
jù gǔ
  • talus;astragalus;ankle bone;huckle-bone
距骨 [jù gǔ]
  • (1) [astragalus]∶高等脊椎动物的跗骨的近侧骨之一,被认为相当于许多低等脊椎动物的胫侧骨与中间介质的融合

  • (2) [talus]∶负担人体重量的,在踝部与小腿骨相关节的骨

距骨[jù gǔ]
  1. 基于CT序列图像的活体距骨分割及三维重建

    An In vivo segmentation and reconstruction of talus based on CT sequence of images

  2. 病灶较小(<2cm)或(和)出现硬化时MRI表现不典型,见于9个典型病灶周围骨髓内和1个距骨。

    MRI manifestation was atypical when focus was small ( < 2 cm ) or ( and ) became sclerosed .

  3. 结论:螺旋CT及其后处理功能能为距骨骨折诊断和治疗提供有价值的信息,但各种软件功能必须结合应用。

    Conclusion : Spiral CT and postprocessing technique can provide valuable information for the diagnosis and treatment of talus fracture , but the combined use of various software should be needed .

  4. Cincinnati入路治疗儿童先天性垂直距骨

    Surgical correction of congenital vertical talus of children by Cincinnati incision

  5. 方法:根据术前跟距轴位CT扫描所测量的跟距联合与跟距后关节二者横向切面之比率及跟骨外翻角度来决定采取跟距骨桥局部切除或三关节融合术。

    Methods The resection of a talocalcaneal coalition or triple arthrodesis was selected according to calcaneal eversion angle and the rate of a talocalcaneal coalition and the posterior surface area of the talocalcaneal joint .

  6. 螺旋CT3D、2D重建在距骨骨折诊断中的应用

    The application of spiral CT with 2D and 3D reconstruction in evaluation of talus fractures

  7. 按Hawkins标准优2例、良7例、中1例,创伤性骨关节炎4例,距骨无菌性坏死2例。

    The complications included traumatic osteoarthritis in 4 cases and aseptic necrosis in 2 cases .

  8. 方法:应用CT扫描技术和计算机图像处理系统,建立跟、距骨的三维有限元模型。

    Methods : CT scanning and computer image processing system were used to establish the model to simulate the situation of calcaneus and talus for 3 phases ( heel strike , midstance , push off ) during the gait .

  9. 极度背伸端提手法复位塑形夹板固定治疗HawkinsⅢ型距骨颈骨折23例

    Treatment on talus neck fracture of Hawkins ⅲ in 23 cases with manipulative reduction and splints fixation

  10. 方法对56例距骨颈骨折患者进行回顾性分析,判断有无Hawkins征,确定距骨颈骨折Hawkins征分型及3种类型缺血性坏死的发生率。

    Methods Through retrospective analysis of 56 cases , Hawkins sign and incidence in 3 types of ischemic necrosis were determined .

  11. X线片示BHLER角、Gissane角、距骨倾斜角、跟骨宽度及丘部高度基本恢复正常。

    Plain radiography showed that B hler angle , Gissane angle , talus inclining angle , width of calcaneus and height of calcaneal thalamus were restored to nearly normal .

  12. 结论Hawkins征在诊断距骨颈骨折致体部缺血性坏死中有较高的诊断价值,骨折移位程度是影响缺血性坏死发生率的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion Hawkins sign is of great value in diagnosis of ischemic necrosis of talus , and displacement degree is one of the factors affecting the incidence of ischemic necrosis .

  13. 方法根据Hawkin分型,对33例距骨骨折患者采用可吸收螺钉手术治疗。

    Methods 33 cases with talar fractures were classified by Hawkin system and treated with absorbable screw .

  14. 目的探讨霍金斯(Hawkins)征在诊断距骨颈垂直骨折致距骨体缺血性坏死的价值,以及移位程度与缺血性坏死发生率的关系。

    Objective To explore the value of Hawkins sign in the diagnosis of ischemic necrosis caused by vertical fracture of collum tali , and the relationship between displacement degree and ischemic necrosis .

