
pǎo kù
  • Parkour;free running
  1. 但其实二者有所不同,freerunning(自由奔跑)强调的是在环境中表达和展现自我,而“跑酷”强调的是用最快的速度从A处到达B处。

    While freerunning is more to do with expressing yourself within your environment , parkour is aiming to get from A to B the fastest .

  2. 我们有跑酷舞者,他们可以在他们家的瓦砾上跳舞。

    We have parkour dancers who dance in the rubble of their homes .

  3. 任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的“门槛”也很高。

    Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc 's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15 , a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer 's Pokemon Go phenomenon .

  4. 阿甘,这个让汉克斯捧走一座小金人的不幸角色,20年后在GeneraMobile开发的跑酷游戏中获得了新生。这款游戏目前在美国热销应用排行中跻身前50。

    Forrest Gump , the hapless character that brought Mr Hanks an Oscar , has found a new lease of life 20 years on , in a running game developed by Genera Mobile which is currently in the top 50 most popular US apps .

  5. 有时,“跑酷”也用freerunning来表示。

    The term freerunning is sometimes used interchangeably with parkour .

  6. 喜欢跑酷的人在中国越来越多。

    Cool people like to run more and more in China .

  7. 跑酷的一个重要特点是有效的。

    An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency .

  8. 大卫贝勒也没有在一夜间搞出诸如跑酷般的城市杂耍活动。

    David Belle didn 't develop the cityscape acrobatic activity known as Parkour overnight .

  9. 大多数跑酷运动参与者都是为了释放自身的压力和情绪,为了挑战自我。

    Most participants are to release their stress and emotions , even to challenge themselves .

  10. 而跑酷体育运动正在以郑州为中心,向着其他地市成辐射状发展。

    And with Zhengzhou as the center , parkour sports are toward other cities into radial .

  11. 《超级玛丽跑酷》标志着任天堂最受欢迎的系列游戏首次出现在了智能手机上。

    Super Mario Run marks the first time Nintendo 's popular franchise is appearing on a smartphone .

  12. 像《饼干跑酷》这类游戏的大受欢迎也为即时通讯应用开发商带来了可观的收入。

    The popularity of games like Cookie Run has brought in a bonanza of revenue for the messaging app makers .

  13. 招募跑酷达人,在潮湿和干燥的时候和在皮肤起皱和不起皱的情况下,展现他们在城市中的杂技。

    Recruiting parkour experts to show off their urban acrobatics while either wrinkled or non-wrinkled , and in wet or dry conditions .

  14. 跑酷运动的花费较低,有利于人们参与到其中,不必承受较重的经济负担。

    Parkour with low cost , is helpful for people to participate in them , not subject to heavy economic burden . 4 .

  15. 在加快跑酷运动发展的同时,跑酷运动参与者在参与跑酷运动时能够缓解自身压力,使自己在快速发展的社会去能够更好的面对挑战适应社会。

    During developing parkour , participants can relieve their pressure , so that make oneself face the challenge and adapt to the society .

  16. 任天堂发布的声明称,除了英语和日语,“超级玛丽跑酷”还支持多种其他语言。

    In addition to English and Japanese , Super Mario Run will be available in several other languages , Nintendo said in a statement .

  17. “跑酷”的目标是不借助任何仪器,仅凭借人体和现有环境中的物体从一个地点到达另一个地点。

    The object of parkour is to get from one place to another using only the human body and the objects in the environment .

  18. 建议从中国体育彩票基金中划出一部分资金,用于公共跑酷体育运动场所的建设。

    Suggest that we take out some money from the China sports Lottery Fund to be used in the construction of public parkour sports venues .

  19. 做你最喜欢的运动——可以是跑酷、足球、举重,甚至是傍晚在公园里漫步。

    Do what you love the most - it could be parkour , soccer , weight lifting or even a light afternoon stroll in the park 。

  20. 现年20岁的俄罗斯国际象棋冠军尤里·埃利塞夫在练习跑酷时出现差错,从莫斯科公寓的阳台上掉了下去。

    Russian chess champion Yuri Yeliseyev , 20 , has died after falling from the balcony of a Moscow apartment block when his parkour practice went wrong .

  21. 参与到跑酷体育运动中的人群主要以青少年阶段,伴随着年龄的增强,跑酷运动参与者呈递减趋势。

    To participate in the crowd of parkour sports mainly adolescent stage , along with the increase of the age , parkour participants showed a trend of decline .

  22. 影片中,他大秀惊人表演,动作之敏捷宛如电子游戏中的角色。不管是墙壁、屋顶还是骆驼都成了他可以利用的跑酷道具。

    In the film , he performs his own stunts , leaping across walls and over rooftops and camel backs with the agility of , well , a video-game character .

  23. 跑酷运动的自由性、挑战性、创新性都深深的吸引着广大的跑酷运动爱好者,对大众的德、智、体、美方面的改变有着前所未有的影响。

    Parkour freedom , challenging , innovative are deeply attracted by the parkour sports enthusiasts . It has a great impact on the masses of moral , intellectual , physical .

  24. 照片里,小A和老婆小妖作出各种跑酷动作,蹬墙悬空、猫挂、倒立等等。

    In the Parkour photographs , A and his wife Xiaoyao make all kinds of Parkour movements : hanging by kicking the wall , cat-hanging , upside down , and so on .

  25. 所以,揭示跑酷运动的文化内涵、运动特征、经济价值、人文价值,对于促进跑酷运动的推广发展有着巨大的意义。

    So , revealing the cultural content of the parkour , movement characteristics , economic value , cultural value , to promote the promotion of development of parkour is of great significance .

  26. 所在环境中的任何物体都可以成为障碍物,不过“跑酷”运动经常会在城区内进行,因为建筑物和轨道等公共设施都是很适合的障碍物。

    The obstacles can be anything in one 's environment , but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails .

  27. 跑酷源于法国,是一项非竞技性身体训练。参与者沿一定路线奔跑,试图仅借助身体以最可能有效的方式成功穿越障碍物。

    It is a non-competitive , physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route , attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible , using only their bodies .

  28. 根据河南省跑酷运动的主要影响因素,提出以下建议:1.有关部门应该通过各种渠道对大众人群进行参加跑酷体育运动的意识进行培养,努力使这种意识转变为行动,加快河南省全民健身的脚步。

    Relevant departments should cultivate people a sense of taking part in parkour and try to make this consciousness into action to speed up the steps of the national fitness in Henan Province . 2 .

  29. 目前,河南省跑酷运动参与者主要还是以青少年为主体,参与者中主要还是各级各类在校学生和青少年为多。

    At present , parkour participants mainly based on adolescents in Henan province as the main body , the participants in the major or the students and youth of all types and at all levels .

  30. 据《生活频道》报道,尤里·埃利塞夫是跑酷迷,这项运动包括攀爬墙面、建筑和屋顶,然后再跳下来,夏天时,一名邻居就曾看到埃利塞夫在表演绝技。

    A fan of parkour , a sport involving climbing up and leaping from walls , buildings and roofs , Yeliseyev was seen performing stunts over the summer by a neighbour , the Life channel reported .