
  • 网络Beijing city;beijing;the city of beijing
  1. 地理学家G·泰勒首次把有关北京城的建址问题提到现代城市地理学的研究上来进行。

    At the first time Geographer G.Taylor studied the problem about choicing place of Beijing City from the angle of geography of modern city .

  2. 北京城近郊区地下水脆弱性研究

    Study on the Groundwater Vulnerability in Beijing City and Suburb Area

  3. B我也想去。我想整个北京城都将热烈庆祝广州亚运会的召开。

    So would I.I think the whole city will be celebrating .

  4. 北京城近郊区浅层地下水环境地球化学GIS系统及其应用

    The Environmental Geochemistry GIS of Shallow Groundwater in the City Zone and Close Suburb of Beijing

  5. 基于ESB技术的北京城轨信息交换平台研究

    ESB Based Research of Beijing Subway Information Exchange Platform

  6. 本论文提出了一种基于企业服务总线(ESB)技术的北京城轨信息交换平台。

    This thesis presents The Beijing Subway information exchange platform based on ESB ( Enterprise Service Bus ) .

  7. 过去三年,单身汉马克南一直居住于凯悦酒店公寓(ParkHyattResidences)的屋顶小户套房,从那儿还可俯瞰北京城的胜景。

    For the past three years McKenna , a bachelor , has also enjoyed some of the city 's best views from his miniature penthouse in the Park Hyatt Residences .

  8. 在它的南面是一个面积很大的3A级国家公园,公园里湖水的面积有84个足球场那么大,这里是干燥多尘的北京城拥有的稀有的景地。

    To its south is a giant3A-rated park with a sweeping lake the size of84 football fields , a rare landscape in the dusty capital known for its dry climate .

  9. 本辑照片由摄影师菲力斯•比托(FeliceBeato)于1860年拍摄,展现与今日中国截然不同、且为人所淡忘的景观与城市风貌。本系列18张照片中,最为瞩目的实为一幅气势磅礴的北京城全景图。

    Shot more than 150 years ago , the 18 pictures reveal a Chinese capital long since gone .

  10. 火车现在正迅速地临近北京城。

    The train is now rapidly approaching the city of Beijing .

  11. 老北京城作为人类历史文化遗产,需要进行整体保护。

    Old Beijing as a human cultural heritage needs whole protection .

  12. 论永定河与北京城的关系

    On the relationship between the Yongding River and Beijing city

  13. 北京城轨交通信息交换平台的研究

    Research of Information Exchange Platform for Beijing Urban Rail Transit

  14. 我们这个村子可能离北京城最远。

    Our village is perhaps the farthest from the city of Beijing .

  15. 北京城近郊区湖泊营养状态评价

    Appraisal of Nutrition Condition on the Lakes in Beijing City and Suburb

  16. A对呀,比赛贯串北京城。

    A Yes , the race goes all through Beijing .

  17. 北京城轨综合信息查询系统的研究

    Integrated Information Query System in Beijing Urban Rail Transit

  18. 自那以后,八喜逛了大半个北京城。

    From then on Bashi toured three-fourths of beijing .

  19. 再说古北京城的整体保护

    On the conversation of the old city of Beijing

  20. 数字重建:点击北京城记忆

    Virtually Reconstruct : Click on the Memory of Beijing

  21. 北京城地域沿革及发展思考

    Approach to regional evolution and development of Beijing City

  22. 北京城近郊区土壤对镉的吸附特征研究

    Research on Adsorption Characters of Cadmium in Soils from the Suburbs of Beijing

  23. 民族大迁移造就了北京城

    Great Migration of Nationalities Produced the City of Beijing

  24. 民族大迁移,尤其是少数民族大迁移造就了北京城。

    Great migration of nationalities esp. ethnic minorities produced the city of Beijing .

  25. 从天坛、故宫、北京城的建筑设计看《周易》与中国古代建筑文化

    Book of Changes and the Ancient Chinese Architectures Culture

  26. 民国年间北京城庙市与城市市场结构

    The temple fairs and the urban market structure in Peking during Min Guo period

  27. 我明白你的意思。马拉松比赛将环绕北京城举行。

    B I know what you mean . It will go all round Beijing .

  28. 一年里多数时候,北京城都为一层灰蒙蒙的污染物所笼罩。

    For much of the year a grey blanket of pollutants shrouds the city .

  29. 北京城的胡同与民居

    Lane and Folk House in Beijing City

  30. 明清都城北京城建筑象征的文化解释

    The Cultural Interpretation of Beijing Construction Symbolism & The Capital of Ming and Qing Dynasty