
qū xiànɡ dònɡ cí
  • directional verb
  1. 对趋向动词起来及其语法化的研究

    A Study of Directional Verb " Qilai " and Its Grammaticalization

  2. 趋向动词的主要语法功能是在句中充当谓语动词或谓语后补语成分。

    The main grammar function of the directional verb is to be predicates or complements after predicate .

  3. 第二部分通过考察移类动词和趋向动词的结合关系,分析了位移句中Vq的语义特征、句法框架、其他成分语义特点。

    The second part analyzes Vq 's semantic features , syntactic frames and other complement semantic characters in the displacement clauses .

  4. 通过分析语料,我们发现有的动词一旦再和简单趋向动词等组合,形成一个整体,其组合能力就会发生极大的变化,能与给X相组合形成比较固定的结构。

    By analyzing corpus , we discover that once some verbs combined with simple directional verbs etc they will become a whole , and its ability of combination also takes a tremendous variety . When it is combined with " gei X ", they will form a more fixed structure .

  5. 发现不同的趋向动词对位移句中Vq的价有不同的影响,源点、终点的有无对位移句中Vq价也产生影响。

    Through investigating the combination relation of " move " verbs and trend verbs , we find different trend verbs have different effects on Vq 's valence in the displacement clauses , whether there is a start or an end also has effect on it .

  6. 九十年代以来的趋向动词研究述评

    A Study and Review of Tendency Verbs Since 1990 's

  7. 习得过程的研究是第二语言习得研究的重要组成部分,目前国内关于趋向动词的研究主要集中在句型的习得顺序。

    Acquisition process is the important part of the SLA .

  8. 论趋向动词问题

    On the Directional Verbs in Mandarin Chinese Problems

  9. 趋向动词的认知分析

    Cognitive Analysis of Directional Verbs in Chinese

  10. 趋向动词的范围及意义

    The Meaning and Scope of Tendency Verbs

  11. 这种句式义会对句子中的动词和趋向动词的语义进行调整。

    This sentence meaning will adjust the meaning of verbs and directional verbs in the sentence .

  12. 作补语的趋向动词语义的引申

    Connotations of Movement Verbs as Complement

  13. 动词+趋向动词不能简单地一概分析作中补关系。

    Verb + directional verb cannot be all simply analyzed as the relation of focus + complement .

  14. 对每一组词中每一个不对称义项产生的原因进行了阐释之后,我们尝试总结出一些共性的规律,希望借此深化对复合趋向动词,及整个趋向动词系统的认识。

    We summarize some universal principles , hoping to deepen our understanding of the compound directional verbs .

  15. 《红楼梦》中趋向动词+来/去结构

    Structure of Chinese Trend Verb " Come or Go " in " the Dream of Red Mansion "

  16. 从词的角度看,“上”是名词,是动词,也是趋向动词;

    From the linguistic viewpoint , it is a noun , a verb and a direction word as well .

  17. 趋向动词的句法以常带来表示起点或终点的处所宾语和前边可以有处所状语修饰为特点。

    The syntax of tendency verbs is characterized by the " place " object , modified by place adverbials .

  18. 这既说明了趋向动词内部的不同成分的发展速度是不相同的,也说明了语言发展中语法的发展是相对缓慢的。

    It is showed here that different constituents hold different changing speed and that development of grammar is relatively slow .

  19. 第三章对趋向动词的数量、语义和语法功能作了详尽的描写和解释。

    A thorough description and explanation of the numbers , semantics and syntactic functions of directional verbs will be made .

  20. 根据语义分析,趋向动词的标准应确定为:位移+方向+立足点。

    In light of the semantic analysis , the standard of tendency verbs should be as follows : displacement + direction + foothold .

  21. 汉语趋向动词具有复杂的表义功能以及特殊的句法形式特征,因此历来受到语言研究者的关注。

    Chinese tendency verbs have been constantly interested by linguistic researchers for longtime because of their complicated idea graphical function and special syntactic form .

  22. 动趋式也称动趋结构,即趋向动词作为趋向补语构成动词+趋向动词的句法结构。

    Verb-directional structure is the syntactic structure of " verb + directional verb ", while directional verbs act as directional complements of the structure .

  23. 《醒世姻缘传》中部分趋向动词在现代汉语中的消失、不再常用和趋向动词构成的一些格式的消失,造成了其他趋向动词表意职能的扩大。

    The disappearance and in modern Chinese and the loss of certain patterns give rise to the enlargement of expressive function of other tendency .

  24. 这些句子成分包括具有参照时间义的时间名词、时间副词,也包括动态助词和趋向动词、语气词等。

    These elements include time noun , time adverbial , dynamic auxiliary words , directional verb and modal particle with the implication of referent time .

  25. 趋向动词以及趋向补语句是现代汉语中研究的热点,也是留学生学习的难点。

    Directional verb and directional complement sentence are hot in the study of modern Chinese , and also are the difficulties in foreign students learning .

  26. 归纳了反义动词的分类:心理动词、趋向动词、判断动词、行为动词、能愿动词等等。

    We summed up the anti-sense verb classification : psychological verbs , verbs tend to judge verbs , action verbs , verbs and so on .

  27. 本部分着重从大三角的古的角度对趋向动词出来与宾语同现情况进行考察。

    This part observes the co-occurrence of the tendency verb and its object from the angle of " Ancient " in the Big Triangle in particular .

  28. 英语运动事件的主要句法表现形式为动词+小品词组合式,而汉语运动事件的主要句法表现形式是趋向动词结构。

    Verb-particle combination is the most common realization form of motion events in English , while verb-directional structure is the typical expression of Chinese motion events .

  29. 趋向动词属于汉语动词中的一个特殊小类,用以表示动作或事物朝着某一方向发展变化。

    " Directional Verb " is a special but small kind of the Chinese verbs and it is used to explain the developing directions of some actions or objects .

  30. 复合趋向动词作为一个特殊、封闭的类,它的句法结构灵活,语法意义复杂,且形式整齐。

    As a special and closed category , Compound directional verbs have significant characteristics , such as the flexible syntactic structures , the complex meanings , and the regular forms .