
  • 网络software crisis
  1. 软件危机一直是软件开发者的噩梦,而随着Web技术的推广和应用,软件危机在Web应用系统开发中也表现的愈加明显。

    Software crisis , which has been being the nightmare to software developer , goes worse with the promotion and application of Web technology .

  2. 在多项国家级课题资助下形成的PAR方法正是克服上述软件危机,提高软件可靠性和开发效率的简单有效的形式化开发方法。

    The PAR method is a simple and effective method to resolve software crisis and improve software 's development efficiency and reliability .

  3. 本文介绍了软件危机的发生和软件复用的思想,提出在MIS软件中应用软件复用技术的必要性和具体实现方案。

    The paper introduces the Software Crisis and the theory of Software Reuse , brings forward the necessity and the solution of applying the technology of Software Reuse in MIS .

  4. 信息技术方面,主要是从20世纪60年代软件危机以来针对软件复用进行的研究,出现了面向对象、组件、UML、CORBA等技术。

    As to the information technology , it is mainly focus on the reusability of software since the software crisis in 1960s . As a result many technologies appear such as object-oriented technology , component , UML , CORBA and so on .

  5. 自1968年FritzBauer第1次提出软件危机的概念以来,软件工业一直被生产效率低下、产品质量不高、开发成本巨大、开发周期过长等问题困扰,这已经成为限制软件企业发展的重要原因。

    Since Fritz Bauer put forward the concept of software crisis in 1968 , software industries have been troubled by problems of low production efficiency , low product quality , high production cost and long development cycle .

  6. 解决软件危机的最佳途径之一是复用技术。

    Software reuse is one of effective approaches to solve it .

  7. 从60年代以来,人们一直受到软件危机的困扰。

    People have been puzzled by software crisis since 60 's.

  8. 系统化复用被认为是解决软件危机的重要途径。

    Systemic reuse is considered as an important solution to software crisis .

  9. 针对软件危机,基于构件的软件开发方法被提出来。

    For software crisis , Component-based Software Development is an effective way .

  10. 软件危机的技术和经济分析

    The Technique and Economic Analysis of the Software Crisis

  11. 软件危机的出现制约了软件规模的进一步发展。

    The software crisis restricted the development of software .

  12. 体系结构研究的兴起源于软件危机。

    The rise of the system structure research comes from the software crisis .

  13. 而软件危机的出现使得这个基础设施变得不太牢固。

    But appearance of software crisis breaks this base .

  14. 软件危机依然存在,仍在制约着软件领域的发展。

    The software crisis is still widely exist . It seriously restricts software development .

  15. 软件危机现象与面向对象方法分析

    Analysis of software crisis phenomenon and object-oriented method

  16. 自从软件危机提出后,软件质量的重要性有了空前的提升,很多专家都致力于研究软件质量保证过程等方面的研究。

    Many experts have begun to do research on the assurance of software quality .

  17. 论解决软件危机的几种常用软件设计方法

    On of often used software development methods in software engineering for resolving software crisis

  18. 软件危机及其应对措施探讨

    Software Crisis and It 's Solution Measures

  19. 从60年代“软件危机”爆发至今,人们一直经受着“软件危机”的困扰。

    Since software crisis broke out in60 's , people have been puzzled by it .

  20. 它着重研究从技术措施和组织管理两个方面来解决软件危机。

    Its main idea to solve the software crisis underline on technical measures and organizational management .

  21. 为了解决软件危机,软件工作者们已经发明了许多优秀的软件开发过程。

    For solving the software crisis , software developers have invented many excellent software development processes .

  22. 作为解决软件危机有效方式的软件复用,越来越得到人们广泛的关注。

    As an effective way to solve software crisis , software reuse has been more widespread concern .

  23. 为了解决软件危机,人们提出了软件复用思想并对其进行了不懈的研究。

    To conquer software crisis , theory of software reuse is presented and has been under study .

  24. 中国的软件危机

    Software crisis in China

  25. 软件危机持续了40年之久,至今仍无法得以很好地解决。

    The software crisis has lasted for 40 years , and yet no good solution has been found .

  26. 但是,上世纪70年代出现的软件危机一直困挠着软件行业。

    However , software crisis has still handicapped the development of software line from the last 70s ' .

  27. 近年来人们认识到,要真正解决软件危机,实现软件的工业化生产是切实可行的途径。

    People recently realized that making software industrialization actualized was the feasible way to resolve software crisis really .

  28. 近年来,为解决软件危机,面向对象的构件化技术蓬勃发展。

    In recent years , in order to resolve software crisis , object-oriented component software technology is developing rapidly .

  29. 众所周知,软件危机极大地阻碍了软件工业的发展。

    As is known to us all , the worsening crisis of software greatly disturbs the development of software industry .

  30. 为了摆脱软件危机,人们开始将项目管理的方法应用于软件项目中。

    In order to get rid of it , the method of Project Management has been applied in software projects .