
xínɡ shì yǔ yán lǐ lùn
  • formal language theory
  1. 基于形式语言理论的ActiveXML重写算法

    Active XML Rewriting Algorithm Based on Formal Language Theory

  2. 形式语言理论、学习理论与演化动力学&语言进化论框架下的英语学习

    EFL Learning : Formal Language Theory , Learning Theory and Evolutionary Dynamics

  3. 自动机及形式语言理论在网络分析中的应用

    The applications of automata and languages theory in network analysis

  4. 本文在比较成熟的形式语言理论(特别是指称语义)的基础上,提出了程序设计语言间转换的初步理论,其中包括:不同语言语法域间的等价性;

    Based on mature theories of the formal language and denotational seman -

  5. 自动机与形式语言理论对于计算机系统及其语言、软件的发展具有重要的影响,它还广泛的用于生命科学,生物化学,心理学,语言学等学科。

    Automata and formal languages have shown their importance for the devel-opment of computer science and its programming languages as well as softwares , moreover , they become extensively applied to the field such as life sciences , bio-chemistry , psychology and linguistics .

  6. 当今自动机理论及其相关的形式语言的理论得到了高度的发展,由其衍生出的知识也层出不穷。

    Automata theory and the closely related theory of formal languages form nowadays such highly developed and diversified body of knowledge .

  7. 这与将语言单位之间内部关系的研究放在首要位置的形式主义语言理论截然不同。

    This is strikingly different from formal linguistic theory which focuses on studying the relations between the linguistic units within the linguistic system .

  8. 本系列文章应用形式语言及自动机理论技术,系统地探讨了DNA分子的可计算性及其计算能力。

    The series papers systematically discuss the computability and the computational capacity of DNA molecular using the formal language and automata theory .

  9. 在形式语言和自动机理论研究中,Fuzzy语言显得特别重要,而Fuzzy正则语言是Fuzzy形式语言的核心部分,是自动机理论与实际相结合的一个桥梁。

    Fuzzy language is very important in the theory of formal languages and automata . The theory of fuzzy regular languages is the central part of the theory of fuzzy formal languages , and it connects the theory of automata with practice .

  10. 自20世纪50年代Chomsky创立形式语言与自动机理论以来,计算语言学研究已经历了近半个世纪的发展历程,取得了丰硕成果。

    Since N. Chomsky constructed the theory of Formal Language and Automaton in the fifties of the 20th century , a great progress has been made in the study of Computational Linguistics ( CL ) .

  11. 译码采用了编译原理的形式语言与自动机理论,实现数控加工程序的编译和错误查找功能。

    The decoding function has used the formal language and the automaton theory .

  12. 本文基于形式语言与自动机理论,主要对钢筋标识串的自动识别进行了研究。

    Based on the formal language and automaton theory , this paper mainly studies the automatic recognition of steel character symbol .

  13. 它在形式语言与自动机理论、图的可达性和路径优化等方面都有很重要的应用。

    It has very important application in formal languages and automata theory , the reachability of graphics and the route optimization .

  14. 整个模型系统的实现是以形式语言和自动机理论为理论基础,借鉴了编译系统的功能实现方法。

    The whole achievements of this model system base on the formal language and automaton theories and the whole model system draws lessons from compiler system .

  15. 通过语言存在于言语中,言语是语言的表现形式这一语言理论,我们认为研究语言要从观察言语入手。

    Through the language theory of " the language is in the spoken language , the spoken language is the language manifestation ", we thought that research language must obtain from the spoken language .

  16. 阐述了语言迁移的概念、表现形式,以及语言迁移理论的发展过程,对语言迁移理论做系统的介绍。

    There will be three sections in this dissertation . The first section introduces the theory of language transfer , which includes its definition , its form and its development .

  17. 因此应进一步扩大历时因素的作用,将语言的历时演变机制作为更加基本和稳固的共性形式纳入语言共性研究理论。

    The author thus claims to take the role of diachrony one step further , by proposing that the diachronic changing mechanisms are the more basic and stable universals , and should be taken into the theories on linguistic universals .