
yuè yù
  • Prison Break;escape from prison;break out;break out of prison;break prison
越狱 [yuè yù]
  • [escape from prison;break out of prison] 犯人从监狱中逃出

越狱[yuè yù]
  1. 警卫阻扰了他越狱的企图。

    The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison .

  2. 他纵容那个囚犯越狱。

    He connived at letting the prisoner escape from prison .

  3. 越狱逃犯终于给追逼到地下汽车库,再次被捕。

    The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured .

  4. 一伙囚犯突然袭击狱警,越狱了。

    A group of prisoners rushed an officer and managed to break out .

  5. 警方搜索了那一地区,但未发现越狱逃犯的任何踪迹。

    Police searched the area but found no trace of the escaped prisoners .

  6. 三个囚犯从铁丝网栅栏下钻出去越狱了。

    Three prisoners escaped by crawling under the wire .

  7. 几名囚犯越狱了。

    Several prisoners broke out of the jail .

  8. 在宣判前,米尔斯先生越狱了。

    Before sentence was passed , Mr Mills escaped from jail .

  9. 一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。

    A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England

  10. 一名囚犯在前次越狱被抓回一天后再次逃脱。

    A prisoner escaped one day after he was recaptured following a previous break-out

  11. 伯恩斯屡次越狱。

    Burns had escaped from jail time after time

  12. 越狱的囚犯已经无影无踪了。

    The escaped prisoner was nowhere in sight

  13. 因涉嫌协助和教唆越狱囚犯,你将面临联邦指控。

    You 'll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict .

  14. 3名囚犯越狱了。

    Three prisoners escaped from a jail .

  15. 今年已发生400起越狱事件了,这充分显示了安全措施的不到位。

    There have been four hundred escapes this year , showing up the lack of security .

  16. 杀人犯昨晚越狱逃跑了。

    The murderer ran away from prison last night .

  17. 警方在追捕越狱犯。

    The police were hunting the escaped convict .

  18. 囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。

    The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail .

  19. 他越狱后,暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。

    After breaking out of the jail , he hid out in a deserted farmhouse .

  20. 那贼越狱逃跑了。

    The thief broke out of the prison and escaped .

  21. 警方把越狱的罪犯押回监狱。

    The police put the escaped criminals back in jail .

  22. 囚犯们孤注一掷企图越狱。

    The prisoners become desperate in their attempts to escape .

  23. 你是不是越狱犯人中的一个?

    Are you one of the prisoners who crash out ?

  24. 他试图越狱逃跑。

    He made an attempt at escaping from jail .

  25. 昨天三名囚犯越狱逃走。

    Three men broke out of prison yesterday .

  26. “越狱”这种说法最早出现于2007年7月,第一代iPhone上市的第一个月。最初的越狱只是为了添加个性铃音,后来这一做法迅速被普及,成为破解苹果手机程序、安装各类未授权游戏和应用程序的主要手段。

    The concept of jailbreaking dates back to July 2007 , when it was applied the phone with games and other applications not licensed by Apple Inc.

  27. “越狱”这个说法多与苹果公司的iPhone、iPod以及iPad等产品有关,因为苹果产品都要求用户只能从苹果的专属商店下载和购买应用程序。

    The concept of jailbreaking is most often associated with products from Apple Inc. , such as the iPhone , iPod and iPad , which routinely restrict the user to applications licensed on what kinds of applications they can purchase ,

  28. 臭名昭著的大毒枭一直都在图谋越狱。

    The notorious drug-pusher has been contriving an escape from the prison .

  29. 采取“越狱”行为的用户除了想要解除对应用程序的限制以外,还想要反抗苹果公司通过应用程序限制对移动设备形成的监控机制。

    those who jailbreak often do so as a reaction against what they perceive as a form of censorship imposed by Apple Inc. in only allowing the use of their ' approved ' apps .

  30. 如果某人的智能手机、平板电脑或其他设备“越狱”了,那就说明他用一款特殊软件解除了生产商对该设备事先安装的锁定程序,该程序一般对移动设备可下载和运行的应用程序有严格限制。

    If someone jailbreaks a smartphone , tablet ( computer ) or other device , they use a special piece of software in order to remove the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer on the kind of applications that can be downloaded and run on the device .