
zhuàng mào
  • form;appearance
状貌 [zhuàng mào]
  • [appearance] 状态;外貌;容貌

状貌[zhuàng mào]
  1. 这一部分,还描述了全球化语境中我国大陆影视领域的转型状貌。

    This part , has also described the transition appearance of the continent movie & TV domain of our country in the globalization linguistic context .

  2. 通过狭邪小说这种具体形式的表述,多角度地对都市状貌、都市心理、都市精神等做了重新的阐释和发现。

    Through the narrow streets and winding alleys novel this concrete form indication , the multiple perspectives to the metropolis shape appearance , the metropolis psychology , the metropolis spirit and so on have given the again explanation and the discovery .

  3. 啊,白日里那么沉着和端庄,状貌安详,步履均匀。

    O shade , so sedate and decorous by day , with calm countenance and regulated pace ;

  4. 隋代的文、炀两位帝王对待文学有着不同的态度,因此对隋代的文学审美状貌产生了不同的影响。

    Emperor Wen and Yang took different attitude to literature , therefore they affected literary aesthetic differently .

  5. 在美学观上,张怀瓘所推崇的神采是一个综合了内在的神与外在的采的概念,亦即风神与状貌的统一。

    In the opinion of esthetics , Expression which is canonized by Zhang has synthesized the conception of interior numen with exterior pattern .

  6. 这些石头开始变软,呈现形状,渐渐地带上了略似于人的状貌。

    The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape . By degrees they put on a rude resemblance to the human form .

  7. 科幻文学是一种特殊的文学体裁,它以描写科技发展对世界的影响为主要内容,表现未来世界的状貌以及科技对人类生活的改变等。

    Science fiction is a kind of special literature which depicts the effect to the world by science and it to the human beings'life .

  8. 他描绘了美国西部边疆拓殖时期的状貌,大胆地触及他的时代相当敏感的生活领域,为现实主义文学的崛起与成功铺平了道路。

    He boldly touches the quite sensitive living realm of his times in his works and , paves the way for the emergence and success of realistic literature .

  9. 摘要“革命加恋爱”小说中,革命是一种总体性、终级性的现代性方案,并形成特定状貌的话语体系。

    In the " revolution and love " novels , the revolution is a kind of total , eventually modernity project , and become the discourse system of particular looks .

  10. 城市文化在逐步被解构的同时也在积极地寻求重构,形成多元的、活跃的、共生的状貌。

    The culture of cities is gradually disassembled ; meanwhile , it is also seeking to restructure the culture , which makes a diversified , active , and coexistent form of the culture of cities .

  11. 本文旨在描述其状貌,廓清其特征,认为,中国现代散文化小说是抒情的小说,非戏剧性小说,抒情性与结构的非戏剧性就是其核心特征。

    The thesis deals with this clear fact , giving account of some of its features , drawing the conclusion that the modern Chinese essay stories are lyrical by nature , not dramatic in terms of its structure .

  12. 本文认为:从世纪末小说发展状貌中,有一种对传统以反叛性的努力为方向、世俗化为其结果的文学。

    The thesis argues there is a kind of literature which has been trying to rebel tradition so that it has appeared the character of common custom in the development of novels at the end of the 20th century .

  13. 山水田园诗描绘了山水、园林的风光,较典型地反映了乱世之中处以待时的一类隐士的生活状貌与心理。

    Landscape and Pastoral Poems describe the beautiful scenery with hills , waters , rural and villa , which typically reflect the situation and mentality of those hermits who were in troubled times but were still waiting for good job condition .

  14. 然后在时空建构上,由空间叠合、异界时殊、空间大小状貌对比三方面分析了其时空观的异化,探究其民间和宗教思维原理。

    Secondly , I analyse the time-space Construction when the space-time crossing occurs by researching spatial overlapping , time difference and Spatial Difference in size and appearance , and investigate the folk thought and religious thinking mode which the cause these phenomena .

  15. 作为多民族混居的处所,边地是受汉儒主流文化影响较浅的边缘地带,文化构成相对复杂和多样,富有迥异于主流正统文化的民间色彩,凸显出独特的文化生态状貌。

    As a multi-ethnic mix of the premises , borderland mainstream is affected the shallow margins by the Han culture , which culture constitutes a relatively complex and diverse , that quite different from the mainstream of orthodox civil color , highlight the unique cultural ecology form .

  16. 进入近代以来,政治、经济、思想文化等诸方面发生了剧烈的变化,因而导致了近代婚姻家庭相应的变化,使其呈现出近代化的特征,各时期的婚姻家庭又各具不同的状貌。

    The great changes in some aspects , such as politics , economy , psychology and culture etc , result in the corresponding changes of marriage and family in modern times , so it shows a modernizing characteristic , marriage and family in different stages get different forms .