以下简称越南)在中小学(义务教育阶段)教育管理方面,与我国有着许多相似之处,同时也存在一些差异。

    Socialist republic of Vietnam ( be called Vietnam below ) is similar to our country in Primary and Secondary school 's education , at the same time there are some difference .

  19. 云南省金平地区位于云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州南部,北端以红河为界与红河州个旧市、河口县相邻,东端和南端与越南社会主义共和国相连。

    Jinping area is located in the south of Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture , Yunnan Province , the northern adjacent to the Hekou county and Gejiu city by the Red River , the southern and the eastern connected with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam .

  20. 此外,中国与越南和菲律宾等国就南中国海(SouthChinaSea,中国称南海)蕴藏丰富能源资源的水域也存在可能一触即发的争议。

    It also faces potentially volatile disputes with Vietnam , the Philippines and others over energy-rich waters in the South China Sea .

  21. 中海油在6月份说,它将在越南认为按照联合国海洋法公约(UnitedNations'ConventionontheLawoftheSea)属于其专属经济区的地区拿出新一批油气区块面向外国伙伴招标。

    Cnooc in June said it was offering a new round of oil-and-gas blocks to foreign partners within what Vietnam says is its exclusive economic zone under the United Nations ' Convention on the Law of the Sea .

  22. 工资水平更低的越南和孟加拉等国的市场份额开始增加。

    Low-wage Vietnam and Bangladesh are among the countries gaining market share .

  23. 我个人认为,越南和印度等国机会最大。

    I personally see the biggest chances in countries like Vietnam and India .

  24. 如今,人们往往将它与越南和马来西亚等国相比。

    It now tends to be benchmarked against the likes of Vietnam and Malaysia .

  25. 我司长期供应产自泰国,菲律宾,越南,斯里兰卡等国的天然椰棕纤维。

    We can supply the crude Coconut fibre from Thailand , Philippine , Vietnam , Srilanka and act .

  26. 克里表示,美国外交使团驻地也将监测越南、蒙古等国的空气质量。

    American diplomatic missions will also monitor air quality in Vietnam , Mongolia and elsewhere , Mr. Kerry said .

  27. 自1999年起,摩洛哥,越南和多米尼加共和国以使儿童的死亡率减少了三分之一强。

    Morocco , Vietnam and the Dominican Republic have reduced child deaths by more than one-third since nineteen ninety-nine .

  28. 王宜林曾率领中海油维护中国在南中国海的领土主张,而同时越南、菲律宾等国也声称拥有南中国海部分海域的主权。

    Mr. Wang has led Cnooc to defend China 's sovereignty claims there , despite competing claims by Vietnam , the Philippines and others .

  29. 两国政府还讨论了将越南军人融入联合国维持和平任务,以及美国军队在越南协助救灾行动。

    The two governments also discussed integrating Vietnamese soldiers into United Nations peacekeeping operations , and American military help with disaster relief in Vietnam .

  30. 地理分布:上禾坑及新娘潭。海南、东、西。越南、挝、国、来西亚也有分布。

    Distribution : Restricted to Sheung Wo Hang and Bride 's Pool . Hainan , Guangdong , Guangxi ; Vietnam , Laos , Thailand and Malaysia .