
  • 网络state estimation
  1. 参数摄动系统的鲁棒H∞状态估计

    Robust H_ ∞ state estimation for systems with uncertain parameters

  2. 基于GPS的移动体定位模型与状态估计

    Mathematical Model and State Estimation of Kinematic Platform GPS Positioning

  3. 基于鲁棒H∞滤波的蓄电池荷电状态估计

    Estimation of State of Charge for Storage Battery Based on Robust H_ ∞ Filter

  4. H∞滤波理论在多传感器信息融合状态估计中的应用研究

    Research on Application of H_ ∞ Filtering Theory in Multi-sensor Information Fusion State Estimation

  5. 基于GPS探测车的道路交通状态估计技术

    Traffic Parameter Estimation Based on GPS Equipped Probe Vehicles

  6. 本文用MATLAB构成了仿真系统,用C语言编制基本状态估计计算程序。

    The simulation system is constituted with MATLAB and the programs are formed with C language .

  7. 基于状态估计的PID控制器整定方法研究

    Tuning Method of PID Controller based on State Estimation

  8. 传统状态估计主要基于监控和数据采集(SCADA-SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition)系统提供的遥测量,采用迭代计算求得状态向量。

    Traditionally state estimation uses the remote measurements provided by the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ( SCADA ) system , obtaining the state vector iteratively .

  9. 基于Kalman滤波原理的电力系统动态状态估计的研究综述

    Research on dynamic state estimation based on Kalman theory in power system

  10. 几项研究估计LED最终会节省一半电量。考虑杠杆量测量的电力系统状态估计研究

    Several studies reckon that LEDs could eventually cut that amount in half . A Power System Estimator Based on Leverage Measures

  11. MIMO非线性系统状态估计的递推Monte-Carlo方法研究

    Research on Recursive Monte-Carlo Method for MIMO Nonlinear System State Estimation

  12. 基于Sigma点Kalman滤波的车载导航系统状态估计

    State estimation for land vehicle navigation system based on Sigma Point Kalman Filter

  13. 对于基于支路电流的配电网三相状态估计算法,采用Java语言编制了相应的应用程序。

    A three-phase state estimation algorithm based on the branch current for distribution network is realized by practical programming using Java .

  14. 这种滤波器能够在具有初始状态估计误差的情况下渐近诊断出具有n个测量输出的m个(可增加至n个)同时发生的故障。

    This filter can asymptotically detect m ( can be increased to n ) faults that occur simultaneously with the initial state estimations error .

  15. 广义随机2-D系统的状态估计

    State Estimation of Singular Stochastic 2-D System

  16. 功能分解法状态估计及在AGC中的应用

    State Estimate by Function Decomposition and its Application on AGC

  17. 带变异算子的PSO算法在配电网状态估计中的应用

    Application of the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Mutation Operators in Distribution State Estimation

  18. 利用Kalman滤波对船舶纵向运动进行状态估计;

    By the agency of Kalman filter , it gives the state estimation of the longitudinal movement of ship .

  19. 状态估计是配电管理系统(DMS)的重要组成部分。

    State estimation is an integral part of distribution management system .

  20. Kalman滤波是一种应用非常广泛的状态估计算法,基于信息融合的Kalman滤波包括状态向量融合和测量融合两种方法。

    Conventional Kalman filter ( TTF ) based on information fusion includes two methods & state vector fusion and measurement fusion .

  21. SLAM包含状态估计和数据关联两部分。

    The SLAM problem consists of two components : state estimation and data association .

  22. 南阳DTS中数学建模及状态估计的应用研究

    The Application Research of Mathematical Modeling and State Estimation in NanYang DTS

  23. 基于分块QR分解的一种状态估计算法

    A block QR based power system state estimation algorithm

  24. 具有Markovian时延与丢包的离散系统的状态估计

    State estimation for discrete-time systems with Markovian time-delay and packet loss

  25. 作为能量管理系统(EMS)的一个组成部分,电力系统状态估计的研究具有重要意义。

    As a part of EMS ( Energy Manage System ), the study of power system state estimation is significance .

  26. 提出适用于低成本捷联惯导系统的初始对准方法,即采用非线性对准模型和采样卡尔曼滤波(UnscentedKalmanFilter)进行状态估计。

    An initial alignment method for low-cost SINS is proposed , which uses nonlinear error model and the unscented Kalman filter ( UKF ) .

  27. 应用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法将GPS测量方程和SINS动态线性化,进行SINS验前状态估计及其误差协方差时间更新。

    Extended Kalman filter is applied to linearize GPS measurement model and SINS , then the state estimation and error covariance time-update of SINS are accomplished .

  28. 电力系统P-Q分解状态估计中的增益矩阵

    The Gain Matrix in P-Q Decoupled State-Estimation for Power Systems

  29. 在对最小二乘(LS)估计进行数学描述的基础上,建立了一种LS状态估计的迭代方程。

    On the basis of mathematical description for least square ( LS ) estimation , an iterative equation for LS state estimation is established .

  30. 电力系统状态估计是能量管理系统(EMS)的一个重要功能,为EMS提供可靠完备的数据支持。

    Power system state estimation is an important function in the Energy Management System , which provides a reliable and integrated database for it .