
pǎo dào
  • runway;track;racetrack;running track;athletic track
跑道 [pǎo dào]
  • (1) [running track]∶赛跑专用的道

  • (2) [runway]

  • (3) 供飞机起飞、着陆滑跑,具有一定长度和宽度的铺筑地段

  • (4) 动物从饲养场走出来又走回去的往返踏出的道路

跑道[pǎo dào]
  1. 飞机终于成功地滑翔降落在跑道上。

    The plane managed to glide down to the runway .

  2. 那架喷气式飞机开始拐出主跑道。

    The jet began to turn off the main runway .

  3. 我们靠近跑道时,我减速了。

    I throttled back as we approached the runway .

  4. 所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。

    The runway is simply a strip of grass .

  5. 他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。

    They blasted a huge crater in the runway .

  6. 三架飞机停在跑道上,等候起飞。

    Three planes were standing on the tarmac , waiting to take off .

  7. 这些飞机在毗连的跑道上降落。

    The planes landed on adjacent runways .

  8. 飞机冲出了跑道。

    The aircraft overshot the runway .

  9. 安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。

    Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track .

  10. 她撞上了最后一个跨栏,整个人趴在了跑道上。

    She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track .

  11. 跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。

    On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply .

  12. 飞行员将飞机滑行到了跑道尽头。

    The pilot taxied the plane to the end of the runway .

  13. 谢尔顿机长驾驶飞机沿跑道滑行起飞。

    Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off .

  14. 飞机突然偏离跑道,高速冲过了周围的护栏。

    The plane veered off the runway and careered through the perimeter fence

  15. 他身披加拿大国旗绕跑道奔跑。

    He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track

  16. 之前曾经希望能使用室内跑道。

    Earlier , it had been hoped to use the indoor track .

  17. 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。

    The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway .

  18. 跑道畅通无阻,开始着陆吧。

    The runway is clear — go ahead and land

  19. 许多人梦想能绕着跑道飞奔。

    Many people dream of scorching round a racetrack .

  20. 我很高兴能重新回到跑道上。

    I 'm just happy to be back running

  21. 飞机看样子在降落后滑出了跑道。

    The plane apparently overshot the runway after landing

  22. 飞机轰鸣着沿着跑道疾驰,准备起飞。

    The plane roared down the runway for takeoff

  23. 飞机开始在跑道上滑行。

    The plane started taxiing down the runway .

  24. 新的机场跑道耗资10亿美元,却没什么大用处。

    The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle .

  25. 飞机在暴风雪中起飞的时候滑出了跑道。

    The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm .

  26. 贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。

    Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running

  27. 跑道需要加长。

    The runway had to be lengthened .

  28. 飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼擦到了一堆碎石。

    As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble .

  29. 机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。

    The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway .

  30. 约翰逊在禁赛结束后又回到了跑道上,但已找不回当初的状态。

    Johnson returned to the track after his ban but was a shadow of his former self .