  15. 患侧与健侧距骨前移距离差值穴△ATT雪平均2.4mm,对照组△ATT平均0.9mm(P<0.01)。

    The average difference of ATT between the suffered ankles and uninjured ones was 2.4mm , compared with 0.9mm of controlled group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 不同位相距骨VONMISES应力值及分布范围不同,等效应力在距骨滑车、距骨颈及距舟关节从落地相到离地相逐渐增大,在距下关节逐渐减小。

    The von Mises stress and distribution scope were difference in different phase . The von Mises stress in the talar dome , talar neck , talonavicular joint surface gradually increased , and decreased in the subtalar joint . 3 .

  17. 婴幼儿先天性垂直距骨与斜形距骨的诊治目的:探讨和总结Cincinnati入路治疗儿童先天性垂直距骨的临床效果和优越性。

    Diagnosis and treatment for congenital vertical talus and oblique talus in infants Objective : To investigate and summarize the effect and advantage of Cincinnati incision in surgical correction of congenital vertical talus ( CVT ) .

  18. 目的探讨距骨后突内侧结节(PMTT)骨折诊断与治疗的有效方法。

    Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of the fracture of posterior medial tubercle of the talus ( PMTT ) .

  19. 结果:距骨滑车面上面前宽男29.4±2.8mm、女27.4±2.6mm;

    Results : The anterior width of upper surface of talus trochlear was 29.4 ± 2.8 mm for male and 27.4 ± 2.6 mm for female .

  20. 力学测试:①克氏针(直径2mm、弹性模量0.15GPa)在距骨皮质外3cm处折弯,间距0.7cm张力相挂;

    The mechanical assay showed : ① the Kirschner pins ( 2 mm in diameter and 0.15 GPa in elastic modulus ) were bent at the point 3 cm lateral to the cortex and hooked each other at an interval of 0.7 cm to cause the tension ;

  21. 距骨中心中轴距:男性跖屈最大值2.4mm、背屈2.5mm,女性跖屈最大值1.9mm、背屈2.0mm,最小值均为0mm。

    The distance of geometrical center : maximum of ankle dorsiflexion was 2.4 mm and plantarflexion was 2.5 mm in male , ankle dorsiflexion maximum was 1.9 mm and plantarflexion 2.0 mm in female ; The minimum of them was all 0 mm .

  22. 结果:胫距关节矢状径最长为31.9mm,距骨滑车与胫骨关节软骨厚各为2.5mm与2.4mm,胫距关节间隙为2.6mm,内侧韧带厚为3.1mm;

    Results : The sagittal length of the tibiotalar joint was 31.9 mm , the thickness of articular cartilage of the talar and tibia were 2.5 mm and 2.4 mm , the space of the tibiotalar joint was 2.6 mm , the thickness of medial ligament was 3.1 mm ;

  23. 距骨29%~83%,平均50.1%;

    Talus 29 % ~ 83 % , average 50.1 % ;

  24. 距骨外侧突骨折的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and Treatment in Fracture of Lateral Process of the Talus

  25. 43例距骨颈骨折手术疗效分析

    Fracture of the talar neck : an analysis of 43 cases

  26. 足弓结构异常、跖筋膜切断都将加剧应力集中程度、增加足弓背屈变形,应力传导导致舟骨、距骨变形。

    Abnormal stress conduction may result in talus and navicular distortion .

  27. 距骨颈骨折脱位56例疗效分析

    Fracture-dislocation of talar neck : A therapeutic-effect analysis of 56 cases

  28. 为保持距舟、距跟关节的稳定,经足底由跟骨向距骨交叉穿2枚克氏针。

    Two K-wires was passed through calcaneus to talus from planta .

  29. 双曲线定位,测距差定位跟骨、距骨的计算机三维重建及其解剖学测量

    Digitalized visualization reconstruction and three-dimensional geometry measurement of calcaneus and talus

  30. 距骨突出于跟骨的上面。

    The talus rests upon the upper surface of the calcaneus .