
  • 网络fractal structure
  1. 根据浓缩风能型风力发电机的形体结构,设计了由风向标、PLC可编程控制器、小型直流继电器、直流减速电动机、蜗轮蜗杆减速机等组成的闭环控制系统。

    Was designed according to the feature of structure of the concentrated wind energy turbine .

  2. 卫浴水龙头设计的形体结构形式及情感表达

    Physical structure and emotional expression on the design of bathroom faucets

  3. 4提出了陶瓷摇臂的设计原则、参数化CAD建模方法和基于有限元分析的形体结构优化设计方法。

    Research continued on advancing the design principles of ceramic rocker arm together with its parametric CAD modeling and FEA-based shape optimization methods .

  4. 基于红外图像重建飞机三维形体结构技术的研究

    Study on 3D Reconstruction of Plane Structures Based on Infrared Images

  5. 汉字的形体结构与辩证思维

    The Form and Structure of Chinese Characters and Dialectic Thinking

  6. 浅析油画的色彩与形体结构

    Analysis of the Coloring and Figure of Oil Paintings

  7. 研究了基于红外图像重建飞机三维形体结构的技术,并在理论研究基础上开发了三维重建系统。

    Studies the 3D reconstruction technique of 3D object structure from infrared images .

  8. 随著时间持续推移,汉字的形体结构,一直处于变动不居的状态。

    The formal structures of word-characters have undergone continuous change through the ages .

  9. 汉字形体结构中的文化信息特征

    Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Characters ' Form and Structure

  10. 在汉字的造字方法、形体结构、书写形式之中都蕴涵着种种美的因素。

    The method of making Chinese character , and it structures and writing forms contain varied beauty .

  11. 提出了一种基于单形体结构本质属性的几何定理并将其应用于线性解混。

    A new theorem about the nature of simplex was proposed and applied to spectral linear unmixing .

  12. 其所以转化,同汉字形体结构的发展变化有关。

    The derivation has a bearing on the development of the form and structure of Chinese characters .

  13. 同时,方块壮字作为一种少数民族文字,其形体结构反映了壮民族独特的造字思维。

    Meanwhiles , it is a kind of minority character , reflecting the Zhuang 's unique word-formation thought .

  14. 形体结构是绘画艺术中最具辩证关系、最具隐喻倾向,也是最见功力的部分。

    Shape structure is the most dialectical , most metaphorical , and mostartistical part in the art of painting .

  15. 中医体质学说是在中医理论思想主导下强调的是个体在形体结构与生理功能方面的特性、特质。

    The doctrine of TCM constitution emphasizes the individual characteristics of the physical structure and physiological function of character .

  16. 文中通过分析这些部首的成字性、能产性和形体结构,对它们做了一定程度的探讨,最后归纳出540部中的合理部首和不合理部首。

    Through analyzing the productive and physical structure of these radicals , it summarized the reasonable and unreasonable radicals from 540 .

  17. 许慎把六书理论贯穿于全书的始终,把所收九千多字按六书逐一对号入座,通过分析汉字的形体结构,来阐述字义和造字方法。

    Through analysing the physique structure of Chinese characters , he explained the meaning of words and the methods of making words .

  18. 甲骨文后来演变成金文、大篆,金文和大篆的形体结构松散而不稳定,且地区差异大,尚未定形。

    Later , inscriptions on bones developed into Jinwen and dazuan , which were loosely structural and were not setting for area differences .

  19. 素描创作的关键在于正确把握形体结构和构成关系,对整体造型进行深刻地感受和认识。

    The hinge of sketch drawing depends on correct shape structure and form relations and on the understanding and grasp of the overall composition .

  20. 20世纪初出现的一个艺术流派。它抛弃传统现实,强调艺术作品的形体结构,即同时性、多角度性及扭曲的视角。

    A style of art that departs from traditional reality , and emphasizes multifaceted , simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives . ( early20th century )

  21. 每一细胞周围的空间充满了象麸质一样高蛋白并持有形体结构的细胞间质。

    Much like gluten , the space surrounding each cells is filled with a substance that is high in protein and holds the structure of the form together .

  22. 本文采用有限元法,就三维楔形体结构对带自由表面流场的撞水过程进行了数值模拟。

    By means of finite element method , a numerical simulation of water impact is proceeded for a three-dimensional wedge-shaped structure impacting on the fluid field with a free-surface .

  23. 为了用计算机显示汉字的笔顺,需要对汉字的基本结构(包括汉字笔画分类、汉字形体结构分类和汉字笔顺规则等)进行基本研究。

    Studying the basic structure of Chinese character , including the regularity of the order , the classification of the strokes in order to display character strokes on the computer .

  24. 从民族乐器美学、表演艺术、技法流派,直至形体结构都是不停地改进、发展、创新、完善的。

    From the esthetics of national musical instrument , performing art and technique school to the physique structure , the style does not stop improving , developing , innovating and consummating .

  25. 汇集各方努力,我们相信雷生春的形体结构、历史信息和文化价值将能得以妥善地保存,并能带来社会、经济及教育效益。

    With concerted effort from members of the community , Lui Seng Chun will surely be preserved with its physical attributes and cultural significance , and bring about social , economic and educational benefits .

  26. 将汉字的文化因素融入到汉字教学中的技巧有以形体结构为突破口、重现繁体字、延伸深层文化、以点带面掌握规律。

    The skills of teaching Chinese character related to the cultural factors are the shape and structure as a breakthrough , reproducing complex characters , extending deep culture , understanding and applying the rules .

  27. 当煅烧温度上升至1200和1300℃时,-Al2O3和无定形体结构的微晶全部转变为-Al2O3。

    The contents of - Al2O3 and amorphous solid decrease with the rise of calcining tempe - rature , and they are completely transformed into - Al2O3 when the temperature increased up to 1200 ℃ .

  28. 更多的研究表明,脊椎动物在进化过程中很可能发生过整体基因组的复制,基因和/或基因组的复制可能是引起脊椎动物形体结构复杂性增加的根本原因。

    Increasing researches suggest that the whole genome duplication probably have occurred during the process of vertebrates evolution , gene and / or genome duplication be probably the reason of the complexity of vertebrate body structure .

  29. 其形体结构、发育模式和基因组都代表了脊椎动物最简单的模式,为研究脊椎动物免疫的起源和免疫基因的进化提供了一个最理想的实验动物模型。

    Amphioxus represents the simplest model of the vertebrate morphogenesis , development pattern and genome structure and gives us a good animal model to study the origin of vertebrate immune system and the evolution of immune-related genes .

  30. 在汉字形体结构研究中,汉字构件功能研究无论是就其符号独特体系,还是汉字构件在表意和识认中的独特功用,都具有十分重要的意义。

    In the study of the form and structure of Chinese characters , it is of great significance to study the structural components , including their unique symbol system or their unique function of expressing and recognition .