
  • 网络Morphological development;morphogenesis
  1. 目的比较TRH、EGF与地塞米松对未成熟胎肺形态发育及表面活性物质水平的影响。

    Objective To compare the effects of TRH , EGFand Dexamethasone ( Dex ) on the morphogenesis and the levels of premature fetal lungs .

  2. 产前给药沐舒坦、地塞米松对大鼠胎肺形态发育的影响

    Effects of antenatal ambroxol and dexamethasone on rat fetal lung morphogenesis

  3. 用形态发育指标预测月经初潮年龄的研究&Cox线性Logistic模型的应用

    Prediction of Age of Menarche from Indices of Morphological Development : Application of Cox 's Logistic Model

  4. 银杏(Ginkgobiloba)叶的形态发育与演化

    Development and Evolution of Leaves of Ginkgo Biloba

  5. 本文通过胚胎腹侧中脑和纹状体联合培养研究纹状体对中脑多巴胺(DA)神经元形态发育的影响。

    The effects of striatal target cells on morphological development of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons were studied using coculture method .

  6. 显微镜下观察结果显示MTX处理组斑马鱼心脏发育延迟,并有心脏形态发育明显异常。

    The retardant cardiac development and the evidently abnormal cardiac morphology was found in the MTX treatment group .

  7. 在动物体早期形态发育过程中,5-HT作为一种发育的信号,调控配子的发生、早期卵裂过程和细胞的分化等功能的发挥。

    Besides , 5-HT in earlier form of animal body development as a kind of growth signal , control the development of the gametophyte , process of early merogenesis and differentiation of cells .

  8. 同时,在不同温度下,花后10d的水稻籽粒胚乳中央的淀粉体,其形态发育出现明显差异。

    The differences of starch grain morphological development in the central part of grain endosperm were about 10 days after blossom under different temperatures .

  9. 有研究表明EDA基因在小鼠的口腔上皮以及帽状期牙胚的外釉上皮中表达,EDA基因的突变可引起釉结节的发育异常,推测EDA基因在调控小鼠牙齿的形态发育中占有重要作用。

    Recent researches show that EDA gene was expressed in the oral epithelial and outer enamel epithelial of murine tooth germ in the cap stage . Mutation of EDA gene would cause the abnormal development of enamel knot .

  10. 结果表明:烟株形态发育和产质量以移栽深度12cm结合团棵后揭膜的处理表现最好,其烟叶内在品质也较协调。

    The results showed that transplant depth was 12 cm and removing film at bird nest stage was conducive to the promotion of yield and intrinsic quality .

  11. 在山西五寨县对中间锦鸡儿Caraganaintermedia的结实习性进行研究,研究结果表明:在种子发育过程中,豆荚和种子形态发育规律并不一致;

    Fruit habit of Caragana intermedia Kuang was studied in Wuzhai county of Shanxi province . The result indicated that during seed development , the development law of pod shape is inconsistent with that of seed .

  12. 利用扫描电子显微镜术和光学显微镜术研究了黄檗(PhellodendronamurenseRupr.)的珠孔塞和珠孔的形态发育和花粉管在雌蕊中的路径。

    The developmental morphology of the obturator and micropyle and the pathway of the pollen tubes in the ovarian locule in Phellodendron amurense Rupr . have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy .

  13. BPA兼有雌激素和抗雄激素样活性,围生期母体BPA暴露可影响雄性子代大鼠大脑皮层的结构,以及大脑皮层和海马神经元的形态发育,说明发育中的脑是对BPA敏感的靶器官。

    BPA has both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic action . Perinatal exposure to BPA profoundly disrupts structure and development of the brain cortex and the morphological development of hippocampal neuron . It means that the developing brain is a sensitive target organ to BPA .

  14. 通过对中华蜜蜂工蜂的幼虫、蛹及成虫的蕈形体形态发育的观察研究,发现中华蜜蜂的蕈形体包含约1000个成神经细胞,它们最终形成了蕈形体的所有Kenyon细胞。

    Our studies , by using the Hematoxylin and eosin staining technique , show that the brain of a developing honey bee ( Apis cerana cerana ) contains approximately 1 000 neuroblasts which finally develop to the mushroom body intrinsic neurons ( Kenyon cells ) .

  15. 对家蚕躯体模式突变的研究不仅能够深入理解鳞翅目昆虫形态发育的相关基因及调控途径,了解Hox基因作用于昆虫躯体模式发育的重要调控网络,还为利用昆虫功能基因的研究奠定坚实的基础。

    Therefore , the study of silkworm body plan mutants can not only understand the development genes and regulation pathway of lepidoptera in depth , understanding the important regulation network of Hox genes in insect body development , also lay a foundation for functional use of insect genes .

  16. 常德维吾尔族学生身体形态发育现状比较研究

    A comparative study on sharp development of Uygur students in Changde

  17. 蒙古族与日本学生1985-2005年身体形态发育趋势研究

    Physical Morphological Development Trend Between Mongolian and Japanese Students During 1985-2005

  18. 盐酸氨溴索、地塞米松对大鼠胎肺形态发育影响

    The effect of ambroxol and dexamethasone on the rat lung morphogenesis

  19. 背角无齿蚌稚蚌形态发育与生长特性

    Morphological development and growth characteristics of the juvenile of Anodonta woodiana

  20. 烟草内源细胞分裂素变化与植株形态发育的初步研究

    Relationship between endogenous cytokinin and morphological development in transgenic tobacco plants

  21. 三倍体卵巢形态发育异常,不能成熟。

    The ovaries of triploid rainbow trout developed abnormally and immaturely .

  22. 长江鱼类早期形态发育与种类鉴别

    Early Morphogenesis and Species Identification of Fishes in Yangtze River

  23. 凉薯肉质根形态发育的解剖观察

    An anatomic observation of fleshy root morphogenesis of pachyrhizus erosus

  24. 牦牛妊娠早期胚胎及胎儿形态发育的研究

    Study on Embryo and Fetal Morphology Development during Early Pregnancy in Yaks

  25. 赤点石斑鱼的胚胎和仔鱼形态发育

    Observations on the development of egg and larvae of red spotted grouper

  26. 中国7~18岁汉族学生形态发育的横断面调查

    Cross-sectional study on growth and development of Chinese Han students

  27. 单独使用沐舒坦对大鼠胎肺表面活性物质及胎肺形态发育的影响

    Effect of ambroxol on pulmonary surfactant and lung morphogenesis of fetal rats

  28. 新疆蒙古族青年身体形态发育的研究

    Study on the physical development of the youth of mongolian in Xinjiang

  29. 水稻幼穗离体组织培养的形态发育研究

    Studies on the morphological development in young panicle culture of rice in vitro

  30. 纹状体对体外培养中脑多巴胺神经元形态发育的影响

    Effects of striatal cells on morphological development of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons in vitro