
  • 网络China Border;Borders of China
  1. 中国边界北部远达漠河。

    China 's border is as far north as mohe .

  2. 墨西哥和缅甸中国边界附近分别发生7.2级地震。

    The earthquakes of magnitude 7 . 2 respectively struck Mexico and the Sino-Burmese border .

  3. 阿拉木图苏联中亚东南部的城市,接近中国边界,在巴尔喀什湖以南。

    A city of southeast Central Asian U.S.S.R.near the Chinese border south of Lake Balkash .

  4. 高墙首次建设是为了在中国边界防御外敌入侵村庄。

    Walls were first built to keep invaders away from the farming villages on the Chinese border .

  5. 当她们三月份在北韩的中国边界地区拍摄录像时,北韩士兵逮捕了她们。

    North Korean soldiers arrested the two Americans in March , as they were gathering video footage in the area of North Korea 's Chinese border .

  6. 中国的边界和越南相接。

    China has a frontier with Vietnam .

  7. 单粒子束精确定位照射装置在CR-39膜上刻蚀中国地图边界研究

    Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film

  8. 最高峰在Kakshaal-Too山脉,形成了与中国的边界。

    The highest peaks are in the Kakshaal-Too range , forming the Chinese border .

  9. 美国没有在中国的边界集结军队。

    America 's troops are not massed on China 's borders .

  10. 论中国解决边界争端的模式&以中缅、中俄关系为例

    On the Models of Territorial Dispute with the Neighbouring Countries : Taking Sino-Burma and Sino-Russia Relations as Examples

  11. 其中,作为中亚地区面积最大的国家,哈萨克斯坦同中国的边界线也最长。

    Kazakhstan , being the largest country in the Central Asian region , has the longest border line with China .

  12. 当汉初时,汉朝的战士们,与一些迁移不定的部落交战,这些部落居住于中国西北边界之外。

    In the beginning of the dynasty , the soldiers went in war with migrating tribes which took the part beyond the northwest of China as their home range .

  13. 周日,辛格在出发前发表声明表示,和中国签署边界合作协议是此次出访北京的首要议题。

    In a statement upon departure from New Delhi on Sunday , Singh said that the proposed border cooperation agreement with China will top the agenda during his visit to Beijing .

  14. 观测表明,当冬季盛吹北风时,在南中国海西边界附近将形成一支向南的急流,在一定条件下这支急流可弯曲成波动甚至形成涡旋。

    In observation , there is a southward jet in the western boundary of the South China Sea ( SCS ), when the north wind is strong in winter . The jet stream can bend into wave , even eddy under certain conditions .

  15. 结果表明:中国地区边界层气溶胶的吸收系数在10-6~10-3m-1之间,明显呈北高南低的趋势,四川盆地和贵州有一相对较高的中心。

    The results show that the absorption coefficients of ABL aerosols form 10 - 6 to 10 - 3 m - 1 are high ( low ) in north ( south ) with a pronounced high center at the Sichuan Basin and Guizhou Province .

  16. 虽然当下的中国大学边界具有外设性、趋同性、渗透性差等弱势,但未来的中国大学边界必是大学主导型边界、渗透性强的边界、保持维持与跨越合理张力的边界。

    Although contemporary Chinese university boundary has some weaknesses , such as designed by others , similarities and poor osmosis , the future Chinese university boundary must be self-designed , strong osmosis and the boundary that can keep a reasonable tension between maintaining and crossing it .

  17. 他们已经攻陷中国和朝鲜边界的一个区域。

    They 've seized the region by the Chinese and North Korea borders .

  18. 中国希望就边界问题进行适当谈判。

    China wanted the boundary properly negotiated .

  19. 近中国的北部边界生活,一名男子在熟悉的做法,道教。

    Near China 's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism .

  20. 我们很高兴地看到,在中国所有的边界线上,昔日的沉默和相互间的猜忌已被融洽的气氛和繁荣的景象所取代。

    All along China 's frontiers , the hostile silence and suspicion of the past have given way to harmony and prosperity .

  21. 中国的安全边界在今天已经显著扩大,不再局限于传统的领土安全范围。

    The security boundary of China has already remarkably expanded , and it is no longer limited to the traditional territory margin for safety .

  22. 地震还造成了精河县超过1000座房屋被毁,该地位于中国与哈萨克斯坦边界不远处。

    The quake has also damaged more than a thousand homes in Jinghe County , which is located close to the border with Kazakhstan .

  23. 珠穆朗玛峰位于中国和尼泊尔边界,它的海拔高度历来是有争议的话题。

    The height of the mountain , which lies on the border between China and nepal , has long been a subject of controversy .

  24. 中国近海底边界动力过程、颗粒物输运与物质交换的多时空尺度变化规律,奠定基础。

    The other is the multi spatial and temporal scale variation of BBL processes , particles transport and water-sediment exchange in Chinese coastal seas .

  25. 救援队从世界各地飞到了这次地震的震央在昨天,作为中国开放其边界,以对外援助为第一次。

    RESCUE teams from around the world flew to the earthquake epicentre yesterday as China opened its borders to foreign aid for the first time .

  26. 在关系取向的中国社会,边界人员私人关系可能是影响渠道成员关系的一个重要变量,不过这方面研究比较匮乏。

    Under relational orientation , personal relationship between boundary spanners may be an important variable that influences channel relationships , but few studies focus on this area .

  27. 此举曾引起各方担忧,即这批中国工人正在边界战争中被当作了政治棋子,这场战争可能使苏丹和南苏丹之间再度卷入冲突。

    This had raised fears the workers were being held as political pawns in a border war that threatens to draw Sudan and South Sudan back into conflict .

  28. 亚洲东部的一条河流;发源于北朝鲜,向西南流至朝鲜海湾,形成了北朝鲜和中国的部分边界。

    River in eastern Asia ; rises in North Korea and flows southwest to Korea Bay ( forming part of the border between North Korea and China ) .

  29. 在苏丹和南苏丹都已对石油业务大举投资的中国,正在边界两侧艰难地把握平衡,这方面的难度越来越大。

    China is navigating an increasingly difficult line in Sudan and South Sudan , where it has heavily invested in oil operations on both sides of the border .

  30. 上次印度与美国举行联合军事演习,是在一九六二年印度与中国发生短暂边界战争之后一年。

    The last time India conducted a joint military exercise with the United States was a year after a brief border war between India and China in 1962 .