
zhuànɡ yǔ cónɡ jù
  • adverbial clause
  1. 时间状语从句,我打错了。

    Before is adverbial clause of time , I think .

  2. When引导的状语从句位置灵活,语义丰富。

    The adverbial clause introduced by " when " is characterized by flexible position and rich meaning .

  3. 第二句相当于although引导的让步状语从句,但是语气更强一些&我们虽然医疗器械有所改进,但床位数和医生数无甚改观。

    It is true that we have more advanced medical instruments , but the numbers of beds and doctors have changed little over the last decade .

  4. 本文为动词同宾结构提供了一个统一的解释:这些句子中的V2(连同其空主语和空宾语)本质上是目的性状语从句。

    I will provide a uniform explanation for OSC in this dissertation : V2 ( with its null subject and null object ) is essentially a purpose clause modifying the matrix clause .

  5. Although、though和as都可以引导让步状语从句,但是,从它的向式结构不同着眼,有可以把它分为若干种表达形式。这对丰富英汉互译的表达手段更为有益。

    Although , though and as can all be used to conduct a concessive adverbial clause , which may be expressed in different ways in view of its varied sentence structures , thus adding to the accesses of English - Chinese translation .

  6. 这篇论文旨在研究和分析让步状语从句在轮机英语(MEE)中的应用及其特点。

    This thesis is devoted to the corpus-based study on Concessive Adverbial Clauses in Maritime Engineering English ( MEE ) .

  7. 英汉时间状语从句位置分布差异及其对英语学生写作的影响&基于CLEC的实证研究

    The Influence of the Distributional Differences in Chinese and English Time Clauses on ESL Students ' Writing & A CLEC-based Study

  8. 由于存在这种差异,ESL学生,尤其是初级水平的学生,容易受母语的影响进而将时间状语从句放在句首。

    Because of the differences , ESL students , especially the lower-leveled ones , are prone to the influence of their native language and put time clauses at the beginning of sentences .

  9. 她醒来时,她发现大家都走了。(时间状语从句)

    When she woke up , she found everybody had gone .

  10. 英汉原因状语从句对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Reason

  11. 他干完活,回家了。(时间状语从句)

    After he had finished the work , he went home .

  12. 哪里有空气和水,哪里就有生命。(状语从句)

    Where there is water and air , there is life .

  13. 国际商务条约中状语从句的翻译研究

    A Study on the Translation of Adverbial Clauses in International Business Contracts

  14. 如果你回来,我就去看你。(条件状语从句)

    If you come back , I will go to see you .

  15. 你太太平安归来时你所有烦恼将烟消云散。时间状语从句。

    All your troubles will vanish away when your wife returns safely .

  16. 你怎么理解第二个状语从句?

    How do you think of the second adverbial clause ?

  17. 用不定式短语来替换下列句中状语从句。

    Exercise VI replace the adverb clauses by infinitive phrases .

  18. 他只要一到那儿,就会给母亲打电话。(时间状语从句)

    He 'll telephone his mother as soon as he gets there .

  19. 我不管到哪,都会带上一把伞。(地点状语从句)

    Wherever I go , I will bring an umbrella with me .

  20. 条件状语从句,一般现在时表示将来时。

    If she comes , she will get a surprise .

  21. 方式状语从句用以表示做某事的方式。

    You use manner clauses to talk about how something is done .

  22. 英语比较状语从句的省略问题

    The Omission in the English Adverbial Clause of Comparison

  23. 这两句都是时间状语从句。

    It was ten o'clock when he came back .

  24. 不管你多么努力,你也决不会不带英国口音。(状语从句)

    However hard you try , you 'll never lose your English accent .

  25. 我们都是八点到达的,结果会议马上就开始了。(结果状语从句)

    We all arrived at eight , so that the meeting began immediately .

  26. (目的状语从句)我乘了早班公共汽车,及时赶到了那里。(结果状语从句)

    I took an early bus so that I got there in time .

  27. 她服了中药,结果缓解了症状。(译成结果状语从句)

    She took Chinese medicine which relieved her symptom .

  28. 他们早早就出发了,所以没误火车。(结果状语从句)

    They started out early so that they would not miss the train .

  29. 时间状语从句有补充信息的作用。

    Temporal clauses are usually used to supplement information .

  30. 无论你想买哪本词典,我都愿意付款。(引导让步状语从句)

    Whichever dictionary you want to buy , I 'll pay for it .