
  1. 电气工程行业的发展趋势及就业前景?

    Trend and Employment Prospect in electrical engineering Industry .

  2. 过去15年内,过度消费以及金融和房地产等行业的过度发展,掩盖了上述趋势对就业的影响。

    The employment effects of these trends over the past 15 years have been masked by excess consumption and the overdevelopment of sectors such as finance and real estate .

  3. 其次从变动趋势、就业弹性、结构偏离度三个方面分析了辽宁产业结构与就业结构的现状和变动关系。

    Second , from the movements in employment elasticity , structure , degree of deviation of the three aspects of industrial structure and employment structure in Liaoning status and price changes .

  4. 本文以德国开设景观生态教学的主要大学为例,介绍了德国景观生态教学课程体系、教学大纲、课程设置特点、发展趋势以及就业前景。

    Taken the main universities which boast the teaching subjects of landscape ecology in Germany as example , the teaching system , curriculum , teaching planning and the career perspective for the students are introduced .

  5. 随着就业结构、就业环境和就业制度的改革,就业形势越来越复杂,并导致失业人数呈攀升趋势,就业、再就业问题凸显出来。

    Followed with the reforms of employment structures , employment environments and employment systems , the employment situation is more and more complicated , and lead to the fact that the total unemployment shows a tendency to soar , the problems of employment and reemployment are shown out .

  6. 长期趋势正在压低就业增长。

    Long-term trends are depressing job growth .

  7. 社会职业发展趋势与大学生就业

    The Trend of the Development of the Social Professions and the Employment of College Students

  8. 就业弹性的变化趋势研究中国就业弹性的决定因素及就业影响

    The Employment Elasticity in the Process of Economy Growth of China : Affecting Factors and Employment Evaluation

  9. 20世纪90年代中期以来,外商直接投资的直接就业效应有弱化趋势,间接就业效应有所增强。

    Since 1995 , the direct employment effect of FDI is weakened while the indirect effect is getting stronger .

  10. 也就是说在居住人口近年呈空间扩散趋势,而就业岗位则集聚凝固,依旧集中在中心城区,主要商业业态空间分布亦是如此。

    However , centralization of employment posts is freezing . It focuses on center . Main business spatial structure is also thus .

  11. 这些趋势将使就业与生产力水平降低,从而缩减当代选民在退休时能够获得的国内产值。

    These tendencies will reduce employment and productivity , and shrink the national output available for today 's voting generations when they retire .

  12. 近年来,随着大学扩招,中国的高等教育已由精英教育逐渐转向大众教育。大学毕业生的就业率却呈现出逐渐下降的趋势,大学生就业难成为了社会关注的热点问题。

    In recent years , with the university enrollment , higher education in China has been " elite education " gradually to " public education . " The graduate non employment problem has become a heated discussion in the society .

  13. 目的了解高职护理专业学生的就业趋势,加强就业指导与服务工作,引导学生认清就业形势,准确定位,成功就业。

    Objective To know about the employment trend of higher vocational nursing students , to strengthen the employment guidance and the service works , and to guide the students to see the employment trend clearly , orient exactly and occupy successfully .

  14. 用解放思想,实事求是的理论分析当前大学生存在的就业倾向,结合实际生活分析就业趋势和大学生就业心态,并指导大学生转变就业观念,走一条正确的人生之路。

    With the theory of " Emancipating thought and seeking truth from facts ", this paper analyses the employment tendency of the contemporary college students , and the employment trend and their employment mentality , guiding the students to change their employment concept so as to have a meaningful life .

  15. 就业大众化趋势下高校毕业生就业工作的对策

    Strategy for the open-ended employment of college graduates

  16. 在后来的几周,我采取了前所未有的行动,扭转联邦政府越权趋势,释放创造就业的能力。

    In the following weeks , I took unprecedented actions to reverse Federal overreach and unleash job creation .

  17. 当海归越来越成为一种趋势时,海归就业就成为一个大家关心的热点。

    When the returnees is increasingly becoming a trend , the returnees employment as a matter of concern for hot spots .

  18. 在传统产业,资本有机构成仍然表现为上升趋势,对社会就业的影响主要在于量上,且带有双重性。

    In traditional industry , capital organic structure is still rising , which causes to employment mainly in quantity with dualistic features .

  19. 在新闻专业学生就业方面,整体就业率呈下降趋势,新闻专业就业领域的错位现象突出,具有特长的新闻专业学生受欢迎。

    In journalism students ' employment , overall employment declines , there has a highlighted phenomenon that the dislocation in employment domain of the news and journalism , students who has the specialty are welcome .

  20. 根据中国各产业就业形势的当前状况及发展趋势,解决中国就业问题的根本出路在于大力发展第三产业。

    Based on the analysis of empirical study , this article analyzes the current situation and development trend of the employment situations in China 's various industries and then points out that the key to solving the employment difficulties is to vigorously develop the tertiary industry .

  21. 探讨本港贸易模式近期由转口贸易转移至离岸贸易的趋势,并特别指出这个趋势对就业的影响。

    Examining the recent shift in trade patterns from re-exports to offshore trade and drawing attention in particular to the implications for employment .