
ruǎn yǐn liào
  • soft drink
软饮料 [ruǎn yǐn liào]
  • [soft drink] 不含酒精的饮料,如汽水、橘子水等

软饮料[ruǎn yǐn liào]
  1. 说到软饮料,可口可乐在英国是最大的畅销品牌。

    When it comes to soft drinks Coca-Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain .

  2. 我提议我们不仅要和那两个公司断绝关系,还要抛弃其他任何不涉及软饮料的业务。

    I suggested that we not only dump the two companies , but that we also should ditch any other business not involved in soft drinks .

  3. 给我来杯软饮料好吗?

    Can I have something non-alcoholic ?

  4. 该研究还预测低糖软饮料市场将迅猛增长。

    The study also forecast an explosion in the diet soft-drink market

  5. 软饮料中使用人造甜味剂。

    Artificial sweeteners are used in soft drinks .

  6. 收集软饮料瓶。你可以卖掉收集到的瓶子,然后用这些钱买一个新篮球。

    Collect soft drink bottles.You can sell the collected bottles and use the money to buy a new basketball .

  7. 我喜欢喝软饮料。

    I 'd prefer a soft drink .

  8. 加入WTO后中国软饮料业的应对策略

    Countermeasure about Soft Drink Industry of China Under the WTO

  9. 软饮料的包装采用合成材料PET,也就是聚乙烯对苯二酸制成。

    Soft drinks bottles made from the synthetic material PET , or polyethylene-terephthalate .

  10. PVC薄膜味觉传感器阵列对调味品和软饮料的识别

    Recognition of Condiments and Soft Drinks with PVC Membrane Taste Sensor Array

  11. 在每一商业类别中只允许有一家TOP赞助商:软饮料方面是可口可乐,电视方面是松下,等等。

    Only one TOP sponsor is allowed in each commercial category : Coca-Cola for soft drinks , Panasonic for televisions and so on .

  12. 眼前有一个很好的例子drpepper,我最喜欢的一种软饮料。

    A great example of this right now is my favourite soft drink , Dr Pepper .

  13. XO软饮料公司搬迁到天津以降低成本。

    XO Soft moved to Tianjin to cut costs .

  14. 今年1月,它与曼联(ManchesterUnited)足球俱乐部签署三年赞助合同,根据交易,娃哈哈出资赞助,换取在中国的软饮料广告中使用曼联名称和肖像的权利。

    In January it signed a three-year sponsorship deal with Manchester United , paying for the right to use the football club 's name and images in its soft-drink advertisements in China .

  15. HUI毛利集团由11家公司组成,共同出口包括葡萄酒、麦卢卡蜂蜜、水果条、软饮料等产品,这些毛利品牌产品将在天猫全球购平台进行销售。

    The Maori Collective comprises 11 companies exporting things like wine , manuka honey , fruit bars and a soft drink , and all using China 's Tmall Global e-commerce platform .

  16. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)投放了一个广告,展示一位人气高的女星戳穿这种软饮料会使人发胖、腐蚀牙齿以及含有过多咖啡因等荒诞说法,但这个决定取得了适得其反的效果。

    But Coca-Cola 's decision to make an advertisement showing a popular actress busting the myths that the soft drink is fattening , teeth-rotting and overly caffeinated has backfired .

  17. 北美地区之所以独特,一是因为其成熟度(碳酸饮料销售停止增长),二是因为可口可乐的软饮料、果汁和矿泉水业务与装瓶商coca-colaenterprises(cce)是独立经营的。

    The region is unique both because of its maturity ( fizzy drink sales are not growing ) , and because Coke developed its soft drink , juice and fountain businesses separately from bottler Coca-Cola Enterprises .

  18. 本研究探讨软饮料中的人工甜味剂对人类葡萄糖、胰岛素和GLP-1的作用。

    In this study , we examined the effect of artificial sweeteners in a commercially available soft drink on glucose , insulin , and GLP-1 in humans .

  19. 一些游戏公司大获成功后都考虑尽可能地将名气变现,比如开发《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)的芬兰公司Rovio就将游戏形象授权给了从软饮料到鱼竿等各种品牌。

    Some games companies that enjoy big success have looked to cash in as much as possible - such as Finland 's Rovio , which has licensed Angry Birds to brands from soft drinks to fishing rods .

  20. 跨栏选手米歇尔·詹尼克(MichelleJenneke)可能连决赛都进不去,但由于习惯于在比赛开始前跳扭臀舞,她已经在YouYube上引起轰动,其形象还登上了里约的软饮料广告牌。

    Though she may not even make the final , hurdler Michelle Jenneke has become a YouTube sensation and is plastered onsoft-drink billboards in Rio thanks to a hip-wiggling dance she does before thestart of races .

  21. 除了卖茶叶,茶商还对茶叶进行蒸馏和提炼,并将这些精华加入到口香糖、软饮料和润肤露中,在亚洲,神早还加入到KITKAT棒棒糖中。

    In addition to selling green tea leaves , tea merchants have distilled the brew 's essence and added it to gum , soft drinks and skin creams-even , in Asia , to Kit Kat candy bars .

  22. Kennewell对软饮料的上瘾甚至使他得了败血症。

    Mr Kennewell 's addiction to the sugary drink even left him with blood poisoning .

  23. Packer博士还强调:“软饮料行业应该在所有年龄组人群中提倡安全和适度饮用,并减少其广告宣传,留意越来越多的对更健康饮料的需求。”

    Packer stresses that " the soft drink industry needs to promote safe and moderate use of its products for all age groups , reduce serving sizes , and pay heed to the rising call for healthier drinks . "

  24. 因此,伊拉克软饮料企业(ISDFs)的有效运营被选为本研究的因变量。

    Thus , efficient operations of ( ISDFs ) have been used in this study as the dependent variable .

  25. 在与中方合作伙伴娃哈哈(wahaha)的争执中,法国达能集团(danone)昨日取得了部分胜利,因娃哈哈创建人宗庆后已经宣布辞去双方软饮料合资公司的董事长一职。

    Danone won a partial victory yesterday in its dispute with Chinese partner Wahaha when Zong Qinghou , the founder of the Chinese company , resigned as chairman of their soft drinks joint venture .

  26. 其它软饮料消费量为200~400ml时,幼儿体重和身高的增长和发育状况较理想;

    The children who consumed 200-400ml / day of other soft drinks had perfect increments and the developmental levels of weight and height .

  27. 公共利益科学中心的执行理事MichaelJacobson说道:我们要求FDA禁止可乐,当然也包括其他软饮料和食品添加焦糖色素。

    We 're asking the FDA to ban the use of caramel coloring that 's used in colas and certain other soft drinks and a variety of other foods , said Michael Jacobson , Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest .

  28. 澳大利亚人口口腔健康研究中心高级研究员JasonArmfield博士呼吁人们认识软饮料饮用对牙齿健康的危害。

    Dr Jason Armfield , senior research fellow with the Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health has called for health warnings on soft drink labels to include the risks of tooth decay .

  29. Kennewell认为针对软饮料的健康警告是个好主意,不过他担心这种呼吁能起到多大效果。

    Mr Kennewell agreed that health warnings on soft drinks was a good idea - but he wondered how effective they would be .

  30. 成功投标230万美元与沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)共进午餐的人们,可以期待一段欢乐的时光,充满了笑料、投资智慧和人生建议,但他们最好盯紧自己的软饮料——这是往年的中标者介绍的“经验”。

    The folks who successfully bid $ 2.3m for lunch with Warren Buffett can expect a convivial event filled with jokes , investment wisdom and life advice , according to those who have won in previous years - but they had better keep an eye on their soft drinks .