
  • 网络state machine;FSM;State Machine Diagram;statemachine
  1. 电流极限比较器和电流极限状态机电路相结合,避免了变压器产生的音频噪声;

    The combination of current-limited comparator and current-limited statemachine reduces the noises generated by transformer .

  2. 基于有限状态机的Web服务测试用例生成方法

    A Method of Test Case Genernation for Web Services Based on Finite State Machine

  3. 同样的,Windows工作流状态机可以容易地集成C代码。

    Similarly , windows workflow state machines allow easy integration of C # code .

  4. UML状态机到B形式化规约的转换

    Transformation From UML State Machine to B Formal Specification

  5. 系统以两层业务结构为基础设计基于有限状态机运行控制的移动Agent;

    The design of mobile agent is based on two layer operation structure and FSM base run control .

  6. FPGA有限状态机模拟I~2C总线设计

    Design of FSM simulation for I ~ 2C bus based on FPGA

  7. 基于FPGA的PCI接口控制器状态机的分析

    Study on state machine in PCI interface controller based on FPGA

  8. 为使得Web服务测试用例能自动生成,本文还给出了满足有限状态机模型测试覆盖准则的用例生成算法。

    The algorithm of testing case generation meeting the coverage criteria is presented to enable Web services to generate test cases automatically .

  9. 随机状态机Petri网性能分析的矩母函数方法

    Moment generating function approach for evaluating state machine stochastic Petri nets

  10. 其Cache系统含标志寄存器、数据寄存器和状态机。

    Its Cache system includes symbol register , data register and situation equipment .

  11. UML状态机符号帮助我们描述并研究了各种状态。

    The UML state-machine notation helps us depict and investigate the various states .

  12. 基于状态机自动生成的SoC硬件接口综合方法

    The SoC Hardware Interface Synthesis Method Based On The FSM Automatic Generation

  13. UML状态机的形式语义

    The Formal Semantics of UML State Machine

  14. ProcessServices受到WebSphereProcessServer的全面支持,后者是业务处理的一个主要宿主环境&包括流和业务状态机。

    Process Services are supported fully by WebSphere Process Server which is a primary hosting environment for business processing – both flows and business state machines .

  15. EI内核中TCP状态机约简的研究

    Reasearch on TCP State Machine Reduction in Embedded Internet Kernel

  16. 您可以已经注意到,在构建状态机时始终有以下错误:Correlationsetmusthaveatleastoneproperty。

    You may have noticed that as you were building the state machine that there was one error all along : Correlation set must have at least one property .

  17. 提出了适合协同设计的、基于多层有限状态机的组件Agent理论模型。

    A novel theoretical model of the component agent was proposed based on multi-layer finite state machine ( FSM ) and the requirements of collaborative design .

  18. 另外,WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper帮助您创建业务流程流、状态机和业务规则。

    To complement this , WebSphere Integration Developer helps you create business process flows , state machines , and business rules .

  19. 基于VHDL语言有限状态机的交通灯控制系统设计

    Design of Traffic Light Control System based on VHDL Finite State Machine

  20. 研究有限状态机与PCI总线接口控制器的设计问题。

    Studies issues in the finite state machine ( FSM ) design in PCI bus interface controllers .

  21. 结果表明:基于有限状态机和FPGA的设计方法是完成高速器件控制的有效方式。

    It indicates that it 's an effective way to control the high-speed devices based on definite state machine and FPGA .

  22. 文章在Byzantinefaulttolerant状态机复制容错算法(BFT)中增加适应性失效检测。

    The paper presents on adaptive failure detection in Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant replication algorithm .

  23. 利用SNMP代理实现基于状态机的入侵检测

    Detection of intrusion status based on SNMP proxy

  24. 用有限状态机描述CNC的行为,使得其功能执行与数据交换自然地统一起来,并使软件对象具有良好的独立性。

    Finits State Machine is used to describe the behavior of CNC software , hence the software objects are more independent .

  25. 利用有限状态机和服务线程池技术对HTTP协议进行精简实现,构建起了Web服务器来完成对外公共服务。

    Finite state machine and the service thread pool technology were used to implement the HTTP protocol , to build up an efficient Web server .

  26. 生命周期类似于状态机的概念,在使用Studio时,可在UML中定义生命周期类。

      Life cycles are analogous to the concept of state machines and when using Studio are defined in UML .

  27. 因此,由于status变量是一个局部变量,所以它不会显示在全局变量列表中,供业务状态机中其他代码片段使用。

    Therefore , because it is a local variable , the status variable will not display in the list of global variables for use in other snippets within a business state machine .

  28. 根据PCI总线操作时序,提出了从设备接口控制器的有限状态机模型。

    The FSM model of target PCI bus interface controller is then provided based on PCI bus operation timing .

  29. AOP及其在状态机工作流中的应用

    A Workflow Management Framework of State Machine with AOP

  30. 您可能无需为应用程序创建状态机的特定子类,但确实需要为每个应用程序状态创建State的子类。

    You might not need to create a specific subclass of the state machine for your application , but you 'll definitely want to create subclasses of State for each of your application states .