
  1. 状语后置句的美学功能

    On Aesthetic Function of the Post - positioned Adverbial

  2. 柳州方言的状语后置

    Adverbial backed of Liuzhou Dialect

  3. 现代汉语的状语后置是因为表达或交际的需要而出现的修饰语变位现象。

    The post-positioned adverbial modifier is a variation that adapts to the need expression or the communication .

  4. 可以说,长沙话的状语后置是湘语该类特殊语序的典型代表。

    We can say that adverbial postposition in the Changsha dialect is representative of this kind of special word ordering in the Xiang dialect .

  5. 接下来论文详细描述了长沙话状语后置的四种情况及其各自的用法特点,并分别举例说明各类用法为什么是状语后置而不是补语。

    Next , the thesis describes in detail the four scenarios of adverbial postposition in the Changsha dialect , respective characteristics of their usage , and how they are different from the usage of similar complements by comparison .

  6. 文章指出泰国汉语生语中受泰语干扰比较明显的几种语法偏误现象:量词、否定词误用,定语、状语后置等。

    This paper points out several obviously grammatical error phenomenon caused by the interference of Thai language in Chinese life in Thailand , such as the mistaken use of measure word and negative word , post attribute and post adverbial , etc.