
  • 网络Nguyen;the Nguyen Dynasty
  1. 阮朝从1802年至1945年间将顺化设立为都城。

    The Nguyen Dynasty made Hue its capital from 1802 to 1945 .

  2. 中西文化影响下的越南阮朝都城顺化研究(1802-1885)

    A Study of Hue , the Capital of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam under the Influence of Chinese and Western Cultures ( 1802-1885 );

  3. 如今,一条高速公路贯穿阮朝皇帝启定(KhaiDinh)巴洛克式皇陵对面的山丘,破坏了这座皇陵的风水。

    A freeway now runs through hills facing the baroque tomb of Khai Dinh , a Nguyen emperor , compromising the tomb 's feng shui , or geomantic qualities .

  4. 19世纪前期越南阮朝对外贸易关系探析

    Research on Vietnam 's Foreign Trade Relations in the First Half of 19 ~ ( th ) Century

  5. 1771-1802年的西山起义被平息之后,1802年阮氏统一越南,建立阮朝。

    After putting down the Toy Son uprising from 1771 to 1802 , Nguyen family united Vietnam and set up the Nguyen Dynasty .

  6. 阮朝第四位皇帝嗣德就是这样,他的陵园里有一个小湖和一座木亭。

    That was the case with Tu Duc , the fourth Nguyen emperor , whose tomb has a small lake with a wooden pavilion .

  7. 阮朝都城顺化是在这一时期进行修建并不断完善和发展的,在此过程中受到了中西文化深刻的影响。

    Hue had been built and developed as the capital of the Nguyen Dynasty under the influence of Chinese and Western cultures in this period .

  8. 皇城和阮朝皇家陵墓外的告示牌上写着,官方在去年12月宣布,这座城市迎来了自获得世界遗产称号以来的第30亿位游客。

    Signs outside the Citadel and the Nguyen royal tombs declare that last December , officials recognized the 30 millionth person to visit the city since the designation .

  9. 阮朝建立后,嘉隆和明命一定程度上也继承了阮氏对外贸易的传统,允许国内外商人进行合法的贸易。

    After Nguyen Dynasty established , rulers of Nguyen Dynasty inherited previous tradition of foreign trade which allowed the domestic and international businessman to carry on legal trade to some extent .