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zhuàng yuan
  • Number One Scholar;the very best (in any field);Number One Scholar, title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination
状元 [zhuàng yuán]
  • (1) [Number One Scholar, title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination]∶科举考试中,殿试考取一甲(第一等)第一名的人

  • (2) [the very best (in any field)]∶比喻在本领域(本行业)中成绩最好的人

状元[zhuàng yuan]
  1. 状元殿试对策作为传统文化的重要载体之一,有着重要的文化研究价值,对当今考试文体也有着诸多启示和借鉴。

    The countermeasure of the Number One Scholar test as one of the important carriers of conventional culture has very great value in our studying culture , and it has many apocalypses and the using for reference to today 's examination style .

  2. 新发现的南唐状元&郎粲

    Discovery of a New Number One Scholar of the Southern Tang State - Lang Can

  3. 行业没有高低之分,只要自己努力,三十六行,行行出状元。

    It is difficult to say which is the better trade . One can become the master of his trade provided he is diligent and tries hard .

  4. 七十二行,行行出状元。

    Every profession produces its own leading authority .

  5. 他到目前为止仍是NBA历史上最矮的状元。

    He was and is still the shortest first pick in NBA history .

  6. 在2009年的NBA选秀大会上,格里芬被快船队用状元签选中。

    Griffin was drafted first overall by the Clippers in the 2009 NBA draft .

  7. 姚明与NBA近十年选秀状元中锋技术运用能力的研究

    Research on Technical Application Ability of YAO Ming and Other NBA Top Draft Central in Recent Ten Years

  8. 这位身高2.26米的上海人自2002年在NBA选秀夺得状元后,已经打了8个赛季的比赛了,这位小巨人已经饱受伤痛之苦。

    The2.26-meter Shanghai native , who played for eight seasons in the NBA , has been troubled with a series of injuries .

  9. 据ESPN消息,NBA水货状元夸梅·布朗与飞人迈克尔·乔丹再度合作,让无数的NBA观察家大跌眼镜。

    To the surprise of many NBA observers , Kwame Brown and Michael Jordan are together again , ESPN reports .

  10. 它通过视觉识别系统对不同元件进行视觉识别,能高速高精度贴装微小片状元件、精细IC元件或异形元件。

    It can identify different components through visual identifying system , and mount microminiaturize flat chip with high speed and high precision , and also including subtle IC and abnormity components .

  11. 凯里-欧文在2011年的NBA选秀大会上被克利夫兰骑士队以状元签选中,并当选了年度最佳新秀。

    He was named NBA Rookie of the Year after being selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the first overall pick in the 2011 NBA draft .

  12. 这位2008年NBA选秀状元,2009荣膺最佳新秀并在他的第二个、第三个及第四个赛季入选全明星。

    The No. 1 pick in the 2008 NBA draft , Rose was the 2009 Rookie of the Year and an All-Star in his second , third and fourth seasons .

  13. 比尔答复到:“你说什么?你是认真的吗?两年之内,你将成为NBA选秀大会的状元。”

    And Bill was like , " What ? Are you serious ? In two years , you 're going to be the No. 1 pick in the NBA draft . "

  14. 布朗,25岁,无疑是湖人最大的迷,拥有6尺11270磅身材的他,是2001年NBA选秀的状元,当时被认为拥有统治力所具备的任何身体条件。

    Brown , 25 , is easily the Lakers'biggest enigma . At6-foot-11,270 pounds , the No.1 overall pick of the2001 NBA draft has all the physical tools to be a dominating force .

  15. 到此刻,米尔顿培训过良多NBA球员,包孕本年度的选秀状元布雷克·格里芬,乃至还成为了洛杉矶快艇队夏季联赛的助教。

    He has trained many NBA players , including this year 's top draft pick , Oklahoma 's Blake Griffin , and even landed an assistant coaching gig for the Los Angeles Clippers'summer-league team .

  16. 我们已经知道的是:自从作为NBA历史上第一个高中生选秀状元进入NBA以来已经6个赛季了(2001年被奇才选中),阿水也该发掘出他巨大的潜力了。

    What We Already Know : Six seasons removed from being the first high-school player selected number one in the NBA Draft ( 2001 by the Washington Wizards ), Brown has yet to fulfill his massive potential .

  17. 报道说,前述北京理科状元李泰伯吃惊地发现,他已经被哈佛(Harvard)、耶鲁(Yale)、斯坦福(Stanford)等美国名牌高校拒录。

    Li Taibo , the Beijing science top scorer , was surprised to discover that he had been rejected by Harvard , Yale , Stanford and a number of other top American colleges , according to reports .

  18. 同样,2017年的NBA状元秀在下个赛季将会拿到510万美元的薪水,而如果新的劳资协议生效,其将会增长50%至760万美元,如果未签约同样计入球队工资。

    Similarly , the top overall pick in the 2017 NBA Draft has a rookie-scale salary of $ 5.1 million for next season . If the new CBA raises that by 50 percent as well , the player would take up $ 7.6 million unsigned .

  19. 采用微焊点强度测试仪测试了Sn-Ag-Cu钎料和Sn-Pb钎料钎焊的矩形片状元件钎焊接头的抗剪强度,并对焊点断口进行了扫描电镜分析。

    Shear strengths of rectangular chip component soldered with Sn-Pb solder and with Sn-Ag-Cu solder were studied by means of STR-1000 micro-joints tester and microscopic fractography by SEM . Fracture appearance of the joints was also analyzed .

  20. 作为中国体育的象征之一,姚明在2002年选秀大会上以状元秀的身份登陆NBA,为休斯顿火箭队效力九年,八次入选全明星,并在2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会上率领国家队闯入八强。

    As one of the sports icons in China , Yao landed on NBA in the year of 2002 as the first-pick of the draft , playing for Houston Rockets for 9 years and entering all-star games eight times . He also led the Chinese national team to the last eight in 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games .

  21. 让我们从2004状元秀开始。

    Let 's begin with the first pick of the2004 draft .

  22. 还有12次进士考试是没有产生状元的。

    There are12 chin-shih examination is not produced the champion of .

  23. 矩形片状元件无铅焊点断裂机制

    Fracture mechanism of lead-free soldered joints of rectangular chip component

  24. 《张协状元》同义词例释

    Example Explanations of Synonyms in No. 1 Scholar Zhang Xie

  25. 《张协状元》近代口语副词简论

    A Roughly Study on Modern Colloquial Adverbs in Zhang Xie Zhuang Yuan

  26. 表面组装技术和片状元件在空间应用的可能性

    Possibility of using surface mount technology and chip component in space application

  27. 我们还要等多久才能看到布朗成为“真的状元”?

    How long do we have to watch passes bounce off Brown ?

  28. 卡尔-安东尼-唐斯则成为了明尼苏达森林狼的新晋状元。

    Karl-Anthony Towns went No. 1 to the Minnesota Timberwolves .

  29. 后来这个孩子中了状元,当了明朝的宰相。

    And he became Prime Minster during the Ming Dynasty .

  30. 边界曲率对片状元盘埋藏缺陷的应力强度因子的影响

    Effect of Boundary Curvature on Stress Intensity Factors for an Embedded Penny-Shaped Crack