
  • 网络china investment;china invest
  1. 随着中国投资公司(chinainvestmentcorporation)即将宣布第一阶段外包的结果,人们的注意力已经转向机构方面。

    Attention has turned to the institutional segment , with the China Investment Corporation set to announce the results of the first stage of its outsourcing .

  2. 中国投资公司(cic)董事长楼继伟无法掩饰自己的喜悦。

    Lou Jiwei , the head of China Investment Corp , cannot contain his glee .

  3. 中国投资公司尚未迎来其首个生日(该公司正在其网站上发布招聘广告),而卡塔尔投资局(qatarinvestmentauthority)的年龄仅比前者稍长。

    China Investment Corp has yet to celebrate its first birthday ( and is advertising on its website for staff ) while the Qatar Investment Authority is only slightly older .

  4. 一名美国财政部高官表示,CFIUS对待中国投资的态度,与对待其他国家毫无区别。

    A senior treasury official said that CFIUS treated investments from China no differently than it did any others .

  5. 本文通过投资强度聚合模型计算了中国投资基金自2001年第二季度到2007年第4季度共27个季度区间内度量投资基金行业投资策略羊群效应的指标HB指数。

    The paper calculates the HB index of Mutual Fund investment strategies of Chinese from the second quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2007 using a special model .

  6. B公司是澳大利亚最大的钢铁企业H集团下属的B多国公司在中国投资的外商独资企业。

    B Company is a foreign investment company under B multi-country Company , which belonging to the H Steel Group , the largest Steel enterprise in Australia . But the technology innovation of enterprises is so weak as to match with multi-country companies in China .

  7. 过去两年,中国投资公司(CIC)的投资重点,从对包括百仕通(Blackstone)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内的金融公司的美元投资,转向投资于大宗商品企业以及包括房地产在内的硬资产。

    In the past two years , CIC has shifted its emphasis from dollar investments in financial firms , including Blackstone and Morgan Stanley , to investments in commodities groups and hard assets including real estate .

  8. 普华永道(PwC)驻上海的任颖麟(AlanYam)表示:绝大多数外资企业在中国投资&不是出于税收原因,而是出于商业方面的理由,比如市场巨大,能够供应中国上游消费者等。

    An overwhelming majority of foreign companies invest in China – not because of tax reasons , but for business reasons , like the vast market and the ability to supply to upstream customers in China , said Alan Yam , of PwC in Shanghai .

  9. 中国投资商只要在美国任意地方&不论是郊区还是繁华都市出资50万美元并雇佣10名员工便能享受EB-5型的投资移民通行证,这便为最终获得绿卡奠定了道路。

    Chinese who invest as little as $ 500,000 and employ 10 people in a rural or struggling part of the US can secure EB-5 investor visa , which can lead to green cards .

  10. 西门子公司对在中国投资充满信心

    The Siemens company is full of confidence about investing in China

  11. 中国投资基金波动择时能力的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Volatility Timing Ability of China 's Investment Funds

  12. 是的,争夺中国投资的竞争正在升温。

    Indeed , the competition for Chinese investments is ramping up .

  13. 中国投资率高低之争凸显微观与宏观的背离

    Disputes Over Chinese Investment Rate Highlights Deviation of Micro-economy from Macro-economy

  14. 第一部分主要总结了投资基金制度创新的动因,并以此为参照,对中国投资基金的实践进行了分析。

    INVESTMENT Chapter One summarizes the creation of investment fund .

  15. 人为垄断下的超额利润、趋同化竞争与业间合作&兼论中国投资银行业务的现状、趋势及对策

    Extra Profit , Assimilating Competition and Cooperation Between Industries under the Artificial Monopoly

  16. 金融发展与中国投资增长&1981-2002年数据测算及初步分析

    Financial Development and Investment Growth in China : An Empirical Examination on Data 1981-2002

  17. 中国投资波动实证研究

    Positive Research on Investment Fluctuation of China

  18. 不过,随着中国投资的增长,一种不同的格局正在呈现出来。

    Yet as the stream of Chinese investments grows , a different dynamic is unfolding .

  19. 外商在中国投资的前景广阔

    Good prospects for foreign investment in China

  20. 电子商务与中国投资环境

    Electronic Commerce and Chinese Investment Environment

  21. 澳大利亚矿业邀请中国投资。

    Aussie mines invite Chinese investment .

  22. 但从长远来看,又不会放弃已在中国投资的轿车生产企业。

    But in the long run , they will not give up their investment in China .

  23. 1978年以来中国投资与消费比例关系变动趋势研究

    A Study on the Changing Trend of the Proportion between Investment and Consumption in China Since 1978

  24. 如果中国投资率大幅下降,那么全球实际利率可能需要进一步下降。

    If investment rates fell sharply in China , global real rates might need to fall still further .

  25. 北京奥的斯电梯有限公司成立于1992年。是奥的斯中国投资有限公司的全资子公司。

    Beijing OTIS Elevator Company was established in1992 and it is the wholly-owned company of Otis China Investment Co.

  26. 随着中国投资体制的改革,投资主体多元化,中国的风险投资产生、发展起来。

    With the reform of investment system in China , investment main part has become diversified and emerged and developed venture investment .

  27. 从韩国企业在中国投资的投资效果来看,对中国投资具有不稳定性。

    The amount of investment in China of Korea companies grew annually . In the view of investment effect , the investment is instable .

  28. 他们应该知道,大多数非洲人对中国投资心存感激,他们自私的愿望永远不能实现。

    They should know that the majority of the Africans are grateful for the Chinese investments and their selfish demands will never be satisfied .

  29. 讨论了跨国公司在中国投资项目的技术水平,以及技术在中国的转移和扩散效应。

    This paper analyze the technological level of industrial projects that the MNC have invested in China and the technological effect of transfer and dispersion .

  30. 一些分析人士认为,此举会加剧中国投资澳大利亚企业所造成的关系紧张,因为当地民众担心外国人会控制澳大利亚关键的获利资产。

    Some analysts believe the move could exacerbate tensions about Chinese investment in Australian firms , amid concerns about foreigners controlling vital and lucrative assets .